LO Library Topic:


Praising Our Great Provider

Lauren Scruggs-Kennedy reminds us that God provides. When we dwell on this, our hearts undoubtedly overflow with amazement, gratefulness, and humbleness. He loves us more than we could even begin to imagine and is providing for, caring for, planning for, preparing for, and making a way for us, leading us to His best at all times.

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God Hears You

Sadie Robertson teaches us to pray, learn to listen, and to truly seek out what He wants to say to you. Spend time in the Word and with Him daily. If we ever want to truly live out the lives God has called us to, we have to cut out the excuses and become intentional about talking to Him.

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Keep Running

Life can feel like that last lap sometimes, right? Sadie Robertson speaks into the mental exhaustion, spiritual exhaustion, and running the race alone. These are promises of strength, so that you will not get too exhausted to run the race He has set before you. In fact, you will become even more passionate about the purpose behind why you run.

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Finding Strength in God’s Grace

Pastor Alex Seely from Nashville shares about her seasons of intense grief. She reminds us that His power is made perfect in our weakness, therefore we can trust that His grace is sufficient in every area of our life when we don’t feel so strong and resilient, because He is.

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More Than I Can Handle

If Jesus can walk me through the valley of the shadow of death, I know He will walk you through your deepest pains and give you strength to call on His name. Brittany Price-Brooker talks about trials that seem like more than we can ever handle.

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When I Was Afraid

Knowing His character is the most important thing in your walk with Him. If you spend time with God, you will see Him for who He is, and begin to understand how much He loves you.

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Jump Off

 How do you respond physically to fear? Wouldn’t it be nice if that didn’t happen anymore? You don’t have to be afraid. You can stop fear where it starts—in your mind. Sadie Robertson is sharing practical ways to begin to live fearless.

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He Alone Is My Strength

Laney Redmon shares about a time in her own life, when she remembers it being SO clear that He was her strength and He was carrying her through life. She encourages us that God will show us every single day, that He alone is our strength and answer to all things in this life.

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Do you believe there is more?

Do you believe there is more to your story then what you currently see? Sadie Robertson speaks confidently into the fact that there is more to our story. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives inside of me…and can live inside of you.

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Trusting God’s Plan

God can use our brokenness for His glory. Jeremiah 29:11 encourages us to believe in the hope that God has specific and beautiful plans for us. It took a long time to come to terms with the fact that God had a different plan. As hard as it was to believe, I realized that believing equals trust, and this was the ultimate test of my faith in trusting God.

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All Things New

He makes all things new. If your sould is feeling tired, read this message on the encouragement of truth and speaking life against all lifes.

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From the Deep Waters

God will pull you from the depths of the ocean, whatever your ocean is. If it’s feeling left out, not knowing what your future will bring, or something else, God is able to reach down and bring you out. He will bring you back to the top.

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Jordan Dooley talks about how our greatest desires often reveal our greatest insecurities, so we often turn to worldly defaults that satisfy for a moment.

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Striving for Love

Courtney from Team Live Original talks about pushing against the need to strive in this world because we belong to this world. We belong to Jesus. We don’t have to carry the burden of striving for love any longer, because Jesus already took care of that. You’re adopted to the kingdom.

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I Didn’t Find Love With My Head Over a Toilet

The journey of self-love and acceptance does not start by being able to look in the mirror and say a nice thing about yourself and believe you are pretty, although, I hope you can do that too! It starts with shifting your eyes off yourself and onto to the greatness of who God is, and what He thinks of you.

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You will know and understand that what might seem like a good thing, might not be a God thing. He must rule and reign as the King of your heart before any other love can ever reside in its proper place.

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What If, God?

You don’t have to have it all figured out. None of us do. All you have to do is fall at the feet of the One who knows what you need. God will never lead you astray, even if the path seems rough. He knows where He’s leading you. Trust His heart—it is always good. So very good.

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Live Fearless

Each of us has to come to a deep, personal realization that God has already conquered fear—and by the power of His Spirit, we can live completely free from fear.

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Redemption is a beautiful thing, because it’s ours from the beginning. It’s ours for the taking. From the minute we accept Jesus into our hearts, redemption is ours. It’s our backbone. Our climb, our fight, and our push is different because not only do we have Jesus, but we have a testimony through redemption.

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Thank You

And I have learned that when something seems to be impossible—whether it’s bad timing, or crazy random, if God has called you to something… fasten your seat belt and get ready, get expected, get excited, and scream YES.

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The Recovering People Pleaser

YOU CAN DO THIS. Seek after God. Say no to a few things. Stay focused on your calling. Quit trying so hard to fit in, and allow yourself to fall into the Fathers arms—that’s where you belong, after all. Good bye, people pleasing. Hello, meaningful, fulfilling relationships.

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Beauty in Growth

eauty in Growth by Taylor Tippett- encouragement
“Allow yourself room to heal. You don’t have to be afraid of the messy kind of growth. Our pain makes us beautiful. Our pain creates joy. And joy helps us grow. Whatever that looks like for me and you; we can grow.

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The Journey

This process to His promises won’t be determined by a stop watch or a finish line but by “running and not growing weary,” like the brush strokes an artist’s hands continue to make.

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The Value of Hard Seasons

Suffering reminds us this world is not our home and that we were meant for so much more. God cares too much about our eternal happiness to get bogged down in this earthly mindset, and He often uses suffering to awaken our hearts to eternity.

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Come Out of Hiding

You don’t have to cover up your scars – they are proof that God heals. Be who you are. Share your strengths and your struggles. Give the world the gift of YOU – it doesn’t need another copy of someone else. God created you with a unique set of gifts and talents.

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Nothing can keep me from the love of Jesus. No reminder of past pain. No flashback of past losses. No threat from Satan. No thought of how unworthiness. God is teaching me to let go and let love in. To be loved is to receive freedom.

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You Are Wanted

He sees you as you are, everything – past, present and future, and wants you. And not only does He want you, but He has given everything up to have you. He is calling your name. He is holding His arms open to you, eyes on you, heart beating for you.

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Against All Grain

The Lord used our hardship and turned it into an incredible ministry that has impacted millions. He has used my story to bring relief and healing to all those that stumble upon my blog or hear my story.

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I Never Measure Up

He is the soothing song that sings over my heart, and reminds me to stop striving and start thriving in His grace, love and truth. It’s in His love that we find purpose and it’s in a relationship with Jesus Christ that we find we will always measure up.

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Finding My Roar

Jesus helped me understand my worth. To know your worth is to have confidence. If you truly believe your worthless, then where is your confidence? Jesus died on the cross to show you that you are worth more than you could EVER imagine, and that is what I am confident in.

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Beautiful Brokenness

Pain reminds us that we have something to fight for. Without it, we would be complacent, not understanding the beauty in overcoming our struggles. When we overcome, we grow stronger and gain the wisdom needed to encourage and build strength in those around us.

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Here’s the hard truth: Anything great, anything worth holding on to, anything of monumental purpose and impact takes time. When it comes to our dreams, our hopes, our triumphs – it takes work and waiting.

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Fear by Ashlynne Bell

His design for my life is to live fiercely driven by a Kingdom whose King takes no command from fear…but instead casts out the very mention of its name. He lives so that I might live–not broken and weary in the moment, but outrageously devoted to the wonder of His Name–the glory of His presence and the power of His word.

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Knocking Over Tables

Here’s a hard truth: We were bought with a price but often don’t care enough to act like it. That’s why we have to remind ourselves daily of the price of our rescue, of the preciousness of our Savior, of the sacredness of the temple.

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Raw and Unedited

A grace that grants us permission to see the ugliest places of our hearts. A grace that covers not only the things that we have done but that covers who we are: jealous, self-seeking, prideful, shallow, resentful, etc. It not only covers but loves us right in the midst of our darkest moments.

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Jesus In the Mosh Pit

Ministry isn’t about what WE can do for the kingdom, it’s about what GOD can do with a willing heart. Ask God to use whatever platform you have for his Glory, and no matter what the obstacle is, He will.

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Little By Little

If you don’t think you can do anything to make a difference, start praying. Pray that God will give you the chance you need. Ask God for a way to share His love with someone. If you can tell one person about the hope of Jesus and they tell another person, eventually you can bring a lot of change.

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God’s Not Done with You Yet

I watched as God started to do what He promised. He kept writing my story – not putting me to the side saying you are finished, but saying “You are part of a story that is bigger than yourself and I will bring it to pass, just keep obeying me.”

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I Woke Up Like This

The day I prayed for the Lord to enlighten my eyes to see His standard of beauty, is the day my whole life changed. But like I have said many times, in order to experience God’s beauty, you have to exhale your ugly.

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Overcoming Negativity

Maybe we all need to hear sometimes that the way we act isn’t just hurting us, it’s affecting our relationships with the ones we love. If it doesn’t help to tell you to change it for you, change it for those around you. You don’t want to suck the life out of the people you love the most.

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The Grateful Road

When you choose to be grateful, you find your voice because only YOU can express gratitude for what others have done for you. Its empowering to be able to explain how someone has impacted your life.

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When Fear Meets Faith

Sometimes, trusting is being scared out of your mind, terrified of what may or may not happen, but taking God’s reached out hand anyways— allowing Him to guide you through the unknowns.

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