LO Library Topic:


On Getting Older

Cathie Laurie talks about the beauty within us. As women, we appreciate beauty in all things, and what could be more beautiful than knowing that every season of our lives has been curated by our infinitely perfect and expert Creator? His plans and designs for us are exquisite and timeless.

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Nothing can keep me from the love of Jesus. No reminder of past pain. No flashback of past losses. No threat from Satan. No thought of how unworthiness. God is teaching me to let go and let love in. To be loved is to receive freedom.

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Don’t Compromise

Getting to know God right now while you are single will prepare you for marriage and beyond. I’ll leave you with some wise words once spoken to me: Jesus will always be your main squeeze.

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It’s Not About the Selfie

Let’s be ones that fill ourselves with ONLY Him, so that only HE will come out. He has shown me that if I focus whatever I may be doing on Him and not my self, He will guard my heart and mind.

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God Doesn’t Make Mistakes

It was an awakening of scripture, a vibrant reminder of all the truest things about me and about God, things I had known my whole life but that came to my mind in the moment I needed them most with more clarity and purpose than ever before.

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