To tell you this story about finding joy, I must give you a little background. I am a mother of two, and one of my children, my daughter, has a...
LO Library Topic:
Small Habits, Big Impact
Our daily decisions and habits are more impactful than we give them credit for. Our habits can lead us closer to the Lord or farther from the Lord....
Your Father’s House
Heaven. It’s your glorious unending. Your forever home. The place your faith becomes sight. I’m so grateful we’re spending the next six weeks in...
Bloom Where You’re Planted
My friends joke that I have a “black thumb,” which is their kind way of saying plants come to my home to die. I’m guilty and will admit I’m that...
Lessons From Exodus
I have been reading through Exodus lately and in the past, I have struggled as I read about the Israelites grumbling and complaining. Like you were...
He Satisfies All Things
I’m officially in the “are you dating anyone yet” era. I was recently back home and ran into one of my old school teachers while at a local coffee...
Faithfulness Over Fame
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. —Matthew 6:33 I have chosen the way of...
Fully Devoted: Giving Christ Your All
Have you ever been in a relationship or friendship where you felt like it was all one sided? Either you feel like you are making all the effort to...
Freedom From Your Past
Happy Tuesday, friend! We're excited to share Part 1 of our newest workshop in the LO Sister App, Goodbye Hiding, Hello Freedom, with you here on...
Your Story Has A Villain
Every year, I give something up on January 1 for the duration of the year. In an effort to not be mastered by anything, I have found it is a helpful...
What Are You Anchored In?
Rejection is no stranger to the human soul. As a mother, I’ve recently seen this in my own son— starting at just eight years old—when he wasn’t...
Friendship with the Lord and the Flourishing that Follows
“Who is the man who fears the LORD? Him will he instruct in the way that he should choose. His soul shall abide in well-being, and his offspring...
God Didn’t Choose Her
I want to dream big, but every time I begin to dream, I also begin to think of other women that are more qualified to fulfill that dream. At that...
Hope That Never Fades
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE <3 Fireworks! Balloons! Ball drop! Midnight! It’s 2025! After the excitement of New Year’s Eve winds down, there is...
The God Who Draws Near
Christmas is the answer to the deepest longings of our hearts, longings that have been carried since Eden. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us....
Name Your Fears and Embrace the Extraordinary
Remember the television show Fear Factor, where people confronted a few of their deepest fears? The show was canceled, but our fears don’t get...
Perfectly Imperfect
I dropped into my chair at the head of the table with a barely suppressed sigh of relief. The candlelight shone on the faces of beloved friends and...
The One Thing
“Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary.” Has there ever been a time in your life where you feel...
How Can I Trust God When I Don’t Understand His Ways?
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths...
Do It Anyway
“PURSUE IT" One day as Jesus was walking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers—Simon, also called Peter, and Andrew—throwing a...
A Note for the Holiday Season
For some of us, this holiday season marks a joyful “first”: baby’s first Christmas, first year married, first year being all together. For others,...
This post is adapted from Esther: Daring Faith for Such a Time as This by Kelly Minter. Learn more about this Bible study. The view from my back...
Sometimes Worship and Wailing Sound the Same
Because sometimes worship and wailing sound the same but I learned they come from two different places. One from what God has already done and the...
“It’s Just Me And Jesus” Mentality Might Not Be Working
If you’re local to Dallas, Texas, on November 17th at 7:30 PM we’re hosting an LO Local event – it’s all about rethinking what it means to follow...
Why We Have to Break Up With Comparison
Comparison loves to ruin my contentment. For me, it usually starts when I’ve finished a peaceful time with Jesus in the morning. When I’ve not only...
A Liturgy For Election Day
Whatever the outcome of this election, let our citizenship and our hope be rooted first in your heavenly kingdom.
Craving Community
Jesus is our friend who doesn’t just walk beside us; His Spirit dwells in us. He is with us, in every sense of the word, now and forever.
Favorite Wedding Moment
What is your favorite wedding moment? There are so many from which to choose. From the first downbeat of music to the last crumb of cake at the...
God’s VIP List
Have you ever been to a professional sports tournament? Having been to several, I can safely say that the experience is different depending on who...
Attending to the Healing Within
People who’ve seen me for soul care over the years know that I sometimes begin a session with a simple question: “Where do you find yourself today?”...
The Key to Overcoming Every Spiritual Battle
"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present...
God Does It Differently
April 2023, I’m standing in my kitchen at home. I’m getting ready to say goodbye to my son before he flies to Ukraine for a mission—a mission that I...
Trust + Follow
If you are reading these words, I know it’s not by coincidence. I trust that God is intentional and perfect in all of His ways. I write them with...
Remain in His Love
Beloved, Worthy Daughter Out of all the titles you may have—mother, wife, entrepreneur, pastor, teacher—the most important title you’ll ever wear is...
Transformed Parenting
“Hey! That’s mine! This one is yours. This is my side of the table! Stop it right now!” Until that moment, our house had been relatively quiet; our...
Savoring God’s Word Daily
I had three jobs in college: I worked at a theater, as a student driver, and as a waitress at the Wooden Shoe Restaurant. The Wooden Shoe was a...
A Father’s Love Letter
One of my favorite pool games growing up was the penny game. Basically, we would bring a handful of pennies to the pool, throw them in, and race to...
The World Needs God
This world is full of many things. I realize that what I just said is quite broad and is probably known by every single person on the planet. But it...
Good Grief
Let’s just be real: There are some moments when you read the Bible and feel as if you’re taking a field trip to heaven—as if you’re sitting on God’s...
What If?
I was in the middle of a counseling session years ago after a painful breakup pouring my deepest worries out to my counselor, “What if I lost...
A Pause Toward the Promise
Have you been wondering if you heard God right? You’ve taken every step and He’s opened every door but now you feel like you’re at a stand still....
The Danger of Compromise
Recently, we posted a message that I shared at Liberty University this past winter on YouTube, but I felt that I wanted to share it here on the blog...
Relaxed Coffee
I’ve started using the “make coffee” button on my coffee machine as a reminder to befriend Jesus. Honestly, these past few years are the first in...
Be Excited for the Unknown
Is living in the unknown scary, exciting, or a mixture of both? In today’s world, we are constantly told we need a plan of where we want our lives...
Nothing is Wasted
On November 10, 2015, a violent home invasion took the lives of my wife Amanda and our unborn child. Amanda and I had followed God’s call to plant a...
A Good Jealousy
“Do not make an idol for yourself, whether in the shape of anything in the heavens above or on the earth below or in the waters under the earth. Do...
I Am Weak, but Thou’ Art Strong
I want to be a strong woman. I want to be strong for my husband, my family, and my friends. I want to be unshakable in times of trials. I want my...
A Light In Dark Places
Hey friends! My name is Lily and I am working on Team LO this summer! I go to the University of Pennsylvania, and wow, since being here in Louisiana...
God’s Design Over My Desire
There’s this line I heard in a message once that said, “His design over my desire”. I found it pretty powerful because I don’t think many of us...
The Power of Friendship
I have a Six Pack and I don’t mean my Abs. I’ve had the opportunity to talk to a lot of women and a few men about the end of their marriage. The...
Truth to Overcome Anxiety’s Lies
Who has seen Inside Out 2?! My teammates and I went the other night and it was awesome! I highly recommend you go and see it if you haven’t! As most...
Too Close to Home
Because of the sovereignty of God and how God has made me, I have no problem asking strangers about who they believe Jesus to be. I’ve even looked...
The Beauty of Summer Camp
There is a nostalgic feeling I get every year when summer comes around. Once the leaves are back on the trees the summer sun seems to linger on into...
FOLLOWER DEFINITION: Someone that follows the opinions or teachings of another and imitates the other. As someone who grew up in a time when social...
His Pursuit Always Has Purpose
I remember one of the first children’s Christian hymns I ever learned in Sunday school. Maybe you know it, too. It goes like this: Jesus loves me,...
When Planning Takes A Detour
Plan plural noun: Plans noun: an intention or decision about what one is going to do verb: decide on and arrange in advance I know majority of us...
Why (and How) I Got Social Media Sober
Pull up a chair, friend. This might get worse before it gets better. Let’s be honest for a sec. How are you feeling about this online world? This...
You Don’t Have to Hide in Shame
Not that long ago, my life looked anything but godly. I spent my college years like a walking stereotype: the semi-goody-two-shoes Christian girl...
Truth to Overcoming Anxiety
“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7). Now, you might look at our verse and think to yourself, Ya think I haven’t...
Ringing Reminders to Pray
The traditional function of a town’s central bell tower was to encourage residents to practice the presence of God. In AD 604 Pope Sabinian...
Finding Good Mom Friends Is Hard
We’re Not Supposed to Have Twenty “Besties” The truth is, with the demands of household and children and husbands, we’re unlikely to have the margin...
Optimizing a Season of Lost Purpose
It's that time of year again, when school finals roll around, maybe your grade goes south or you do a little better than expected but second...
An Offering Of Everything
There are so many amazing stories of faith from Genesis to Revelation, but one of my personal favorites is found in Mark 12:41-44 (also referenced...
Name What’s Hard
As a clinician and as a human, I’ve learned that my own flurry of conflicting thoughts is a sign that I need to gently slow down the pace of my...
Life Is Funny Until It’s Not
Just One Thing Folks often ask me, “How did you endure so much grief? How did you climb out of the dark?” My scientific answer is, “Medicine...
The Joy of the In-Between
DAY 6 "He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful."...
A Simple Life Worth Living
We pulled into the drive of our new home and I have to be honest in saying that it was a bit shocking. It’s cute but much smaller than the house we...
To the Sister Who Wants to Say YES
To: The sister who wants to say YES, but fear is whispering in her ear. “Start a Bible study in your home…Oh, I’m not sure my house is big enough.”...
When You’re Scared to Pray Boldly
“The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” James 5:16b (NIV) I have to admit I'm sometimes scared to pray boldly. It's not at all...
When It Feels Too Heavy to Carry
“Detergent and creamer. Detergent and creamer.” I reminded myself. Not that this was something I was trying to remember and recall - it was actually...
The Hidden Years
When I was in my 20s, I almost opened a tiny art gallery and gift shop once to showcase my work in an empty loft space made available to me. It felt...
Can’t Rest, Everything Matters
Some years ago, I experienced my first significant fall with fatigue. I’d just finished the edits on my first book; my kids were eight, seven, six,...
Jesus Weeps with You
John 11:32-35 “When Mary reached the place where Jesus was and saw him, she fell at his feet and said, ‘Lord, if you had been here, my brother would...
Ignoring the Limits God Created for Us
Fourteen years ago, I suffered heat stroke in sight of the finish line of a community race I’d been training to win. It was eighty degrees, with...
It’s Not Too Late to Heal Your Brokenness
When I was young, my Nanny told me that one day I’d have to fight for my marriage. As a little girl, it didn’t make much sense to me. I had read...
Created to Create
Comparison is the thief of happiness because it robs us of connection—connection to ourselves and connection to others. For me, the biggest trigger...
My Identity, Your Glory
I recently took my family on a vacation to New York City. When I think of the term vacation, I picture white sand beaches, sunshine, a book, and...
Truth or Toxic Thoughts?
Many times, there are things underneath the surface that keep us from having a thriving relationship. These can be the effects of a past breakup,...
I Want God More Than Control
Back when we had permed hair and were twentysomething vibrant, we used to talk about how we hoped God would never send us as missionaries to Africa....
The Power of Parenting with Empathy
It is so important to let kids know that we value their feelings. This improves their sense of self-worth and self-esteem. Dr. Fay clearly remembers...
God Loves You!
God loves you. A phrase that some of us might feel numb towards because we have heard so much, a phrase that might feel untrue or unfathomable, a...
How To Be The Light That Ignites Hope
Early one sunny spring morning, I went downstairs from my bedroom into our kitchen to make myself some coffee. As I put the grounds in our espresso...
I Love Breakups!
I read a quote the other day that said, “What if the Lord allows us to experience human failure in heartbreak so that we can better understand His...
3 Things to Know Before Marriage
If you’re like us, at some point in your life, you wish you could go back in time and have a re-do at something you completely flopped in with your...
Who Am I?
One of the very first times I remember questioning my identity was when I was only five years old. My childhood best friend and I lived in the same...
In His Time
I don’t know about you but I am definitely one of the most impatient people ever. I’m the one who leaves for a class 30 minutes early because I...
His Ways Are Better
“One of the scariest realities in life is that if you insist, God will let you do it your way.” - Louie Giglio I convinced God that my plan was...
A Good Sting Is A Good Thing
Oh how easily I attempt to avoid the "sting" of conviction for my own complacency and comfort. I think in our world of constant distraction, it's...
Don’t Stop Believing
Have you stopped believing that God could do it? Well, you’re certainly not alone. I recently just moved out of my dream apartment and I am still in...
Can’t Stop the Feeling
Let me ask you a question: Have you ever had a disproportionate emotional response to a situation that should not have affected you in such a...
Note from Team LO: We are SO excited to bring you this month's post from our LO sister member, Grace Novak! If you want to be a part of this...
The Usefulness of Lament
Adapted from Let Go of Unmet Expectations, Overcome Anxiety, and Discover Intimacy with God by Lauren and Michael McAfee Lament. This word may be an...
Overcoming Fear of the Future
Every turn of the new year can bring thoughts of the future. 2024 is going to be a year of so much change in my life, and I'm sure in many of your...
Arise and Shine
When you think about Christmas, what are some of the things you think of first? I am taking a guess here, but odds are you think about Jesus,...
What If You Don’t Feel Content?
The idea of contentment gets thrown around a lot in Christian circles. If I’m honest, sometimes I get squirmy with the word contentment. Maybe it’s...
What is the Reason for the Season?
This phrase bounces around the Christian culture this time of year. It’s the question nearly every Christmas movie silently asks as it depicts the...
Back to the Basics
“I have learned to hold all things loosely, so God will not have to pry them out of my hands.” - Corrie Ten Boom Materialism. Something I would...
A Shift in Perspective
Fear and discouragement inevitably knock on the door to my dreams. When I answer now, I politely welcome them in, acknowledge their presence, and...
The Power of “Even If”
If you are anything like me, it’s easy to worry about anything and everything! Sometimes it can be the simplest things in life, like worrying if I...
Purpose > Insecurity
Have you ever doubted or questioned the calling, purpose, or instruction God has given you? Have you ever felt crippled by insecurity, uncertainty,...