This post is for every person who struggles with self-doubt or creative confidence. Friends, we believe that every human is designed to create and make things for God’s kingdom and that includes YOU.
LO Library Topic:
From the Deep Waters
Sadie Robertson talks about fear through the lens of King David. Learn to let God lead you into the unknown, through your fears, and into freedom.
Living Above Worry, Stress & Fear
Are you feeling stressed or burdened? Lauren Scruggs-Kennedy speaks on finding true rest and freedom at the feet of Jesus. By faith, we are able to cast off worry, stress, and fear by turning away from those negative feelings and turning to our all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-loving God.
Do you believe there is more?
Do you believe there is more to your story then what you currently see? Sadie Robertson speaks confidently into the fact that there is more to our story. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives inside of me…and can live inside of you.
He Is I AM
There’s a beautiful freedom in knowing that you are never alone and you are loved. Live Original is a team of encouragers who seek God first in all things.
Did God Really Say?
Do you really believe what God says is true? God is trustworthy. What He says is true. Always. 100% of the time. Yes, God really did say. Use your truth against the lies. Lead others to the path of righteousness, not down the broken path of sin.
Trusting God’s Plan
God can use our brokenness for His glory. Jeremiah 29:11 encourages us to believe in the hope that God has specific and beautiful plans for us. It took a long time to come to terms with the fact that God had a different plan. As hard as it was to believe, I realized that believing equals trust, and this was the ultimate test of my faith in trusting God.
Locker Room Talk
Bella Robertson shares a powerful message on body image and positivity. Next time you are in the locker room and tempted to say something negative about your body, bite your tongue.
Friends of Sinners
Rich Wilkerson Jr. from Vous Church reminds us of our identity and worth. He speaks of the power of God’s Word, that we are fearfully and wonderfully made.
What Is Love?
There is so much beauty in love. Jesus’ love is always kind, ever restoring. With Him, we have a ‘no matter what’ kind of love.
Creating an Atmosphere of Belief
We live in a world that needs to be changed by belief. How can we create an atmosphere of joy, celebration, and life around us? Does this sound familiar? Tune yourselves with Jesus.
What Do You Believe
What do you believe? Laney Redmon talks about the power of belief. She encourages us to believe even when there are still things we don’t understand.
The Sweetest Name
There is no greater picture of love than the life of Jesus. From his first cry, He was set apart—sent to redeem mankind, with the only thing that could ever make us whole; love. Sacrificial, unconditional, redeeming love.
Agape Love
But the more I choose Him, the more I choose His ways, the more I seek His smile and embrace throughout my every day, the more I choose to live to love Him, the more I realize that I no longer house a wave of emotions.
Love is Selfless
Sacrifice is key. If you’re not sacrificing anything, even something as simple as your time, you have to ask yourself whether or not it’s really an act of love. Because remember, Jesus is our example.
Let Love In
No, sweet friend, His love isn’t like the others you’ve known. He wants you just as you are, today. Brokenness and all. Anger and all. Emptiness and all. He will fix the broken. He will give you joy
Be Brave and Wait
Maybe God meant for us to embrace our whole lives like we embrace Railroad rollercoasters, firework shows and Adventureland—brave, courageous, bold, aware, expecting, curious, with other people, and…. PATIENTLY.
What If, God?
You don’t have to have it all figured out. None of us do. All you have to do is fall at the feet of the One who knows what you need. God will never lead you astray, even if the path seems rough. He knows where He’s leading you. Trust His heart—it is always good. So very good.
Less Of Me
We have to choose humility daily. It’s so easy to become focused on our own achievements, image and status, when we’re constantly being force-fed worldly self-improvement schemes. Every commercial, billboard and marketing strategy is directed towards YOU.
Cover Yourself With Truth
We live in a world where we’re CONSTANTLY being faced with things that could seem true, but are not true. So, we have to CONSTANTLY cover ourselves with what we KNOW is true, and that is only found in His word.
Live Fearless
Each of us has to come to a deep, personal realization that God has already conquered fear—and by the power of His Spirit, we can live completely free from fear.
Peace Be Still
Peace is not some personality trait. It’s not “here today and gone tomorrow.” Peace is not a last-ditch effort. True peace is a person, and His Name is Jesus. That Name remains the same yesterday, today and forever!
Establish deep roots in the Word of God, to prepare for what is ahead.
When We Can’t Change Our Circumstances
We can give all our thoughts of hurt, anger, unforgiveness and questions to God, He can handle it all. God’s power and ability to overcome is greater than our problems.
5 Things
I believe when we are five, the reason we are often times and weirdly our best and most fun self, is partly because of our childlike manner. But, I also think our confidence and freedom comes from the voices around us, and our parent’s protection over who is allowed to speak into our lives. We have voices of encouragement, voices of truth—voices telling us we are enough, voices tell us that we are beautiful just as we are, voices tell us how loved we are, voices telling us how to be strong when we feel weak or hurt, voices bringing out our originality, and voices disciplining us out of love.
Happy New Year
May we stay focused on you, Father, in the midst of all we have going on in our lives. You hold it all together, Father. Help us to remember we don’t have to.
Missing Things
Whatever you are struggling with, please know you are not alone. I pinkie promise you. I want to say words to comfort you, but sometimes they aren’t enough. Let Jesus be the gap filler. Let Him be the one to calm the storm.
Work hard to take care of yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually. Commit to growing a little bit each day, and learn to celebrate the little advancements you are making without comparing them to others.
When Christmas Is Hard
Christmas is Jesus coming down to be with me, telling me He sees my great pain, and He is there to carry it. He is coming to be my counselor when my thoughts are scattered, my peace in the storm, a strong and mighty warrior when the fight seems to hard, and a sweet comforter when the sorrow overwhelms me. He is God with me, in the loneliest of moments, and He is there in the midst of the hard of Christmas, to be our HOPE.
Dreaming God Dreams
Our Creator has given all of us this gift to see past where we are, dream of a better tomorrow, and be driven by a vision so much greater than anything we could ask or imagine.
Starting Fresh With Jesus
It’s incredible that when we feel so weak, His grace is enough. The grace I received that day pushed me onto a path of redemption
A Beautiful Gift
May we reflect Jesus in all that we do.
Come Let Us Adore Him
Deserving glory and honor, Jesus took on shame and sin. He lived his life for the Father–pointing everyone towards him with every word, action and deed. And then, He gave it all…for us. His life. It was the most brutal of sacrifices. He would be forever scarred for you and me, but oh, the joy he found in doing God’s will. Even as it hurt, even as it cost him all. He surrendered. He did it for God’s glory, He did it for us.
It’s the Same Blood
Nothing you have ever done or could ever do could ever qualify you or disqualify you for your destiny.
You do not have to try to impress anyone either. God made you in a unique way so you would have something great to offer the world around you. If you let the world shape you and influence you—instead of influencing it—you will miss the chance to share with others what God has given you.
Be Brave
So here it goes. A new season. A season of bravery. (Hopefully.) A season of clinging to the Lord because the truth is, I am desperate for Him. I want to be used by Him. But more importantly, I want to follow Him each day—whatever that looks like. To follow so closely to my Rabbi, that I’m covered by the dust of His feet.
Just Say No
Let’s shift our focus from pleasing people, to obeying God’s leadership, and He will undoubtedly give us the opportunity to serve people. When we’re free to serve people, instead of striving to please them, we will find ourselves bringing joy to others. Joy transcends happiness. It doesn’t waiver based on circumstances. That’s something that’s worth saying yes to.
Just Say No
In a culture that equates worth with busyness, we have to retrain our minds to know that there is power in rest. When we rest at the feet of Jesus, we won’t have to wonder what we should say yes to. He will lead us to the right opportunities, and He’ll give us the strength and energy to do them well. Let’s shift our focus from pleasing people, to obeying God’s leadership, and He will undoubtedly give us the opportunity to serve people.
Give Thanks
Today, I want us to do just that – to slow down, take the focus off of ourselves and give thanks to our Heavenly Father for who He is, and for all that He has done in our lives.
Beauty in Growth
eauty in Growth by Taylor Tippett- encouragement
“Allow yourself room to heal. You don’t have to be afraid of the messy kind of growth. Our pain makes us beautiful. Our pain creates joy. And joy helps us grow. Whatever that looks like for me and you; we can grow.
The Struggle May Be Real
I want to tell you right now…no matter what it is you are suffering from or how many options you have tried that didn’t work, or how many years you have been in the thick of it – there is an option left and His name is Jesus, and He has never lost a battle.
You Are His
Before anything else you’ve ever been, you were His. You are not what you do, or what you’ve done. You are not the model, the dancer, the singer, the actor, the speaker, the brains, the athlete or the muscles that come along with that. Although it’s easy to find temporary confidence in these things because they’re all things the world has a tendency to hold highly and admire, these things will never truly satisfy our soul or fulfill our purpose.
Thy Will Be Done
God knows we will pray for what we desire, and he longs for the moments we spend with him – but he asks that we rejoice in ALL things whether or not the outcome is what we hoped for.
He needs not to hold onto anything of my past, because His love is so powerful that it makes even me forget my past as it melts away in His kindness.
The Value of Hard Seasons
Suffering reminds us this world is not our home and that we were meant for so much more. God cares too much about our eternal happiness to get bogged down in this earthly mindset, and He often uses suffering to awaken our hearts to eternity.
Come Out of Hiding
You don’t have to cover up your scars – they are proof that God heals. Be who you are. Share your strengths and your struggles. Give the world the gift of YOU – it doesn’t need another copy of someone else. God created you with a unique set of gifts and talents.
Just Say No
In a culture that equates worth with busyness, we have to retrain our minds to know that there is power in rest. When we rest at the feet of Jesus, we don’t have to wonder what we should say yes to. He will lead us to the right opportunities, and He’ll give us the strength and energy to do them well. Let’s shift our focus from pleasing people, to obeying God’s leadership, and He will undoubtedly give us the opportunity to serve people.
I Never Measure Up
He is the soothing song that sings over my heart, and reminds me to stop striving and start thriving in His grace, love and truth. It’s in His love that we find purpose and it’s in a relationship with Jesus Christ that we find we will always measure up.
Get Your Hopes Up by Aly Taylor
Be brave. Be bold. Have what the world would call a “foolish faith” and sit and watch what God will do.
He Holds it All
God never intended for us to aimlessly live our lives running in circles. He has more for us than that, and I believe He’s waiting for us to jump out of our routines and allow Him to take over our schedules a bit
Kindness and Conviction
God’s dream for us is that we would choose Him and stay connected to his voice for all decisions in our lives. That we would walk with character & integrity, running from sin. And that when we fall, we would run to the Father of kindness and let him heal and rebuild us.
Finding Balance
He began to speak to me about how it was time to stop playing God. To give it all to Him and step back – step back and worship Him with no agenda, not asking for anything, but worship Him as a daughter who loves her Father and just wants to sit in His lap and let Him hold her.
One of my favorite things about Jesus is time management, and by that I mean this – Jesus ALWAYS had time for the one. People pulled, asked, and begged for his time. Crowds were waiting on him and yet, He had time for the right person/people at the right time. Jesus had TIME for the things that important for his role in the kingdom.
Dear Younger Me…
I would tell her to never give up. I would tell her that life can be overwhelming, but there is always a new day tomorrow.
Perfection is My Enemy
“I already know it’s not going to look good, so I’d rather not waste my time on it.” “I mean, I guess it’s good…but it’s not perfect so let’s try...
You have a choice. You can choose to believe in fear, or you can choose to believe in the faith of God.
Be Still and Know
We can speak life over our pain. We have to say, “You know what, I am not okay but Jesus is STILL good. He is still faithful. I can praise Him when I am in the valleys and when I am on the mountain tops.” Even when you don’t believe it: speak it. Read His promises. Let them be the feet to your steps.
Happy Today, Happy Tomorrow
Your thoughts, words, and actions will determine your life more than anything else—more than where you go to college, more than what you major in, and more than the first job you get.
Don’t Compromise
Getting to know God right now while you are single will prepare you for marriage and beyond. I’ll leave you with some wise words once spoken to me: Jesus will always be your main squeeze.
It’s Not About the Selfie
Let’s be ones that fill ourselves with ONLY Him, so that only HE will come out. He has shown me that if I focus whatever I may be doing on Him and not my self, He will guard my heart and mind.
Your Best You
My best advice is to find a teacher, a coach, a neighbor, or even a friend’s family member who will help you learn to take responsibility for yourself and to make good choices.
Dream Big
When you dream, don’t just think about a few things you might like to do someday if they work out. Get a real dream. Make it a big dream. Make it something you could never do by yourself, something that will stretch your faith, a dream that will give God a chance to do something huge for you.
Jesus In the Mosh Pit
Ministry isn’t about what WE can do for the kingdom, it’s about what GOD can do with a willing heart. Ask God to use whatever platform you have for his Glory, and no matter what the obstacle is, He will.
Fighting the Good Fight
Friends I have seen my Savior in action. And, I’ve not only seen Him take out my enemy. He has gently nursed me back to health and has thrown my mistakes into a sea of no return. He does not remind me of my mistakes like my enemy. I know the difference between their voices, and He is so kind and merciful.
Peace Be Still
When life knocks the wind out of me, I have found no better remedy than to fill myself up with words that are God breathed.
Wild for Worship
Don’t settle for weeds on the side of life’s trail. We serve a good father who longs to lavish us with fields of gold, with springs of everlasting water, if only we consciously serve and obey, and allow Him to remain where He belongs – as Shepherd, King and Lord of our life.
Pursuing Jesus by Audrey Roloff
So much of pursuing Jesus is about prioritizing Jesus.
I can’t help but think about how God must feel as He looks down on us – running around endlessly, burning the candle at both ends of the stick.
I Woke Up Like This
The day I prayed for the Lord to enlighten my eyes to see His standard of beauty, is the day my whole life changed. But like I have said many times, in order to experience God’s beauty, you have to exhale your ugly.
Overcoming Negativity
Maybe we all need to hear sometimes that the way we act isn’t just hurting us, it’s affecting our relationships with the ones we love. If it doesn’t help to tell you to change it for you, change it for those around you. You don’t want to suck the life out of the people you love the most.
Finding Joy in the Journey
We have a Savior who promises us that He has a plan for us, and that He will work all things for the good of those who love Him.
Spectacle or Sacred
Jesus doesn’t want your love to be a spectacle. He wants it to be sacred.
Don’t believe the lies of the world. We are CHOSEN, ROYAL, and HOLY in His sight.
Love Intentionally
There are principles and truths from God’s Word that will keep us from so much of the unnecessary pain that can come from our culture’s casual, and often flippant idea of what dating, relationships and love should be.
When disappointment is lived out in our lives, however, it becomes our nemesis and a paralyzer.
When I Can’t He Can by Danielle Busby
Faith transforms the heart. It will give you the ability to prosper when you are faced with all of life’s “cants.”
Don’t Play the Field
So here’s a new game plan. Instead of focusing and fixating on finding “the right one,” channel your energy into being “the right one”. As Matthew wrote, “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33).
When Good Goes Bad by Ashley TerKeurst Hodges
Where there is impossible pain, God always offers incredible power. We must stay close to Him and trust Him.
God Doesn’t Make Mistakes
It was an awakening of scripture, a vibrant reminder of all the truest things about me and about God, things I had known my whole life but that came to my mind in the moment I needed them most with more clarity and purpose than ever before.
Letting Go of Control
We can’t just cover up our sins or shortcomings by using His love as an excuse. His love is our lifeline. It’s our grace. When we continue to fall short, and we don’t spend the time to figure out what’s missing or what’s wrong, we get stuck.
Thank You for Monday Mornings
When we keep our eyes on Jesus, we can’t help but to be in a position of thanksgiving and praise. We see a shift in our mindset, and the trials turn into lessons.
Beautifully Intentional
You need to accept that no matter how many days you perfectly complete that checklist it’s never going to fulfill the desire inside to feel beautiful. You have to dive into what the Lord says about you.
Love Has No Language Barriers
We’ve always said, love has no language barrier and it’s true.
Your Faith Doesn’t Have to Be Perfect
There is no such thing as perfect faith. We’re all perfectly imperfect, journeying through this thing called faith together, one mistake and one victory at a time.
God’s Beauty
All these things have worked together to create an arbitrary definition of beauty. But God’s definition of beauty is resolute.
Comfortable with Uncomfortable
When you stop leaning into the comfort of this world and start craving discomfort, God will be able to use you in big ways.
Loving the Skin You’re In
I am also seeing that beauty truly is in accepting the scars, in character, in the humility of freely being you, and in loving others well.
When Fear Meets Faith
Sometimes, trusting is being scared out of your mind, terrified of what may or may not happen, but taking God’s reached out hand anyways— allowing Him to guide you through the unknowns.