New Year. New Decade. From Generation to Generation. Re-New-ing You.
LO Library Topic:
Passion 2020 Highlights
Check out the top moments from Passion Conference!
The Year of the Lord’s Favor
2020. Let it be the start.
Fear is not our enemy; misplaced fear is our enemy.
Goodbye Childhood, Hello Womanhood
We must be women who declare and believe that we were created on purpose and for a purpose.
A Way in a Manger
Way Maker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in the Darkness.
A Father’s Love
You have a heavenly Father who LOVES you more than you could ever imagine.
How I Prepared for My Wedding Day
Celebration can only happen if you’re ready to step into it.
A Weight You Can’t Bare
You are only human, and that is okay.
What’s Your Fire?
You were created ON purpose, WITH a purpose!
Encouragement Through Imprisonment
Embrace joy even in the sorrows.
Proverbs 12
We are furthering our study of wisdom with Proverbs 12!
WHOA That’s Good Top Moments
We’re bringing you thanksgiving convo starters from our favorite moments on the podcast!
Letters to Sadie: 2 mama
2-mama’s heartfelt letter to the bride-to-be!
The Discipline of Celebration
Learn how to celebration others wholeheartedly.
World Kindness Day
Kindness, it’s in the little things.
Life is too short to NOT celebrate.
Why Don’t We Just Do What’s Right?
K-Swaggy is answering this million dollar question today!
Jesus and the Bachelor…an Unlikely Duo
The Bachelor’s Heather shares how God used the show to shape her life!
Labels Don’t Define You
How do we find our true identity, who we are and where we’re going?
Proverbs 11
Generosity, unity, and bearing fruit are just a few of the topics covered in Proverbs 11!
How To Choose the “Right” Career Path
Walk in freedom today, dream big dreams, and believe that your life is greater than your career path!
My Pledge to #StopTheWaste
Join with us to do our part in the fight to end world hunger!
Embracing a Life of Being Enough
abundant life>abundant tasks
Nothing Is Wasted
Even in the sorrow, experience beauty.
From Fig Leaves to Freedom
Trade shame for freedom today.
Proverbs 10
Let’s continue in our Proverbs Study with Chapter 10!
Air Traffic Control
Thank God for where you are now.
God BE
Look around. God’s being good to you.
What Really Matters
Get a sneak peak of LO Fam’s exclusive bible study!
It All Starts With Love
Hear from this months LO Fam member on the fruits of the spirit!
Pause today. Rest today. You are worthy of both love and rest.
Is Jesus Really Enough?
Fall in love with the Jesus of the Bible.
Chasing God Sized Dreams
Chase your dreams with faith and patience!
Proverbs 9
Let’s study Proverbs 9 together!
In the Hands of the Father
Be encouraged to trust God more and give up control.
Saying Yes to Foster Care
Read about this real life story of this young couple being called into fostering.
Our Obedience, God’s Favor
Learn from Grace’s story that obedience is just as important in the small decisions as it is in the big ones.
Confidence In College
Download our free college workbook to find confidence in college!
How To: Make Any Space Cozy
Learn the impact that a warm environment can have on your life.
Watermelon & Praise
Praise God not for what you want Him to do, but who He is and what He’s done.
What Does That Even Mean?
Hear from Judah on the advice he would give his younger self!
How to: Live in True Community
Experience the freedom of living in authentic friendships!
My Shepherd
You have a Shepherd that speaks to you. Learn how to hear His voice.
Proverbs Study
Let’s continue the study of wisdom with Proverbs 7+8!
He’s Got You
Hear from LO Fam member, Megan, on her fight against mental illness.
#1 who am I going to marry?
God wants to surprise you with what He has planned and prepared for you.
Begin to see the beauty in the imperfect life.
Making Big Decisions
Live in freedom by trusting God with the big decisions of your life.
Full Circle
Trust that God is writing a bigger story than you could ever imagine.
Proverbs Study
Let’s continue the study of wisdom with Proverbs 6!
Live your life according to God’s standard.
Identify and put to rest the idols in your life.
Patience in the Process
Have the patience to see God’s promises lived out.
How to: Lead a bible study
Here is everything you’ll need to become a host of a bible study!
Centered on God
Love with all your heart, soul and mind!
10 Takeaways: London
Here are our top 10 takeaways from Team LO’s time in London!
Leaning Into Aloneness
There are things to be learned in seasons of aloneness, and God puts us there when He wants us to listen.
The Cost of Comparison
Trade in comparison living for contentment.
Proverbs Study
Let’s continue studying Proverbs together with Chapter 5!
Oh, The Beauty of Delayed Gratification
Even if seasons of preparation can be difficult, they are not in vain.
Following Freedom
Never let fear stop you from stepping into the unknown.
Carry Them To The Healer
Be a friend that will carry others to Jesus for healing.
Pain is never God’s endgame.
Proverbs Study
Join in as we study Proverbs 4 together this month!
Living Hope
See the beauty in the empty tomb today!
Good Friday, Great Friday
So today let’s call it “Great Friday” and spread the good news that Jesus is coming again!
When we remember all God has done, we will be able to trust Him in the obstacles.
You Are Loved
You are unconditionally loved.
Q&A – 31 Bits
31 Bits shares their story and how God used them to make a global impact!
I Don’t Have Time
Learn how to change the narrative from “I don’t have time” to one that gives God the space to speak and move in our life.
Partnered in Grief
When we grieve, we can heal. Learn how to be comforted in grief and comfort those who are experiencing loss.
Proverbs Study
Continue this study with Sadie as we dive into Proverbs 3 together!
Raise the Bar
Because of God’s love for us, we have been given a high calling. Learn how to raise the bar in our walk.
Bullies and Beauty
Read about the incredible conversation between Sadie and Emma Jenkins from the “WHOA That’s Good” podcast!
A Sweet Life of Gratitude
Learn to approach every situation with gratitude and be a light to those around you.
Robot Generated Happy Machines
God created each one of us uniquely and without comparison. There is no one like you therefore there is no room to compare.
Let God Lead
Learn to let God lead us through faith instead of fear.
Step Into His Shine
When we fix our eyes on Jesus, our lives will begin to shine.
God Is Good
God is good in every season. As life changes, the love of our Good Father never does.
Your Testimony Matters
Learn to see your testimony in light of what God has done in you.
Don’t Deny Your Emotions
How does God use emotions? Learn to listen and lean in to His voice.
Proverbs Study
We are studying Proverbs together! Through this study we can learn to walk in wisdom.
Fighting Without Fear
When we remember that God is on our side, we can fight without fear.
Happiness 24/7
What are you hoping for? Where are your expectations? Answer that and you are on the right path to finding joy. Let’s fill ourselves with joy, and plug this into our 24/7.
Welcome Back!
Welcome back to the Live Original blog sisters and friends!
What’s Your Weapon?
Our PRAISE is our WEAPON to combat and conquer anything and everything that the enemy would throw at us. God designed it that way.
Take A Deep Breath
Are you feeling weary, burdened or overwhelmed today? Sadie Robertson shares her favorite verses for encouragement peace and fight against worry or fear.
You Can Fly
The way to overcome fear is to take a leap of faith. Brothers and sisters, you were created to fly. Take the leap. God’s got your back. You’re no longer stuck in that slimy pit. You have been raised up, seated next to the father. He’s the one guiding your steps, don’t let the enemy keep you from walking in the way God has called you. You weren’t created for quick sand, to stay in one place forever.
Dinner With Jesus
Laney Redmon shares a sweet story about things to do on a Friday night. She set her eyes, heart, and emotions on Jesus for an evening of quiet reflection. May her story encourage you to allow yourself to have your own story of an intimate time with Him where He meets you in a way that you’ve never experienced Him before.
20 Bible Verses On Being Thankful
Pastor Jarrid Wilson gives 20 Bible verses to encourage us to walk through life in thankfulness for what God has done and continues to do in us. So when you can’t find the words, scripture can help you express your gratitude to God.
Praising Our Great Provider
Lauren Scruggs-Kennedy reminds us that God provides. When we dwell on this, our hearts undoubtedly overflow with amazement, gratefulness, and humbleness. He loves us more than we could even begin to imagine and is providing for, caring for, planning for, preparing for, and making a way for us, leading us to His best at all times.
He Understands
We are human. We will battle our flesh, and all of the feelings that come, so today we encourage you to give Jesus full access to every season of your life.If you allow Him, you’ll not only never walk alone, but you’ll have the most wonderful best friend that your heart has always longed for.
God Hears You
Sadie Robertson teaches us to pray, learn to listen, and to truly seek out what He wants to say to you. Spend time in the Word and with Him daily. If we ever want to truly live out the lives God has called us to, we have to cut out the excuses and become intentional about talking to Him.
Keep Running
Life can feel like that last lap sometimes, right? Sadie Robertson speaks into the mental exhaustion, spiritual exhaustion, and running the race alone. These are promises of strength, so that you will not get too exhausted to run the race He has set before you. In fact, you will become even more passionate about the purpose behind why you run.
Finding Strength in God’s Grace
Pastor Alex Seely from Nashville shares about her seasons of intense grief. She reminds us that His power is made perfect in our weakness, therefore we can trust that His grace is sufficient in every area of our life when we don’t feel so strong and resilient, because He is.
Who Are You Listening To
What comments are you listening to? Emma Mae Jenkins reminds us that we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world.
On Getting Older
Cathie Laurie talks about the beauty within us. As women, we appreciate beauty in all things, and what could be more beautiful than knowing that every season of our lives has been curated by our infinitely perfect and expert Creator? His plans and designs for us are exquisite and timeless.
He Is Strong
Where do you see struggle in your life? Our friend Brittany is sharing moments of struggles and encouraging you to look at your weakest moments that were used for God’s glory!
Jump Off
How do you respond physically to fear? Wouldn’t it be nice if that didn’t happen anymore? You don’t have to be afraid. You can stop fear where it starts—in your mind. Sadie Robertson is sharing practical ways to begin to live fearless.