He’s Got You

He’s Got You

Note from Team LO: We are SO excited to bring you this month’s post from our LO Fam member, Megan! If you want to know more, check out our online community of sisters here!

Guys, God is good. I can’t say that enough. The last few years of my life have been a whirlwind of ups and downs and yet one thing has remained the same–Him. He has been faithful beyond words and has blown me away with the wonderful ways in which He works. To start this little blog post off I’ll introduce myself. I’m Megan, a twenty-something girl, who loves vegging on the couch watching a favorite show almost as much as getting out in the world and doing some good. A great book can keep me transfixed for hours and a good friend can keep me talking for more. There are days you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between me and a well behaved college student on summer break. At my all-time worst, there would barely be any of me left to see. The thing is I have OCD. The kind of OCD that destroys lives. The kind of OCD that nearly destroyed mine.

Not long before my twentieth birthday I hit rock bottom. I couldn’t function. I spent each day either standing in a room, silently waiting for the time to pass or laying at the end of the bed staring at the ceiling or in a flood of tears totally in crisis mode. Every waking moment I was trying to control my thoughts. Even when that meant not eating, barely sleeping, and certainly not living.  This whole downward spiral started around the beginning of 2016. Nearly the same time the following year, I was admitted to a residential treatment facility. Several people told me that I had the most severe case of OCD they had ever seen. One even said I might never have a functioning life again. It was tough. Every step, each day, was a major hurdle. I tell you these things only to show the greatness of our God because if anyone was going to recover, it didn’t look like it was going to be me.

My life was difficult for many reasons, but one heartbreaking reason was OCD affected my ability to be engaged in my faith. I couldn’t pray without ending up in ridiculous rituals and buckets of anxiety. I couldn’t read scripture, and I couldn’t go to church. One form of OCD that I struggle with is called “scrupulosity” which The Peace of Mind Foundation defines as, “the religious form of OCD in which individuals are plagued with obsessions surrounding religion/spirituality and morals. This may include obsessions about sin, offending God, religious or moral failings, and punishment. They are burdened with worry about whether something is ‘the right thing to do’ even in trivial matters, and often perform compulsions including repetitive prayer, confessions, and avoidance.”

As you might be able to tell by all the things I “couldn’t” do, my main behavior in this area was avoidance. I thought if I didn’t engage I couldn’t do anything wrong. Distance from my faith was not what I wanted, but I thought it was necessary to keep the panic and unrelenting anxiety away. I was incorrect on that one. The more I avoided everything, the greater my fears became and the farther I had to run. Although it didn’t really matter that I was running because God was always right there with me, step for step. It can be challenging, when we are in the middle of something, to not wonder where God is in all of it, but let me tell you this, God sends help in the form of amazing people. He works through each one of us. If you’re willing to accept the help, He will meet you where you are. For me, His amazing grace came in the form of wonderful mental health professionals.

My first therapist at residential treatment was Lisa and she was a total gift from God. She is kind, compassionate, and insightful. She was all the things a great therapist is. At my first family session, Lisa quoted the Bible. This was surprising as I wasn’t in a Christian treatment center. I appreciated it more than she knew. I wish I remembered the verse, but regardless, it put my heart at ease. I knew I was in good hands.

During the next ten months, she reminded me of God’s grace and helped me move in a direction where I would again have a close relationship with Him. She sat with me while I poured out my worst fears and agreed with me when I told her there was no way this was all God had planned for me. She knew how much I’d love to attend church and so we even went on a little road trip to find me a good one. About a week later I went to church for the first time in a long time.

My favorite verse is one you probably know, “I can do all things through Him who gives me strength” Philippians 4:13. This was the truth I spoke over myself for months–months in which I made more progress than I could have hoped for. With the help of Jesus I was getting my life back! It wasn’t easy and there was a whole long painful process, but in the end, He was faithful as always.

A few weeks before leaving I was thinking about what’s next. After tossing some ideas around, I decided to ask Lisa why she became a therapist. Lisa looked at me. She said she promised herself that if I asked she wouldn’t lie to me and told me that she herself had recovered from OCD. I truly believe God used that situation to speak some things into my heart. One was that we are never alone. Not only is He there, but He is often working to put people in our path to remind us of that truth. For a long time I struggled with the idea that maybe OCD is just an endless cycle of suffering, but through Lisa’s story, God taught me something invaluable. People do recover, they move on and live full wonderful lives. What a blessing! Lastly I knew I wanted to help others the way she helped me. At that time in my life I was continually seeing people not get the resources they needed. God put it on my heart to one day start a treatment facility with an emphasis on Christianity and the hope of Jesus. This lit a fire within me that has continued to motivate me to this day.

After leaving residential, I was scared. I didn’t know if I could possibly find a second therapist as good as the first, but God, in His goodness, did it again. I sat in a new office with my current therapist. I told her about my disorder and my treatment. She was able to talk to Lisa for a handoff. With no expectations whatsoever I told her that Lisa had lived with OCD and that her insight had really helped me. It turns out that she had OCD too. I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t believe I ended up with two extraordinary therapists who have walked through this struggle by chance. I think that God placed these women in my life to assure me that, although what I went through was the most difficult process of my life, God would not waste it. Through every hopeless stroll I took that winter, trekking through the freezing snow, hoping the cold might make me feel alive again, He was preparing me for something greater. And every time I was paralyzed with the kind of fear that I will never forget, He was prepping me to show up with the kind of compassion and insight you can only get from experience. It is because of my suffering that God can use me to reach people and I will be beyond honored to share with them, not only the hope of recovery, but the hope of the Lord!

If there is anything you take away from my story I hope it is this: even in the darkest, most hopeless times of our lives, God is preparing us for something greater. He took something so destructive in my life and turned it into my purpose. How absolutely amazing is that! That’s the kind of God we serve! I went from being non-functioning and flooded with anxiety to where I am now–on my last year of undergraduate school, on the path towards grad school, becoming a licensed therapist, and chasing after the life God intended for me. No matter your situation, whether it be mental illness or not, you’re not walking through it alone. Trust me when I tell you, God’s got you!

 Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’ -Isaiah 41:10

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#1 who am I going to marry?

#1 who am I going to marry?

If you know me, then you know that I tend to overthink things. It is arguably the most annoying thing about me. That might sound funny to hear that about me, but it is just true! I cannot tell you how many times I have heard the dreaded sentence, “You are overthinking it,” said to me when I am sharing 1,238,292 case scenarios that I have thought of over a single situation.

So, I wanted to just go ahead and start a new blog series called, “Things in Life I Overthought.”

Things I really just wish I had cried less tears over or thought less thoughts about or stress less about or strived less for because hindsight is 20/20  and, as I really always knew— GOD HAD IT.

Part 1 – Who am I going to marry?

I majorly overthought this one. Honestly, my dialogue was a little off when it came to my perspective of whom I would marry. Speaking in movie terms, most people might envision who they are going to marry as a rom-com or a hallmark movie, but for me, it was more of a mystery.  I was always trying to look into every clue, every motive, every sign, figure out the plot, look at every suspect and make deductions.  It was a full-on suspense movie going on inside my head. If you could hear my inner dialogue it may sound like this –“Who could it be? Maybe it is him, because he asked me to go to coffee and I said I want a guy who likes coffee? Coincidence or sign? Could it be him, because he said ‘God bless you’ when I sneezed and I said I wanted a man who loves God? And he’s tall, dark and handsome? Gotta be him.” Then I would go back to the house, call one of my best friends and see what they thought of all of the clues.

Like for real girl – I gotta chill!

This mystery-solving mindset will pretty much give you what any other mystery movie would give you– drama and confusion. It may be fun to watch, but it is not fun to live. What I found is this: when it comes to meeting the person you are going to marry, is it is not like a mystery movie, and truthfully, it is not always like a rom-com or a hallmark movie either. Believe it or not, everyone –it is more like a true story. *Gasp, I know, shocking, huh? There is normally not a sound track for all the magical moments or step by step clues giving you some mystical insight – it is the story that the Creator has intentionally written for you and your future spouse.

The day before I met Christian I had basically surrendered to mystery-solving dating. I had waved the white flag and said, “I’m done!” I told all of my friends (it is even on a video) that I was not going to date anyone for six months. I had become so frustrated and discouraged with months of dating and trying to figure out if he was the “one” only to end it all in a break up. Yes, it’s ironic that I met Christian the very next day! The day after my surrender!

We started to get to know one another, but this is the thing – we started to get to know each other. That’s it. I was not trying to find the clues, figure out the motive, search for the things that would give him points, or size him up to see if he fit the description I had in mind. Basically, I did not “overthink” it, because I was not thinking about it.

Christian is a super affirming person, and anytime I start a sentence with “do you think…” he always starts his answer with, “I don’t think – I know.”  The funny thing is, when Christian and I started “talking,” I honestly did not think about anything – we just naturally started getting to know each other.  He never even asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend and still hasn’t, haha! (But he did ask me to marry him, heyo!) I just knew that I was his and that I was the only one he was pursuing. He left no room for me to ever question that – it was just known. There was never a thought about us breaking up. I just knew I did not want to spend a day of my life without him. And he felt the same.

Our futures started to make sense together. Our individual stories began to form an even better story when combined. There was not much to think about. It was always clear where both of our hearts were and where we both wanted to go. It was evident that God could use us to help one another achieve our purpose. I did not have to overthink things. Our actions and words to each other allowed us to rest in the natural progression of a relationship. It was beautiful and freeing to not have to second guess every move either of us made.

In real life, it’s never fun to know a surprise before it happens. If you do know the surprise, it’s a fact that you will not react the same way you would if you truly were surprised. Once you know about the surprise, it’s not a surprise. You tend to overthink the way you are going to act when the surprise (that is now not a surprise) happens, when you see the people, when you hear the words “SURPRISE” called out. Your response will not be as natural—no matter how hard you try. It will not be the same. I think this is God’s plan for us as He chooses our spouses.  God wants to surprise you with what He has planned and prepared for you. And, if you ask for His help and His guidance, He will give it to you.

So, don’t try to figure it out before it happens. Know that God is working with two beautiful hearts and is preparing each one for the other person. It takes time to get some really important details together. For me, I will tell you this, I am so surprised it is Christian. And we are continuously surprised by the details that God puts into our story. Wait for your real life story – it will surprise you in the best way!





I remember vividly the excitement I felt in my stomach the last couple weeks of school. Summer was quickly approaching, and I could hardly keep my feet still underneath the metal frame desk that cut into my knees with every move. My mind swirled with ideas of how I would spend my time and with whom I would spend my time; the sheer anticipation of it all was invigorating.

Just as quickly as the excitement set in, so would the letdown as I began to realize summer was almost over, and I most assuredly did not accomplish all I set out to do. The anticipation of it all seemed almost greater than the actual experience. The very idea of all the memories that I would make was more lasting than the memories themselves. How could this be? Perhaps the vacations never lived up to their grandeur, or maybe I created this arrival place in my mind that I never quite seemed to obtain. Nonetheless, as the school year began, I resolved that definitely “next summer, I will…”

Do you know what’s funny? I still find myself doing the same thing. Even now, I catch myself in a state of dissatisfaction as if somehow, there is a life out there I am missing out on. A destination I have not yet reached, an arrival place of sorts only the prestigious, the righteous, and the ones who read their Bible every day and pray for hours on end, without fail, manage to conquer. In my mind, there is a grandiose mountain somewhere out there where “The Arrived” all gather together in explicit delight, and the vagrants such as myself will never be good enough to join them.

“Their” marriages are perfect. “Their” children are flawless. “Their” homes stay clean. “They” never lose their temper. “They” get up at 5 am, and by 6:30, “they” have studied, prayed, and hit the gym. “They” are disciplined and never late. “They” always have the right thing to say, and “their” friendships are closer than family and last a lifetime. “Their” knowledge of God far supersedes my meager attempt to know Him more as I fill out my prayer journal once again, asking for forgiveness as I resolve to do better, to be better, and to love better. Defeated and dissatisfied, I come to realize that I will never be one of them. Just like the ending of summer, I am once again left with the realization that I have so far to go. So very far to go.

But who exactly are “they?”

“They” are a figment of our imaginations — a dilution fed to us by the evil one to keep us in a constant state of searching for all the wrong things. “They” are sent to divide families, to destroy marriages, and to lie to our children. “They” are an addiction that promises satisfaction but inevitably leaves you empty and unfulfilled, thus continuing the cycle of your search to be like “them.” We spend so much time trying to be like “them,” but the truth is “THEY” do not exist. “THEY” are not real people. Like the man behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz who was pulling all the strings and invoking fear into Dorothy and her friends, “they” may surprise you. “They” is actually “US.” We are the authors of our own dissatisfaction.


My friends, why should a picture of a happy family make us sad? Or why do we see a snapshot of two lovebirds sharing a date night and become convinced that our own relationship is pathetic? Could it be that we are living for the arrival point? Could it be that we carefully crafted what the perfect Christian, marriage, relationship, job, etc. should look like based on our perception of the world, and until we arrive at that place, wherever it may be, we are riddled with depression and anxiety? All the while, we are beating our fists at the air because our expectations are not based on reality.

We stare at mere images on a screen, moments that were captured, perfect moments, in fact, that were meant to show but a glimpse of an ideal day. In the futility of our minds, we take those images, and then we assign a personhood to them that is highly unattainable. This is what a perfect marriage looks like, or that is what it means to be beautiful, and as we compare it to ourselves, we are reminded all the more that we have not arrived. In truth, we are not depressed because we do not measure up, but instead, we are depressed because we spend our lifetime trying to measure up, so much so that we miss the beauty of this life that God gave us — the beauty of a life that is not perfect. It is so imperfect, we can spend every day for the rest of our lives watching God shape and form us.

What is so amazing to me about the God we serve and a lesson He has been teaching me for some time is that He has so much more in store for me. To this girl who has so far to go, I relish in the words of Paul in Philippians 1:6, “For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” Like the little girl who was overwhelmed with excitement at what the summer might hold, I am beyond thankful that, for the rest of my life, I can live experiencing God’s work upon my life while simultaneously anticipating what He is going to do next. The understanding that there is no arrival place on earth frees me to live in the moment aware of the current struggle that may plague me. It frees me to allow God into a place to do some of His most powerful work because I realize my own inability to arrive anywhere apart from Him.

This understanding, mind you, is no arrival place either. I am no more righteous and no more perfect than I was before, but I am growing in Him, and He is doing things within me that I could never do. He is also changing the way I see you because I realize we are all operating within a fallen world together, and in the same way that I have so far to go, so do you. We are living in a world with death and brokenness, heartache and disappointment. In reality, Christians are being persecuted, children are being killed in the womb, family members are dying, and there is no Christian, no marriage, no friend, or parent that has arrived. We are all suffering from the effects of a broken world.

For this reason, we should be thrilled to see a glimpse of happiness and joy on the faces of our brothers and sisters. It should excite us to cheer them on in their victories and mourn with them through their trials. We should celebrate marriages which are thriving and children who are doing big things for the Lord. We should not be so quick to judge the motives of others but even quicker to offer Grace because we know how desperately we need it ourselves.

You and I have not arrived, but in the short amount of time it took me to write this blog, God was doing something inside me, and I pray He was doing something inside you.

Jill Dasher is a blogger and speaker who is passionate about sharing the message of being known through authentic community with God and each other. She resides in Asheville, NC with her husband Zach and four children. In between sunset hikes and camping weekends she works alongside her husband running a media company.

Follow Jill on Instagram @jilldasher

Making Big Decisions

Making Big Decisions

Your life is shaped by big decisions. Our choices set up our future – for better or worse!

There’s a massive difference between letting life happen to you and taking ownership of your future through your choices – one creates a life of cowardice and the other creates a life of courage.

In order to experience the future of beauty + awesomeness that God wants for you, you have to be willing to risk. You have to decide to own the big decisions in your life.

When you decide to own it, when you decide you’ll make the hard choices and face the tough decisions of life head on, that’s when you get tripped up on one question – how?

How do I know what the best decision is? I’m willing to risk big to live out a life of faith – but how do I know which risk is right and which is wrong?

I’ve asked myself this question so many times in my life. Should I marry my boyfriend? Should I move to a different city? Should I go to this college. Should I take this job or move in with these roommates or buy this car… the list goes on and on!

Here’s what I’ve learned in 29 years of making big, life-altering, tough, and wonderful decisions:

First things first, pray and seek wise counsel. Prayer and reading scripture shows you what God considers the best path for you (not a life focused on money, not a boyfriend who doesn’t love Jesus, a life where you desperately need Him). A lot of foolish choices can be avoided simply by comparing them to scripture. Wise counsel is one or two people in your life whose lives you admire and whose opinion you trust. (If you ask more than two people what to do, be careful that you’re not just looking for someone to give you an easy out!)

What we’re dealing with are the vague questions – the ‘God doesn’t say its wrong, but I don’t know if it’s right!’ questions. So that brings us to the second most important thing:

Let go of trying to make the ‘right’ decision.

God’s plan for your life isn’t a treasure map – it’s more of a choose your own adventure book! He just wants the best and most spiritually healthy life for you – you get to decide what that is! Don’t be afraid you’re living one decision away from ruining your future – that’s not how our loving God works.

If it doesn’t go against His will – and that’s anything He clearly states against in the scriptures – then it’s up to you. HOW SCARY AND AWESOME!

Here are three questions I ask myself when I make a big decision that I believe can also help you:

1. Be honest with yourself: is this my comfort or my calling?

Sometimes we try to extend something in our life that was meant for a season. When I was about to finish college at UNC Chapel Hill, I knew I’d always planned to move and work in Los Angeles. But Los Angeles is massive and expensive and scary and I didn’t know a soul there. I had a job in Chapel Hill and I loved the little town around my school. I was very tempted just to…stay. Stay in my comfortable job. Stay in my pretty town. But I knew I loved Chapel Hill because I loved being a student and I loved my memories there. If I stayed to avoid something hard, I would have been extending a season in my life that was only meant for four years. Four amazing years, let me tell you, but only four years. To stay wouldn’t have been bad, but it wouldn’t have been best, either. I had to go where God was calling and leave where I was comfortable.

2. Where will I have the most impact and where will I be the most impacted?

What will challenge you the most? Where can you do the most good or bring the most life?

The common misconception with this one is that you would choose a path that promises you suffering in hopes you’ll be refined. Don’t do that! God never wants us to suffer for the sake of suffering.

I chose to marry my husband because he makes me incredibly happy – and he is also incredibly challenging! He doesn’t let me settle. He knows my capacity and constantly helps me live up to and exceed what I think I can accomplish. And I know that I do the same for him.

Choosing who you’re going to marry is legitimately terrifying – it’s forever! – but when you’ve chosen well leading up to that big decision – who to date, how to date, and everything in between – it’s still scary, but it’s not difficult. I couldn’t love another man like I love my husband, and no other man could love me like he does!

3. Am I motivated by fear?

Fear is the killer of all good intentions. Fear ruins plans and eats away at your life with regret, bitterness, and anxiety.

Pray to God for peace that surpasses all understanding – let nothing you decide be ruled by fear.

Here are some common fears to look out for that can lead you away from the best decision for your future:

‘I’m afraid if I move I won’t have any friends.’

‘I’m afraid if I break up with him no one else will like me.’

‘I’m afraid if I take this job I won’t be good at it and I’ll fail.’

‘I’m afraid if I get married I’ll lose my independence.’

‘I’m afraid if I choose the wrong college I’ll regret not going to another school.’

‘I’m afraid that if I don’t go to college people will think I’m strange or not intelligent.’

The ‘I’m afraid’s’ could go on forever! Examine your heart, your attitude, and your spirit – what choice feels like it would require God to show up and do great miracles in your life? What choice feels dangerously dependent on Him? Head in that direction! God calls us to be secure in Him, not safe!

Brooke Figueroa is a pastor at Mosaic, a church in Los Angeles, CA. She loves drinking espresso with her husband, leading worship with Mosaic MSC, and reading an absurd amount of books. She’d love to meet you on Instagram at @brookeofigueroa

Our Engagement Day

Our Engagement Day

I’m sitting in a coffee shop in Omaha, Nebraska, next to my beautiful fiancé, writing my first blog ever about the best day of my life. I hope this story encourages and inspires everyone who reads it and I hope every reader leaves this page more captivated than ever by the One who is the true orchestrator of this relationship, Jesus Christ.

Neither Sadie nor I could have ever imagined the timing and the way the Lord brought us together. We are both here, not because of anything either of us did, but because of God’s faithfulness and kindness toward those who love and serve Him. We serve an amazing God who loves us relentlessly and will stop at nothing to draw us near to Him. I hope you see a glimpse of His love through the way Sadie and I love one another.

So, here goes a play by play of the day that I proposed to Sadie Carroway Robertson, who is the love of my life.

Sadie and I have birthdays just two days apart, so we decided to have a huge party on June 9, 2019. Now this was a “birthday party” to Sadie, but to everyone else it was a little more than just a “birthday party.” Both of us had invited a ton of our friends and family to Louisiana for the party. Most of them already knew more was going to happen than just celebrating our birthdays.

The morning of June 9th, I woke up antsy as all get out, knowing this was going to be the day I would propose, but I tried to act calm so Sadie wouldn’t suspect what was happening. It was tough, let me tell you, because she can read me like a book. I was praying that morning for God to bring ease and calmness to the day, allowing me to soak it all up and enjoy the moment that He created.

It was a Sunday, so we (the family and lots of our friends) got up that morning and headed to church. Church was amazing which started our day off right. Following the church service, everyone carpooled back to Korie and Willie’s house for the party which was to start at 1:00 that afternoon. It didn’t take long for everyone to change clothes and get the party started! Korie had the day organized with lots of competitive games and relay races, which was perfect for Sadie and me. We both love to play anything. (Side note: Sadie and I have never lost a game when we team up together in any sport. No big deal 🙂 ) After we finished all the games and the relay races, everyone left to get ready for the big dinner that was going to happen that night. Sadie and I were sitting by the pond talking about the day while I was icing my ankle. As I was icing my “not so swollen ankle” trying to stall for little bit of time, I told Sadie that I needed her to go inside and put on one of her favorite outfits. At this point, she knew what was happening. I had asked her mom, my mom, and all her sisters to help her get ready so they all went upstairs to Sadie’s room.

When we were both dressed and ready, I met her at the bottom of the stairs accompanied by her dad, my dad, and her brothers. I had a stack of letters for her that each member of our immediate family had written. From there, we hopped into the Bronco and drove out to a farmhouse Korie and Willie own where everything was set up for our magical moment.

Once we got there, we sat down to pray for our relationship. We even prayed over the ring. The moment was so full in the spirit.  We both had never felt every fruit of the spirit like we did that day, in that moment. Once I finished praying, I stood up and walked around the blanket with the biggest smile ever on my face and asked the question “Sadie, will you marry me?” She screamed “YES!” and started to cry from excitement. She jumped up into my arms and I spun her around several times before gently letting her down onto the blanket. Then we both began screaming and laughing out loud at how exciting this moment in time was.

Let me just tell you friend, this was the most exhilarating moment of my life. After the proposal, we both caught our breath and I drove us over to the barn that sits on the property. In the barn was a screen and a projector, along with popcorn, M&Ms, and a coke. These are all of her favorite movie things. Together we laughed and cried as we watched a slideshow of our life together so far. It was great remembering all the things we had done together this past year. Soaking all of it in, just the two of us, was amazing, but we were also excited to go back and celebrate with all our friends and family. As we pulled up at Korie and Willie’s house, everyone was outside and met us with the loudest shouts and hoorays. Of course, everyone wanted to see the ring, give us a hug and take a picture. I think in that order.

The night wasn’t over yet. We ate dinner, then watched the video of our proposal outside on a big screen. I was smart enough to have someone hiding to film the whole thing. I knew it was something we would always want to have and it was fun to have the film to show our family and friends the very night it happened. Then we slipped away from the party to just sit in the hammock and rest for a moment. We wanted to talk about our day and pray (gotta give credit where credits due) over how amazing it was.

We could not be more thankful for everyone who loves us enough to drive or fly all the way to Louisiana to celebrate that day with us. It was truly the most special celebration. Any love that God brings together is worthy of celebration and should be clothed in intentionality. Psalm 37:23 says “The Lord directs the steps of the Godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.”

Let me tell you friend, our Father is in the details of our lives and, oh boy, does He take delight in the little things. Our proposal day was a dream come true and one that we love to replay over and over in our heads.

Proverbs Study

Proverbs Study

It has been so fun going through Proverbs together! I cannot wait to share with you some treasures in Proverbs six. If you are just now joining us and want to catch up, I got you! Here are the previous posts:

Proverbs 1 + 2

Proverbs 3

Proverbs 4

Proverbs 5

Now let’s dive in!

Honestly, if you take the instruction of this Proverbs I think it is going to put some pep in your step, and help you make some decisions that you might have been putting off for quite some time. This chapter addresses an issue that this generation who is obsessed with sloths tends to struggle with, laziness!

The chapter starts out strong by talking about if you get stuck in any kind of binding contract situation that you do not need to be in, it gives the advice in verse 3, “QUICKLY get out of it if you possibly can! Swallow your pride, get over your embarrassment, and go tell your “friend” you want your name off that contract. DON’T PUT IT OFF, and don’t rest until you get it done. Rescue yourself from future pain and be free from it once and for all. You’ll be so relieved that you did!”

I know for those of you who do not like confrontation this verse is one you want to sprint over, but there is so much wisdom in this. The passion version just really lays it right out in front of you. What is the hard phone call you need to make?  I used to have a hard time making these kind of moves myself, but I was at a leadership conference once Craig Groeschel said something that helped me not to put off things that I knew might be hard for me to do. He said, “Surgery hurts, but death hurts worse.” Essentially, it is hard to make a decision to cut something out or someone out in your present even though you know it may hurt your future, but the price you pay by not cutting out what you need to will kill your business, dream, relationship, and really just anything that it touches.

Verses 6-11 also address the issue of laziness and it is a good life lesson.

Life Lessons

When you’re feeling lazy,
come and learn a lesson from this tale of the tiny ant.
Yes, all you lazybones, come learn
from the example of the ant and enter into wisdom.
The ants have no chief, no boss, no manager—
no one has to tell them what to do.

You’ll see them working and toiling all summer long,
stockpiling their food in preparation for winter.
So wake up, sleepyhead. How long will you lie there?
When will you wake up and get out of bed?
If you keep nodding off and thinking, “I’ll do it later,”
or say to yourself, “I’ll just sit back awhile and take it easy,”
just watch how the future unfolds!
By making excuses you’ll learn what it means to go without.
Poverty will pounce on you like a bandit
and move in as your roommate for life.

This is one of those moments I am just going to let Solomon, the writer of proverbs, have a mic drop and ask y’all not to kill the messenger.  Act as if Solomon is your mentor right now and take that advice to heart, because it will help you fulfill your purpose on a day-to-day basis. Verse 11 is something I want to highlight – reread it.

When my little brother turned 16 he is a very good example of who this is talking to. My parents told him that if he worked hard in school and met a certain grade point, then they would bless him with a car. It was not an impossible grade point to reach. I would say it was pretty grace filled if you ask me. Well, he turned 16 and did not have the grades, so he did not get the car. Keep in mind, my brother is an incredibly talented, smart, and creative guy and my parents and our whole family see that potential in him. Because of that, they then extended it and said whenever you reach these grades we will get you the car. It has been almost two years with the same offer on the table, and he still has not made the grades, so he does not have the car and the only thing standing in between him and this car is his own laziness and excuses. I want to ask you, what is your car? What is the thing that could be the very thing that takes you to the next place in life, but the lack of a little work is hindering you from reaching? “By making excuses you’ll learn what it means to go without” is very true.

Throughout the whole bible it talks about not being lazy. Romans 12:11 “Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically! Wake up sleepy heads! You all have purpose to walk in every single day!”



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Sadie Robertson Huff is well known for her engaging smile and energetic personality, but there is a lot more to the 25-year-old star of A&E’s Duck Dynasty and runner up on ABC’s Dancing With the Stars season 19


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