Have you ever been in a relationship or friendship where you felt like it was all one sided? Either you feel like you are making all the effort to...
LO Library Topic:
Freedom From Your Past
Happy Tuesday, friend! We're excited to share Part 1 of our newest workshop in the LO Sister App, Goodbye Hiding, Hello Freedom, with you here on...
Your Story Has A Villain
Every year, I give something up on January 1 for the duration of the year. In an effort to not be mastered by anything, I have found it is a helpful...
What Are You Anchored In?
Rejection is no stranger to the human soul. As a mother, I’ve recently seen this in my own son— starting at just eight years old—when he wasn’t...
Friendship with the Lord and the Flourishing that Follows
“Who is the man who fears the LORD? Him will he instruct in the way that he should choose. His soul shall abide in well-being, and his offspring...
God Didn’t Choose Her
I want to dream big, but every time I begin to dream, I also begin to think of other women that are more qualified to fulfill that dream. At that...
Hope That Never Fades
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE <3 Fireworks! Balloons! Ball drop! Midnight! It’s 2025! After the excitement of New Year’s Eve winds down, there is...
The God Who Draws Near
Christmas is the answer to the deepest longings of our hearts, longings that have been carried since Eden. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us....
A Note for the Holiday Season
For some of us, this holiday season marks a joyful “first”: baby’s first Christmas, first year married, first year being all together. For others,...
This post is adapted from Esther: Daring Faith for Such a Time as This by Kelly Minter. Learn more about this Bible study. The view from my back...
Sometimes Worship and Wailing Sound the Same
Because sometimes worship and wailing sound the same but I learned they come from two different places. One from what God has already done and the...
Trust + Follow
If you are reading these words, I know it’s not by coincidence. I trust that God is intentional and perfect in all of His ways. I write them with...
A Father’s Love Letter
One of my favorite pool games growing up was the penny game. Basically, we would bring a handful of pennies to the pool, throw them in, and race to...
Nothing is Wasted
On November 10, 2015, a violent home invasion took the lives of my wife Amanda and our unborn child. Amanda and I had followed God’s call to plant a...
I Am Weak, but Thou’ Art Strong
I want to be a strong woman. I want to be strong for my husband, my family, and my friends. I want to be unshakable in times of trials. I want my...
When Planning Takes A Detour
Plan plural noun: Plans noun: an intention or decision about what one is going to do verb: decide on and arrange in advance I know majority of us...
Truth to Overcoming Anxiety
“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7). Now, you might look at our verse and think to yourself, Ya think I haven’t...
Optimizing a Season of Lost Purpose
It's that time of year again, when school finals roll around, maybe your grade goes south or you do a little better than expected but second...
Life Is Funny Until It’s Not
Just One Thing Folks often ask me, “How did you endure so much grief? How did you climb out of the dark?” My scientific answer is, “Medicine...
Jesus Weeps with You
John 11:32-35 “When Mary reached the place where Jesus was and saw him, she fell at his feet and said, ‘Lord, if you had been here, my brother would...
It’s Not Too Late to Heal Your Brokenness
When I was young, my Nanny told me that one day I’d have to fight for my marriage. As a little girl, it didn’t make much sense to me. I had read...
God Loves You!
God loves you. A phrase that some of us might feel numb towards because we have heard so much, a phrase that might feel untrue or unfathomable, a...
How To Be The Light That Ignites Hope
Early one sunny spring morning, I went downstairs from my bedroom into our kitchen to make myself some coffee. As I put the grounds in our espresso...
Don’t Stop Believing
Have you stopped believing that God could do it? Well, you’re certainly not alone. I recently just moved out of my dream apartment and I am still in...
The Usefulness of Lament
Adapted from Let Go of Unmet Expectations, Overcome Anxiety, and Discover Intimacy with God by Lauren and Michael McAfee Lament. This word may be an...
Overcoming Fear of the Future
Every turn of the new year can bring thoughts of the future. 2024 is going to be a year of so much change in my life, and I'm sure in many of your...
What is the Reason for the Season?
This phrase bounces around the Christian culture this time of year. It’s the question nearly every Christmas movie silently asks as it depicts the...
The Power of “Even If”
If you are anything like me, it’s easy to worry about anything and everything! Sometimes it can be the simplest things in life, like worrying if I...
Growing Pains, Growing Gains
My mom often reminds me of all the times I was younger and would wake up crying in the middle of the night because of how bad my legs hurt. Nine...
Discipline of Celebration
Good morning friend, I hope as you sip your morning coffee and read through this page or two you are lifted up by the truth that celebration is a...
Embodied Trust
To be human is to suffer. As we will eventually see, the question is not if we each suffer. It is, rather, To what degree are we aware of it? and...
Freedom in Christ
I’ve been doing my best to walk closely with the Lord for about ten years now. After identifying as a Christian for most of my life and being a...
Faithful. Fearless. Fierce.
God will always go before you, stand behind you, and walk beside you. Before we even dive into this word on my heart today, let’s hold captive to...
Let’s start with a quick poll: raise your hand if you’ve ever felt overwhelmed or frustrated about something that should’ve been easy and ended up...
Lie Detection
Have you ever heard someone say you should wait thirty minutes after a meal to go swimming? Or that shaving your hair makes it grow back thicker?...
When disappointment is lived out in our lives, however, it becomes our nemesis and a paralyzer.
When I Can’t He Can by Danielle Busby
Faith transforms the heart. It will give you the ability to prosper when you are faced with all of life’s “cants.”
When Good Goes Bad by Ashley TerKeurst Hodges
Where there is impossible pain, God always offers incredible power. We must stay close to Him and trust Him.
God Doesn’t Make Mistakes
It was an awakening of scripture, a vibrant reminder of all the truest things about me and about God, things I had known my whole life but that came to my mind in the moment I needed them most with more clarity and purpose than ever before.
Love Has No Language Barriers
We’ve always said, love has no language barrier and it’s true.