Have you ever been in a relationship or friendship where you felt like it was all one sided? Either you feel like you are making all the effort to...
LO Library Topic:
Favorite Wedding Moment
What is your favorite wedding moment? There are so many from which to choose. From the first downbeat of music to the last crumb of cake at the...
A Father’s Love Letter
One of my favorite pool games growing up was the penny game. Basically, we would bring a handful of pennies to the pool, throw them in, and race to...
Nothing is Wasted
On November 10, 2015, a violent home invasion took the lives of my wife Amanda and our unborn child. Amanda and I had followed God’s call to plant a...
The Love We Need Most
“Love yourself.” We’ve heard this line many times. We’ve read it on decorative signs at Home Goods. We’ve sung it in popular songs on the radio....
A Content Heart Starts in Singleness
For the majority of college, I was single. And I’ll be the first to admit that I wasn’t always patient during singleness. I was the one in the...
WTG: Our Best Couples Advice
What’s up, friend! I’m so excited to share this Sisters + Friends episode with you! This one features some of mine and Christian’s best friends,...
Our Best Relationship Advice
Advice we can all learn from
Active Love
Advice we can all learn from
Confidence In College: Dating
Nothing ever satisfies until we realize we’re beautiful on the inside.
Dependent On God
Nothing ever satisfies until we realize we’re beautiful on the inside.
Attributes of God: LOVE
Nothing ever satisfies until we realize we’re beautiful on the inside.
Reasons why I love you
Let His love restore your soul.
A Passionate Pursuit
I have noticed that the word passion has a new meaning in my life. It is a passion that is pure, and it is the very thing that fuels me to press past the feelings that rise up and make me fear the future.