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I Love Breakups!

I read a quote the other day that said, “What if the Lord allows us to experience human failure in heartbreak so that we can better understand His...

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Locker Room Talk

Bella Robertson shares a powerful message on body image and positivity. Next time you are in the locker room and tempted to say something negative about your body, bite your tongue.

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What Is Love?

There is so much beauty in love. Jesus’ love is always kind, ever restoring. With Him, we have a ‘no matter what’ kind of love.

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Singled Out

Season of singleness can be full of sweet moments with the Lord. Christa Smith shares the loved from her heavenly Father that she experienced then. When, and if, the Lord decides to bring you that person, you’ll be so grateful that you waited and didn’t settle along the way—even when it would have been easy to do so.

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Striving for Love

Courtney from Team Live Original talks about pushing against the need to strive in this world because we belong to this world. We belong to Jesus. We don’t have to carry the burden of striving for love any longer, because Jesus already took care of that. You’re adopted to the kingdom.

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I Didn’t Find Love With My Head Over a Toilet

The journey of self-love and acceptance does not start by being able to look in the mirror and say a nice thing about yourself and believe you are pretty, although, I hope you can do that too! It starts with shifting your eyes off yourself and onto to the greatness of who God is, and what He thinks of you.

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Agape Love

But the more I choose Him, the more I choose His ways, the more I seek His smile and embrace throughout my every day, the more I choose to live to love Him, the more I realize that I no longer house a wave of emotions.

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Love is Selfless

Sacrifice is key. If you’re not sacrificing anything, even something as simple as your time, you have to ask yourself whether or not it’s really an act of love. Because remember, Jesus is our example.

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Let Love In

No, sweet friend, His love isn’t like the others you’ve known. He wants you just as you are, today. Brokenness and all. Anger and all. Emptiness and all. He will fix the broken. He will give you joy

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Be Brave and Wait

Maybe God meant for us to embrace our whole lives like we embrace Railroad rollercoasters, firework shows and Adventureland—brave, courageous, bold, aware, expecting, curious, with other people, and…. PATIENTLY.

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Don’t Withhold Love

Withholding love is withholding Jesus. It’s possible to show love to those who are different from us without compromising core convictions. You want people to see Jesus when they see you, even when you oppose their thoughts or ideals.

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Just Say No

Let’s shift our focus from pleasing people, to obeying God’s leadership, and He will undoubtedly give us the opportunity to serve people. When we’re free to serve people, instead of striving to please them, we will find ourselves bringing joy to others. Joy transcends happiness. It doesn’t waiver based on circumstances. That’s something that’s worth saying yes to.

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You Are His

Before anything else you’ve ever been, you were His. You are not what you do, or what you’ve done. You are not the model, the dancer, the singer, the actor, the speaker, the brains, the athlete or the muscles that come along with that. Although it’s easy to find temporary confidence in these things because they’re all things the world has a tendency to hold highly and admire, these things will never truly satisfy our soul or fulfill our purpose.

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Nothing can keep me from the love of Jesus. No reminder of past pain. No flashback of past losses. No threat from Satan. No thought of how unworthiness. God is teaching me to let go and let love in. To be loved is to receive freedom.

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You Are Wanted

He sees you as you are, everything – past, present and future, and wants you. And not only does He want you, but He has given everything up to have you. He is calling your name. He is holding His arms open to you, eyes on you, heart beating for you.

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We Are All Lovesick

God doesn’t want to take away our joy; He wants to give us more of it. He doesn’t want to take away our sexual desire; He wants to give us the context in which it works the best. God doesn’t want us to hate romance; He wants to introduce us to the greatest love story of all time.

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Love is Oxygen

The perfect Savior wanted to spend time with imperfect people, and he did this knowing he’d be there to witness firsthand their struggles and misfortunes.

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Love Intentionally

There are principles and truths from God’s Word that will keep us from so much of the unnecessary pain that can come from our culture’s casual, and often flippant idea of what dating, relationships and love should be.

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Don’t Play the Field

So here’s a new game plan. Instead of focusing and fixating on finding “the right one,” channel your energy into being “the right one”. As Matthew wrote, “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33).

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A Passionate Pursuit

I have noticed that the word passion has a new meaning in my life. It is a passion that is pure, and it is the very thing that fuels me to press past the feelings that rise up and make me fear the future.

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