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Nothing is Wasted

On November 10, 2015, a violent home invasion took the lives of my wife Amanda and our unborn child. Amanda and I had followed God’s call to plant a...

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Too Close to Home

Because of the sovereignty of God and how God has made me, I have no problem asking strangers about who they believe Jesus to be. I’ve even looked...

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FOLLOWER DEFINITION: Someone that follows the opinions or teachings of another and imitates the other. As someone who grew up in a time when social...

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God Doesn’t Make Mistakes

It was an awakening of scripture, a vibrant reminder of all the truest things about me and about God, things I had known my whole life but that came to my mind in the moment I needed them most with more clarity and purpose than ever before.

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Letting Go of Control

We can’t just cover up our sins or shortcomings by using His love as an excuse. His love is our lifeline. It’s our grace. When we continue to fall short, and we don’t spend the time to figure out what’s missing or what’s wrong, we get stuck.

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A Passionate Pursuit

I have noticed that the word passion has a new meaning in my life. It is a passion that is pure, and it is the very thing that fuels me to press past the feelings that rise up and make me fear the future.

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