If you’re local to Dallas, Texas, on November 17th at 7:30 PM we’re hosting an LO Local event – it’s all about rethinking what it means to follow...
LO Library Topic:
The World Needs God
This world is full of many things. I realize that what I just said is quite broad and is probably known by every single person on the planet. But it...
I Am Weak, but Thou’ Art Strong
I want to be a strong woman. I want to be strong for my husband, my family, and my friends. I want to be unshakable in times of trials. I want my...
The Power of Friendship
I have a Six Pack and I don’t mean my Abs. I’ve had the opportunity to talk to a lot of women and a few men about the end of their marriage. The...
Name What’s Hard
As a clinician and as a human, I’ve learned that my own flurry of conflicting thoughts is a sign that I need to gently slow down the pace of my...
When You’re Scared to Pray Boldly
“The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” James 5:16b (NIV) I have to admit I'm sometimes scared to pray boldly. It's not at all...
Jesus Weeps with You
John 11:32-35 “When Mary reached the place where Jesus was and saw him, she fell at his feet and said, ‘Lord, if you had been here, my brother would...
The Battle is Not Yours to Hold
The battle is not yours to hold. Are you in the middle of the battle of your life? Maybe it’s a health battle and you just received some life...
A Shift in Perspective
Fear and discouragement inevitably knock on the door to my dreams. When I answer now, I politely welcome them in, acknowledge their presence, and...
Israel: How to Process It All
What do you feel when you hear about what's going on around the world? The evil, pain, and unbelievable circumstances some people find themselves in...
Embodied Trust
To be human is to suffer. As we will eventually see, the question is not if we each suffer. It is, rather, To what degree are we aware of it? and...
What Overwhelms You?
How often do you feel overwhelmed? Does this season of life make you feel overwhelmed more times than you can count, too? Just the other day, I got...
How to Conquer Bad Habits
We cannot stop a bad habit. We can only replace it with a good one. I become more and more convinced of that reality. We are creatures of habit, and...
Our Best Advice: Relationships, Community & Marriage
As we recently shared the first Sisters and Friends episode of the year, I figured it was only fitting to share it with you here on the blog! My mom...
Why Wisdom is Given Generously
“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith,...
Desperate for Christmas
Around the holiday season, there are two types of people. Those who put their tree up before Thanksgiving and those who wait until after. It’s...
My Jesus
Advice we can all learn from
Killing Comparison
Advice we can all learn from
Kingdom Keys
Advice we can all learn from
How to Stop Breaking Your Own Heart
Advice we can all learn from
Set Free
Advice we can all learn from
Lion of Judah
Advice we can all learn from
Nothing is Wasted
Advice we can all learn from
The Truth vs. My Truth
Advice we can all learn from
Finding Your People
Advice we can all learn from
God Still Loves You
Advice we can all learn from
Influencer’s Superpower
Advice we can all learn from
Who Is God?
Advice we can all learn from
Keeping On When We’re Weary
Advice we can all learn from
To the Girl Stuck in Fear
Nothing ever satisfies until we realize we’re beautiful on the inside.
My Identity Beyond My Feelings
Nothing ever satisfies until we realize we’re beautiful on the inside.
Confidence In College: Dating
Nothing ever satisfies until we realize we’re beautiful on the inside.
We’re All Freaking Out (And Why We Don’t Need To)
Nothing ever satisfies until we realize we’re beautiful on the inside.
When the World is Loud and Overwhelming
Nothing ever satisfies until we realize we’re beautiful on the inside.
A Liturgy For Election Day
Whatever the outcome of this election, let our citizenship and our hope be rooted first in your heavenly kingdom.
The Danger of Compromise
Recently, we posted a message that I shared at Liberty University this past winter on YouTube, but I felt that I wanted to share it here on the blog...
A Light In Dark Places
Hey friends! My name is Lily and I am working on Team LO this summer! I go to the University of Pennsylvania, and wow, since being here in Louisiana...
Truth to Overcome Anxiety’s Lies
Who has seen Inside Out 2?! My teammates and I went the other night and it was awesome! I highly recommend you go and see it if you haven’t! As most...
Life Is Funny Until It’s Not
Just One Thing Folks often ask me, “How did you endure so much grief? How did you climb out of the dark?” My scientific answer is, “Medicine...
The Hidden Years
When I was in my 20s, I almost opened a tiny art gallery and gift shop once to showcase my work in an empty loft space made available to me. It felt...
Ignoring the Limits God Created for Us
Fourteen years ago, I suffered heat stroke in sight of the finish line of a community race I’d been training to win. It was eighty degrees, with...
I Want God More Than Control
Back when we had permed hair and were twentysomething vibrant, we used to talk about how we hoped God would never send us as missionaries to Africa....
The Power of “Even If”
If you are anything like me, it’s easy to worry about anything and everything! Sometimes it can be the simplest things in life, like worrying if I...
Immaturity Cannot Tolerate Ambiguity
Background: Elisabeth Elliot was a young missionary in Ecuador when members of a remote Amazonian indigenous people group killed her husband Jim and...
Sharing Jesus Through Servanthood
Servanthood shapes our lives in a vast number of ways. We serve others when we help meet their physical needs. We serve others when we teach them or...
Walking with a Limp
My grandfather grew up in poverty in the bayous of southern Louisiana. When he was a young child, he contracted polio and lost his ability to walk....
A Content Heart Starts in Singleness
For the majority of college, I was single. And I’ll be the first to admit that I wasn’t always patient during singleness. I was the one in the...
Staying in Step with the Lord
Have you ever been in a season where you feel like you have no direction for where you are going? Maybe you’ve asked God where He is at. Maybe...
WTG: Our Best Couples Advice
What’s up, friend! I’m so excited to share this Sisters + Friends episode with you! This one features some of mine and Christian’s best friends,...
Have you ever stood at the top of a mountain, or the ocean’s edge, or deep in a redwood forest, or in the stillness of a winter blanket of snowfall,...
Don’t Believe the Lies
Advice we can all learn from
Changing Our Habits
Advice we can all learn from
Tackling the DMs
Advice we can all learn from
The Value of God’s Word
Advice we can all learn from
To The Girl Still Waiting
Advice we can all learn from
Waiting on a Word
Advice we can all learn from
Potential Beyond Your Comprehension
Advice we can all learn from
Happiness of Pursuit
Advice we can all learn from
Attacking Anxiety
Advice we can all learn from
Food Triggers
Advice we can all learn from
Shift Your Focus
Advice we can all learn from
Never Alone at Christmas
Advice we can all learn from
Remaining Faithful Through the Unexpected
Advice we can all learn from
Sad Girl Hours
Nothing ever satisfies until we realize we’re beautiful on the inside.
How to Fall in Love
Nothing ever satisfies until we realize we’re beautiful on the inside.
Are You Willing?
Nothing ever satisfies until we realize we’re beautiful on the inside.
God is Working in the Waiting
Nothing ever satisfies until we realize we’re beautiful on the inside.
A Father’s Love Letter
One of my favorite pool games growing up was the penny game. Basically, we would bring a handful of pennies to the pool, throw them in, and race to...
A Good Jealousy
“Do not make an idol for yourself, whether in the shape of anything in the heavens above or on the earth below or in the waters under the earth. Do...
God’s Design Over My Desire
There’s this line I heard in a message once that said, “His design over my desire”. I found it pretty powerful because I don’t think many of us...
An Offering Of Everything
There are so many amazing stories of faith from Genesis to Revelation, but one of my personal favorites is found in Mark 12:41-44 (also referenced...
A Simple Life Worth Living
We pulled into the drive of our new home and I have to be honest in saying that it was a bit shocking. It’s cute but much smaller than the house we...
Can’t Rest, Everything Matters
Some years ago, I experienced my first significant fall with fatigue. I’d just finished the edits on my first book; my kids were eight, seven, six,...
It’s Not Too Late to Heal Your Brokenness
When I was young, my Nanny told me that one day I’d have to fight for my marriage. As a little girl, it didn’t make much sense to me. I had read...
Back to the Basics
“I have learned to hold all things loosely, so God will not have to pry them out of my hands.” - Corrie Ten Boom Materialism. Something I would...
Feasting on the Word of God
I was sitting in a restaurant in the Newark airport on October 7, 2023. It was a lazy travel day as I was enjoying a cheese plate and waiting for my...
Two Ways Anxiety Affects Parents
In my thirty-plus years of counseling, I’ve never seen parents feel as much pressure or as much like failures as they do today. I’ve never had as...
Unanswered Prayer
Unanswered prayers. At least, that’s the term we use when a prayer seems to have no resonance, no evidence of heaven touching earth. In other words,...
Grace Has A Space In Hard Conversations
“Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.” (Colossians 4:6 ESV) Sometimes...
How Do I Desire God?
I long to write something of worth in a real and tangible way as you pursue your walk with Christ. There is so much information coming at us from...
Right Where You Are Meant to Be This Christmas
I am right where I am supposed to be this Christmas. Time marched forward on my grandmother's old bird clock. As the next hour came, a...
Advent: Wintering
Here, where I live in the mountains of southwest Virginia, December marks the beginning of winter. Night gathers quickly, with a deep darkness...
Advice we can all learn from
Change Your Brain
Advice we can all learn from
Preparing More for Your Marriage Than Your Wedding
Advice we can all learn from
How to Survive Heartbreak
Advice we can all learn from
Spiritual Self Care
Advice we can all learn from
Made to Be Present
Advice we can all learn from
Finding God in Our Grief
Advice we can all learn from
Our Best Relationship Advice
Advice we can all learn from
Advice we can all learn from
Sin Girls Don’t Talk About
Advice we can all learn from
What Are You Seeking?
Advice we can all learn from
Body Positivity
Advice we can all learn from
The Greatest Gift of All
Advice we can all learn from
Gratitude Changes Everything
Nothing ever satisfies until we realize we’re beautiful on the inside.
Made For This Moment
Nothing ever satisfies until we realize we’re beautiful on the inside.
Jesus’ Fighting Words
Nothing ever satisfies until we realize we’re beautiful on the inside.
Secure Identity
Nothing ever satisfies until we realize we’re beautiful on the inside.
What’s the Difference?
Nothing ever satisfies until we realize we’re beautiful on the inside.