
God Didn’t Choose Her

by | Jan 16, 2025 | Featured, Hope, Joy, Life Advice, LO Library

I want to dream big, but every time I begin to dream, I also begin to think of other women that are more qualified to fulfill that dream. 

At that point I start the downward spiral of thinking: “she has a stronger social media presence.” “She has the financial backing.” “She has an incredible marriage and support system.” “She is a great speaker.” “She is younger.” “She doesn’t have kids.” “She doesn’t have as many responsibilities that take up her time.” She is so much prettier.” 

Before long, I am questioning every dream I’ve ever had, doubting my ability to even keep up with being average, and convincing myself that God chose her to fulfill that dream. He wouldn’t, couldn’t, and shouldn’t choose Brooke. 

Recently, I was having a rough night and thinking every negative thought. I had disqualified myself in my own head, and qualified a myriad of other females I either know or follow who God needs to use instead of me. I began to tear up in the midst of my self-pity party, and the Lord quietly whispered to me: “I didn’t choose HER. I chose YOU.” Those few words make all the difference.

I bet that you, much like myself, have a “her” in your life who you admire and who you believe is more qualified. She is more beautiful. She has her life together.  She is the one who earned the promotion. She is talented. She should receive that honor. She deserves the good guy. She is worthy of love. Even though all that may be true for her; it’s true for you too. 

Sister, God didn’t choose her. God chose you. 

As we start this year off flourishing, I want you to also focus on flourishing in the dreams that God has given you. He wants you to flourish in the dreams He’s given you! He wants to engage in conversation with you. He wants you to dare to ask Him to fulfill those dreams. He wants you so close to Him. 

“You didn’t choose me. I [Jesus] chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name.” John‬ ‭15‬:‭16‬ ‭NLT‬‬

He chose you for this specific calling, not her. He appointed you for such a time as this, not her. And when you ask Him, He will help you fulfill every God-dream. 

Whoever “her” is in your life has her own dream and purpose, but it isn’t yours. God chose YOU for this dream and purpose. Take ownership in that. It’s your turn to flourish. Dream big with God this year!

Brooke Skipworth is a lover of Jesus, family, and her 3 kids. She was a pastor’s wife and a Marriage & Family Therapist prior to her life changing in 2023 when she was betrayed, broken, then widowed in a few short months. During that time God was so close to her and her children, and she now desires for everyone she meets to intimately know the same God that carried her through the darkest valleys of her life. Now, Brooke is discovering a new passion for life and for the calling God has for her. When she isn’t writing in her journal, she loves to spend time with her kids, drink iced chai lattes, run long miles, and read so many books!

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