Truth to Overcome Anxiety’s Lies

Truth to Overcome Anxiety’s Lies

Who has seen Inside Out 2?!

My teammates and I went the other night and it was awesome! I highly recommend you go and see it if you haven’t!

As most of you know, the main character Riley enters her teenage years in the movie… I know a lot of us have walked through that stage, some of you are entering that and some of you are still currently in the teenage years. All in all, we know what it’s like for some unknown emotions to make their way into our life.

And try to steal our JOY.

*kinda a spoiler*

But in the movie, anxiety comes and takes over Riley’s joy, which Joy had ultimately run her life the past 13 years. Anxiety didn’t come alone though… it also brought envy, embarrassment and boredom. Woah. Nothing too positive or fun.

As someone who struggles with anxiety, I related to a lot of this!

When anxiety takes over, most things seem to crumble. Riley loses her confidence, and pretty much tries to do anything and everything possible to BE ACCEPTED.

Anxiety will make you believe things about yourself that aren’t true.

Anxiety will make you believe you aren’t satisfied or you’re weak… pretty much all things negative.

You have to be ______ to be accepted and liked.

You have to be good at ______ to be cool.

The list goes on!

Anxiety places meaningless “what ifs” on your hopeful future that is already secured by the Almighty!

Today, let’s embrace TRUTHS God has spoken over our lives that we are safe and not defined by anxiety.

You are not alone in your struggle with anxiety. The Lord meets you there and delivers you from all your fears. He can use anything for His glory!

Here are 3 lies anxiety wants us to believe to be true about us… and TRUTH that overcomes it.

#1: Anxiety keeps you in CONTROL

Anxiety promises to prepare us for the worst. If we constantly live through everything that could happen, we’ll be ready if/when it does…right? But that is a a false sense of security. Anxiety doesn’t prepare us for the future; it only robs us of joy in our present life.

Truth: “Who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life? But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:27

#2: Anxiety claims your IDENTITY

Anxiety wants you to believe that this is who you are — You are an anxious person and you always will be. But the gospel gives us one TRUE identity: Jesus. When God looks at you, He sees His Son. His righteousness is yours.

Truth: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature. The old things passed away; behold, new things have come.” (2 Corinthians 5:17)

#3: Anxiety leads to PEACE

Anxiety promises that if we ponder over the scary “what ifs” or if we constantly relive every past hurt, we will eventually come to some sort of satisfying conclusion. That’s a winless battle.

There are some questions, some “what-if’s,” that we cannot resolve this side of Heaven. Peace comes from looking at our perfect savior, not at our circumstances.

Truth: “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.” (John 14:27)

John 15:11 says, “These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.”


Allie Walker is an Ambassador for our LO Sister App and this is a sneak peek at the encouragement you’ll find daily in the app. There are countless girls like Allie waiting to pour into you, friend. Join us here to be a part of this amazing community!

When Planning Takes A Detour

When Planning Takes A Detour


plural noun: Plans

  1. noun: an intention or decision about what one is going to do
  2. verb: decide on and arrange in advance

I know majority of us are not a stranger to the idea of “plans” or the word in general.

I feel like I hear this word 10+ times a day.

Whether it’s as simple as “What are your plans for the day?” Or as broad as “What are your plans for the future?”

Or even better, when someone asks you “Where do you see yourself in 10 years?”

Everything in life seems to have a “plan”.

Planning a schedule, a practice, a race or execution of a game, a hard conversation, a test, a result, a response, a date…etc.

Maybe I’ve turned my ear towards the idea of “plans” in this season of my life more than ever. I’ve never been much of a “planner”

Well, unless it comes to how many hours before I race I need to eat food so I’m not seeing it twice (lol).

But, seriously…

I’m about to start my senior year of college, and last year of collegiate athletics, and the question I’m receiving most is…

“Well, Allie! What are your PLANS for after college?”

And ya know what, to be transparent…

I don’t have one!

Sure, I have hopes and desires on my heart I know the Lord sees (Psalm 37:4). I’d love to put that hard worked degree to use, get married to my love, have a family, and continue to work towards goals.

But I’ve also learned this year (more than I thought I lifetime could teach me) because I’ve seen it unfold in my life…

It is truly GODS PLAN that prevails, not always what we have in our mind.

That does not mean He does not care what we have on our hearts, though.

Proverbs 19:21 —

“Many are the plans in a persons heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”

I saw my sister’s life flip upside down this year. A big part of our lives flipped upside down, too.

Just weeks before she was going to be getting engaged to her high school sweetheart of 7 years, God brought him home after a hard fought battle with cancer. I’ve shared about Ben in blogs before. A faithful servant and fearless warrior.

Ben had plans, just like the rest of us. Plans to become a doctor (he was so smart and driven), plans to marry my sister, and many wonderful hopes and dreams most 22 year olds have desired for themselves. And that is good! It is good to have desires and work for things, and plan for the future to an extent. Ben was such a planner, but He was never “unrealistic” and ALWAYS more confident in the plan God had for Him. Never once did He doubt Gods plan for His life. Even in sickness. I want to live more like that. With a confidence like that.

And yes, God had different plans. Do I understand why it had to be this way? Or why the things Ben worked for didn’t come to fruition? Well, most of the time, no. 

It is hard some days to sit and wonder what could have been, and in my human thinking, in my eyes, what should have been.

God does have a plan…. But when that road has tragedy it is very hard to go,

“Oh yeah, God has a plan!”

I am sure many of you reading can relate.

This is where faith comes in and is tested. Where hope must stay alive, and confidence in Our Jesus must outweigh the doubts of evil.

Ben is not physically still here with us, but I know Ben is alive, new, healed, and in the paradise of Heaven with Jesus. The safest place to be.

Gods plans are NOT to discourage us. Even when life can be hard and scary to understand sometimes.

We aren’t always going to understand, but we are called to trust. He will provide strength. (Isaiah 41:10)

I believe it will all be revealed to us one day, maybe just not always on this side of Heaven.

We live in a fallen world. Horrible, unjust things happen. Usually, those things don’t fall into our idea of “ideal plans” we picture for our lives.

Romans 8:28 —

“God works ALL things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.”

It does not say, ALL THINGS ARE GOOD. We can name 1,000+ things that are NOT.

But, even if, He is still good.

Romans 8:18 — Paul writes,

“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is going to be revealed to us.”

Thankfully, we know from Jesus’  life that there is  purpose to our pain we walk through. God doesn’t waste anything, including suffering.

He doesn’t always remove us from trials, because He plans to use them.

  • God didn’t rescue Noah by stopping the flood — God kept him safe in the water.
  • God didn’t save Daniel from the lion’s den — He protected him from the lions mouth.

2 Timothy 2:11-12 

“Here is a trustworthy saying: If we died with him, we will also live with him; if we endure, we will also reign with him.”

Jesus joins us in the suffering, but we will also rise with Him in victory.

Pain that we endure in our life is not God’s punishment. Jesus Christ paid that price on the cross. 

We serve a God of love, grace, truth, protection, and power.

A God who will finish what He started.

What He says He will do, HE DOES.

What He says He can do, HE PROVES.

What He says He can heal, HE TRANSFORMS.

ALL hurt, confusion, damage, distress, doubt, failed plan, and death —


The blood of Jesus Christ covers it all.

EVERYTHING that has left you hurt in this life of sin, will be made right in the throne room of Heaven when we meet face to face with Him.

A game changer perspective God is teaching me is turning my “whys” to TRUST that God is making all things work out for HIS glory and not our own.

Why would I spend my time caught up in the 1,000 “Why’s” of why it didn’t go the way I perfectly pictured?

Ephesians 3:20 —

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”

If my Jesus can do IMMEASURABLY MORE than I can EVEN IMAGINE — going beyond what the human brain can bear… why would I doubt the plans God has for me?

Why would you doubt what God has for you?

As Christ followers, if you are currently reading this, you are Earth bound, serving your purpose here for His glory, while ultimately working your way HOME bound.

Where all is made right.

Eternity with Jesus.

There is protection, prosperity and purpose, in every part of Gods plan. 

Trust it. Believe it. Receive it. Live it.

I love you, friend!


In His Time

In His Time

I don’t know about you but I am definitely one of the most impatient people ever. I’m the one who leaves for a class 30 minutes early because I can’t stand the thought of being late. When I say “let’s leave at 2:00pm”… I’ll be in the car ready by 1:45pm… just ask my roommates lol. Oh, and don’t even get me started on Atlanta traffic… good thing Michael is one of the most patient people and drivers I know… safe to say he does most of that driving hehe.
My point in exposing my bit of impatience with these things is because it applies to more than traffic or punctuality on small silly things.

I get impatient with those things because I’m WAITING / WANTING to get to a destination.
Ooo read that again.
I get impatient with those things because I’m WAITING / WANTING to get to a destination.

When I’m sitting in traffic and have an event to get to… I’m thinking about getting to that event… not the 1000 cars I gotta get by to get there.

Waiting is a natural part of life. No matter if it’s in traffic, a long line, a test grade to come back, a flight…etc.

Waiting is also a part of FAITH. God continually calls his people to wait for the Spirit to be revealed. In fact, the history of Israel is a history of constant waiting. From Egypt to Exile, the people waited for their redemption, looking forward to the Messiah. And in the new testament came their messiah… Jesus. Now we wait for Christ’s return, and for the full establishment of God’s kingdom upon the earth. What hope we have!

But… like waiting in Atlanta traffic or fill in the blank… waiting for God to reveal purpose in a hard season, or for all of the promises of God He tells us in His word, can be frustrating at times. I don’t know about you but I’ve definitely found myself in seasons (still am) of asking God “Why do I have to wait for the good to come of this?”
You feel like you are doing everything right but still find your feet in a season of waiting and disappointment. Maybe even feeling like He’s forgotten about you. Your dreams. Your desires. The work you have put in.
Something the Lord has been teaching me in my recent season, is PRESENCE. Waiting can teach us a number of things but the tug of my heart is “Being present.” Embracing HIS presence. Allowing HIS presence to keep me or lead me to where He wants me.
There’s freedom in that. There’s freedom to surrendering to HIS presence.

The Israelites were enslaved in Egypt for 400 years, crying out for deliverance. God responded by sending Moses to lead them to freedom. (Exodus 1-12)

Jeremiah often faced rejection and persecution for delivering God’s messages. Yet, he remained patient and steadfast. And God provided (Jeremiah)

David had to wait many years and face numerous trials, including persecution by King Saul, before finally becoming the King of Israel. (1&2 Samuel)

God is working in the waiting.
But did these people just sit still in the waiting? No. they didn’t give up on their faith. They kept pursuing the Lord. And He came through. Every. Single. Time.

One of my favorite verses is Isaiah 40:31…
“But those who WAIT on the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up on wings like eagles, they shall run and not grow weary, walk and not grow faint.”

Next time you grow impatient in your waiting, or grow frustrated in your season…

Remember these things:

He sees you. Keep seeking Him.
What God has for you, you can’t speed up, can’t slow down, can’t delay and can’t stop.
But we can control the posture of our hearts. To trust Him. To stay present where He has our feet.

Even when we feel our feet should be somewhere else. We can’t see the big picture he can. He has plans to protect you, teach you, love you, mold you and shape you. He wouldn’t keep you in a season if there was nothing else beneficial from it…
“For we know ALL things work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.”
Not all things are good, but God can bring good out of anything.

God can see what you can’t. Trust Him. He’s not letting go of you… so you don’t let go either!


Growing Pains, Growing Gains

Growing Pains, Growing Gains

My mom often reminds me of all the times I was younger and would wake up crying in the middle of the night because of how bad my legs hurt. Nine times out of ten (if they didn’t hear me crying yet) I would find myself headed down to my parents’ room at about 3am, asking if one of them could rub my legs and take away the pain.

Growing pains. Legs aren’t the only thing that experience growing pains.

Life has growing pains, too.

If my six-year-old self didn’t grow, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

God created our bodies to grow, flourish, endure pain, encounter wins, accomplish, work, serve…etc.

It’s hard to accept and understand that “growth often means pain or uncertainty”. Paul boldly reminds us in 2 Corinthians 12: 9-10, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore, I will boast more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”

God is not absent in uncertainty, in fact, I believe that is when He shows Himself the most powerfully. Uncertainty is uncomfortable and scary, but when we face uncertainty, it yields us the opportunity to be solely dependent on the one who knows the outcome. And trust that His plan is greater than ours.

If you look back at the lives of the prophets—from Moses to Elijah to Jonah—their lives were often lived in uncertainty. Much like us.

God nudged them to unknown places—from wildernesses to mountain tops, but He was there each step along the way. God gave them the words to say and the provision they needed.

And just like us, they too had to learn and grow. And even in the uncertainty, God made that happen.

And yes, while knowing what the future would be great, we would miss out on the growth God has for us in the present and reliance on Him being instilled within us.

We can be confident that even through life’s growing pains, the Lord’s strength is our gain.

Think about one of your biggest “growth experiences”… I guarantee it brought some pain, hardship, or heartbreak. I can speak from experience, it 100% has for me.

I am currently navigating through some growing pains, myself. And I’m here to remind you, even through the pain, confusion, plot twists and countless emotions.

He remains. His words remain. His strength remains. His grace is sufficient for you, in every season. Every unknown. Every circumstance.

Just shy of two months ago, I lost someone extremely close to me from their 15-month battle to cancer. I’ve spoken about Ben before, actually in my last blog I wrote for LO a few months back; although, when I shared about Ben back in June, he was in remission, studying hard for his MCAT, applying to Medical schools and just short of proposing to my sister after 7 years of dating. Life seemed back to normal. It felt as if this long year of cancer and uncertainty fell behind us. On August 4th, 2023, Ben was back in Houston at MD Anderson for his regular checkup scans, and they discovered a recurrence of his cancer in the lining of his brain and spinal fluid. Certainly not news we were expecting or prayed so hard for. And just like that, life felt numb again. I was confused, sad, and so uncertain about what the future held, but I also was met with peace and confidence the Lord would heal Ben.

God will always meet you where you feel your fears have taken over. He will turn them into truth, peace and a certainty only He can provide.

Ben never lost hope or quit fighting. We prayed hard for a miracle, we believed in a miracle, we asked for healing over Ben every day… God just showed us He can heal in Heaven too. A safer place. A perfect place. A place where pain has no name.

On September 8th 2023, Ben passed and entered the gates of Heaven, about 5 rounds of chemo in. Ben was the toughest, most faithful soldier I’ve ever known. I have so many texts between the two of us when all he would say is “I just pray my story brings people closer to God”. And it sure did.

In fact, at Ben’s funeral, his three older sisters and my sister all went up there to speak together, and two of his sisters publicly committed to Jesus Christ that day in front of about 400 people, to start living their life for Christ because that is what Ben inspired them to do. How beautiful.

Often, I don’t understand Gods plan. But if I understood it, why would I need faith? Where would the growth take place? Where would our hope be?

It is the promise of God that he can bring good out of anything, even pain, if we trust him. Roman 8:28 is one of the most beloved verses in the Bible, but it’s also one of the most misquoted and misunderstood…

It does not say, “All things that happen to us are good.”

It also does not say, “All things will have a happy ending.”

That too is not reality: not every disease is healed; not every pain is removed on this side of Heaven.

Here is what Paul says and what it truly means:

“And we know …” We don’t have to wonder or doubt. We can be certain.

“In all things …” Our hurt, grief, mistakes, sins, genetics, or even what others do to us.

“God works for the good …” Not everything is good, but God is always working for our good in everything. God can bring good out of evil. He turned a crucifixion into a resurrection.

“Of those who love Him and who have been called according to His purpose” The key to our hope is understanding God’s purpose for our lives, including our pain. Only then will we find meaning, benefit, and even joy in our suffering.

Jesus is our anchor in the storm- even when it feels like the ship is going under.

Navigating grief is hard. Navigating LIFE is hard. Navigating growing pains is hard. But God doesn’t leave anything empty.

Having Jesus in your life does not make life perfect or easy, in fact He tells us in John 16:33 that “In this life you will face trouble, but take heart, for I have overcome the world.” Having Jesus in your life assures, you never walk alone.

In Psalm 23 David writes to us,

“The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”

When you find your feet in a season of growing pains, battling confusion, hurt, loss, loneliness or even in your happiest seasons, you are never walking alone. You have a God that is fighting right by your side, loving you, and rejoicing over you every step of the way.

James 1:2 says, “Count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”

God is continually teaching me every season, specifically my current season, pain or growth should be counted as joy, because it will change us for the better. Growing pains will draw us closer to God and expose our true need for Him. God takes what the enemy meant for evil and turns it for good.

Every. single. time.


Allie Walker

Faithful. Fearless. Fierce.

Faithful. Fearless. Fierce.

God will always go before you, stand behind you, and walk beside you.

Before we even dive into this word on my heart today, let’s hold captive to that phrase above.

Say it out loud. Tell a friend. Embrace it. Believe it.

In ‘The Great Commission’ the final chapter of the book of Matthew, in chapter 28 Jesus leaves His disciples before descending into Heaven with some of the most powerful words ever said.

Jesus tells His people, in Matthew 28:20

“And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

I’m not sure about you – but for me, it can be easy to get caught up in my own thoughts, worries, fears, concerns, pride, emotions and more. Leaving me feeling alone and helpless.

The world around us is constantly changing, it doesn’t stop moving- sometimes I feel as though my mind is the same way…always racing with something new to think or worry about.

I remember my first encounter with anxiety like it was yesterday. I was 8 years old sitting in class on a normal day. When all of the sudden my chest felt heavy, my heart started racing, and the adrenaline running though my body and fear I was feeling with no explanation running through my body felt foreign to me. And that was just the beginning of my story and battle with anxiety.

But it was in those struggles, I found God.

I was having a conversation with my older sister, Raney the other day about how we have seen God show up in our lives, in our hardest moments and seasons.

A little back story for context… my sister and her boyfriend Ben have been together for almost 7 years (I know, unreal!), they are 22 years old.

This past July, Ben was out of nowhere diagnosed with aggressive Stage 4 Rhabdomyosarcoma cancer. The shock of this news hit our families hard, of course.

But it was in this time of heavy earthly fear, we were met with the eternal and supernatural peace of our Savior.

In this chaotic time, I had never felt the presence and peace of God in my life more. I was away from home in the hardest part of this journey for Ben because I was away working at summer camp. I was away from my family and sister, with so many questions and no answers really if Ben was going to be ok.

The Lord met my fears, stood by my side, calmed my mind and heart, and reminded me that He is in control. Ben’s life was in His hands and that is the safest place to be.

When God sent His son Jesus to die on the cross as the payment for our sins so that we may accept Him and spend eternal life with Him, He overcame every single struggle, fear, adversity or difficulty you could ever face.

That doesn’t mean it won’t be hard at times, but you are safe in the hands of Jesus. God does not promise it will always make sense either, but He does promise they will find their greater purpose in the light of His redemption.

Through this tough trial in Ben’s life, Ben’s story has brought people to know Jesus. It has made Ben’s faith stronger and all our faiths stronger. And God is more than able to do the same in your life.

We are created to bring glory back to the one that gave us life. Even through the real and hard things of this world, Jesus will always find a way to bring the good.

AND Praise God because Ben is still fighting every day, he is in remission, and every day he fights with the strength of Jesus in his heart.

You are not bound to your struggles. They do not define you. Because it is truly in our weakness and struggles, the light of Christ shines the brightest. The realness of His power breaks through.

The same power that rose Jesus from the dead lives in you when you accept it in your heart. Death could not hold Jesus, so the struggles we face, the sin or shame we carry has been overcome by a power we cannot fully comprehend.

One of my favorite books in the Bible are 1 and 2 Corinthians. Paul shares such wisdom and light.

In 2 Corinthians 12 Paul explains to us a certain struggle he was facing. Paul was in a season of struggle and suffering. Paul states in verse 8, “Three times I pleaded to the Lord to take it away from me.” And the Lord’s answer to him in verse 9 is…

“My grace is sufficient for you; my power is made perfect in your weakness.”

In verse 10 Paul then states,

“Therefore, I will boast more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”

You may be thinking, much like I did the first time I read this passage…. Why on Earth would I want to “boast” in my weaknesses?

I can name you 100 things I would rather boast upon than the struggles I face. This is one of those commands from the Lord that are easier said than done.

I have found myself plenty of times in my life asking God to take away my anxiety, sports injuries, sickness…etc.

And YES, Jesus has the power to take away anything, and there is nothing wrong praying in Jesus’ name for whatever it is you are struggling. I’ve seen Him do it. The mighty name of Jesus’ has no limitations.

Philippians 4:6 reminds us “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

So, when times get hard, anxiety feels overwhelming, doubt creeps in, insecurities lie, physical struggles arise, or maybe you just find yourself in a mindset of simply not feeling good enough…whatever it may be… remember these things:

1. Fear is a Liar

We are even told that the evil one comes to “steal, kill and destroy” and fear is a big way he tries to do that. Fear lies to us about what we think will happen or could happen. Fear lies to us about our circumstances. Fear lies to us about who we are. Fear lies to us about how strong you are and how cable you are. Bottom line is FEAR LIES.

2. Truth will always WIN.

The word of God reminds us of numerous times on how truth conquers fear and circumstances. The truth the Lord gives us helps you win battles. Truth defeats fears lies. When we lean on His truth, Hiss grace, His power, His mercy, His love and His divine plan for our life…we are holding God to His promises, His word, and He always comes through. It might not always be in our time, but that is where we embrace and find the beauty in His time.

As we close this blog today, let’s remember the first sentence I started this written piece with… God will always go before you, stand behind you, and walk beside you.

My name is Allie Walker. I am a current junior in college at Georgia Tech in ATL, GA. I am a student athlete on the cross country and track and field team. I have been pursuing both my dreams in running and writing for some time now. I have a blog trusttheprocess.com and write for LO. Using both passions (running and writing) to best honor and glorify Christ Jesus and inspire and encourage those around me, is my greatest joy.

I love my family, sports (ALL OF THEM), people and every single sunny day there is.