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Arise and Shine

When you think about Christmas, what are some of the things you think of first? I am taking a guess here, but odds are you think about Jesus,...

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God Doesn’t Make Mistakes

It was an awakening of scripture, a vibrant reminder of all the truest things about me and about God, things I had known my whole life but that came to my mind in the moment I needed them most with more clarity and purpose than ever before.

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Beautifully Intentional

You need to accept that no matter how many days you perfectly complete that checklist it’s never going to fulfill the desire inside to feel beautiful. You have to dive into what the Lord says about you.

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The Grateful Road

When you choose to be grateful, you find your voice because only YOU can express gratitude for what others have done for you. Its empowering to be able to explain how someone has impacted your life.

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