Proverbs 9

Proverbs 9

Moving right along with our Proverbs study, we are diving into chapter 9. There is so much in this chapter that is relatable and practical to our everyday living. Proverbs 9 contrasts the ways of wisdom with the ways of foolishness. We are given good guidelines to help us see the differences in the two paths. In these verses “wisdom” and “foolishness” are given human characteristics so we can easily understand them and what they can do for us.

Proverbs 9 (TPT) begins with these words about wisdom saying wisdom is (3) “inviting everyone to come and eat until they’re full.” This is a simple sentence and one you might not think holds much meaning, but think about inviting people into your space.  There is something about this simple act that breathes confidence. It takes confidence to be an “inviter.” “Inviter” might not be a real word, but, for today, it means the one who does the inviting. Wisdom is a confident inviter. Think about that. If I invite someone into my home I have to feel confident that I can receive them and give them something meaningful to do in the time they are in my house. I want my house to be clean and the food to be good and the entertainment is valuable. Wisdom offers everyone something of value. It is confident in what it offers. When you hang out with wisdom, you can be confident that you have something valuable surrounding you.

I love how it says everyone can eat “until they’re full” in this house of wisdom. One of the things I always think about when I throw a party is what food I am going to serve and how much food I need so everyone is full.  My go-to is pancakes with toppings like chocolate chips, blueberries, etc.  I get so excited and feel quite confident in my menu because I know I have something to offer my friends that is good, fun, and filling. Plus, I know they can eat until they are full because I have prepared well. That confident feeling I have when I know I have plenty of chocolate chip pancakes is the some confident feeling I should have when I think about the wisdom God offers me.

Verses 4-6 says, “Whoever wants to know me and receive my wisdom, come and dine at my table and drink of my wine. Lay aside your simple thoughts and leave your paths behind. Agree with my ways, live in my truth, and righteousness you will find.”

Notice again the confidence spirit wisdom has as it calls for people to come and lay aside the simple thoughts they have had, because wisdom has something better to offer. And the invitation is open to whoever wants to come.

Verse 10 tells us, “The starting point for acquiring wisdom is to be consumed with awe as you worship Jehovah-God.” Other versions of the Bible say, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Either way it is clear that fearing God, being consumed in awe and wonder for Him and His ways, is the beginning point to being wise.

Lastly, in verse 12, “So it is to your advantage to be wise. But to ignore the counsel of wisdom is to invite trouble into your life.” This puts it pretty plan to us–wisdom is a wildly huge advantage in your life. Take its invitation! Don’t let it pass you by.

Now, let’s look at the foolish ways. For the most part, I think foolishness and the trouble it causes is pretty obvious. If I am being real with you, 99.9% of the foolish things I have done were done knowing it was not a smart idea. Like all the signs pointed to it being a bad idea, but I went ahead and did the foolish thing.

One time a friend and I thought it would be super cool to stay in a rental cabin in the mountains in the middle of nowhere. We thought we were being adventurous. While it sounded fun, there was a ring of crazy to the idea. Well, we proceeded to go to this cabin at 10:00 at night. I had spoken at an event so we couldn’t go any earlier. The drive up was sketchy, but we continued on!

When we got in the cabin there was pictures of bears all over the walls; there were bear blankets, bear lamp shades, bear wallpaper, and, for crying out loud, I think there were bear shower curtains. Everywhere we looked there were signs telling us there might be a bear in the area, still we decided to stay.  Sure enough at 3:00 a.m. we both woke up to a BEAR scratching and growling on the outside of the cabin! Like a good pastor, I’m just going to ask someone to say, “THE SIGNS OF FOOLISHNESS ARE LOUD!”

Remember Proverbs gives human characteristics so we can understand the word better. One translations describes foolishness as a woman named Folly who is ignorant and doesn’t even know she is ignorant. Another translation says the woman folly is LOUD. Well, foolishness can definitely be loud, but we just push ahead because it also sounds fun. Right?

Let’s look at the TPT versions together because it really explains itself so well.

Proverbs 9:13-18

There is a spirit named Foolish, who is boisterous and brash; she’s seductive and restless.  And there she sits at the gateway to the high places, on her throne overlooking the city. She preaches to all who walk by her who are clueless as to what is happening.

“Come home with me.” She invites those who are easily led astray, saying,
“Illicit sex is the best sex of all. Our secret affair will be sweeter than all others.”
Little do they know when they answer her call that she dwells among the spirits of the dead,
and all her guests soon become citizens of hell!

Like my fun adventure to the woods, foolishness calls us in with things that sound fun, good and pleasing, but notice that only those who are clueless listen to her foolish ways. If I would have listened to the wisdom that was trying to warn me, I probably would have turned around that night.

Wisdom and foolishness both offers sign. When we are faced with life choices, if we would just stop for a second to open our eyes so we can see the signs and let our ears to hear what the invitation is really saying, then we will be able to discern whether it is wisdom or foolishness knocking at our door.

Here are some things you can ask yourself:

When you walk into the door, will you leave full or will you face a bear scratching at your door?

“What did the signs say?”

“Am I really paying attention or am I just looking for fun?”

And finally…

Keep your focus on the Lord and the path to wisdom will open up to you.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom!


SISTERHOOD// sorority, friends, and families.

SISTERHOOD// sorority, friends, and families.

I recently had the absolute honor of speaking to the girls rushing at the University of Alabama. I considered it a great joy to be asked to do that. If you don’t know what rushing is, it is a series of social events to connect sorority groups with the freshman girls on campus who want to pledge their group. It was a little crazy to be in a room full of excited, beautiful girls whose nerves you could feel, the day before they would find out if they made it in a sorority or not.

Due to respecting the rules of recruitment, I was not allowed to speak on or mention my faith. You may be thinking… how are you going to speak to college sorority girls when you don’t even go to college and have never been in a sorority and how would you give a message where faith is not mentioned?!?! Valid. If you weren’t thinking that, trust me, it IS what I was thinking! I thought and I thought and I thought about what I could say and then, it hit me – the thing I literally talk about most and can totally relate to is…sisterhood. Isn’t that what a sorority is? Well, it turns out, not always. BUT that is what it can be at its best. Let me explain…

I decided that, since I cannot use my bible and I do not know all the right terms, I would get my definitions and lingo from none other than our, us millennials, very own, Urban Dictionary. So, I looked up the “Urban Dictionary” definition of sisterhood and there were three very nice definitions. This is what the top definition with 197 likes says–

Sisterhood: A bond between two or more girls, not always related by blood. They always tell the truth, honor each other, and love each other like sisters.

Sweet huh?

Okay, now let’s look up the definition of sorority…

Let me start by saying I took one for the team and highly suggest no one look this word up. Let’s just say it was not friendly. Out of the seven explicit definitions listed with thousands of likes, this was the top one –

Sorority: A group of girls who have come together because they look similar, and are now kind of friends.

BUT WAIT! I thought sorority was sisterhood and these could not be more different… Who’s confused? ?‍♀️

The draw for people to join a sorority is a desire for sisterhood, yet these definitions are so opposite. I looked at both definitions, studied them, and thought to myself, “There are some core differences here.”

Here is what you need to know… sisters and sisterhood have different definitions as well. You can have a room full of sisters and see no sisterhood – that goes for sorority girls, friends who call themselves sisters, and even real family sisters. There is one stand-out difference that I see in the definitions and that is what I want to focus on. It is this: the foundation of one is built on identity and the foundation of the other is built on image.  What we all have to understand is it is our identity that makes us qualify for sisterhood, not our image. And that goes for your own physical sisters too.

One time when I was in about fifth grade, my best friend and I were playing a game that basically went something like this, we owned the castle and Bella was our servant. (I know I know… not the best big sister move.) After one of the many requests we had made of Bella, our servant, she came storming into my grandma’s bathroom (the home of our castle) with the cutest, yet sassy as can be (with kindergarten girl voice whose r’s sounded like w’s) and said, “I’m not your sewrvant.” As she stared me down, you could almost hear the old western music in the background as we both thought of what was going to be our next move. Bella famously won the battle with these words, “I AM A GIWRL AND I AM OUT OF THIS WOWRLD.” She closed the scene with a power walk.

The thing is sisters do not like to be and should not be treated by sisters for anything less than a sister. True sisterhood is not a system to tell you what you have to do – it’s a source to remind you of who you are.

Here is a pic of me and my little sister, Bella. Much like a group of sorority girls, we live in the same house. We also share the same last name. We even we look alike. We are Robertsons, born from the same parents. She is my sister. While that is what make us sisters, it is not what makes up our sisterhood. Our sisterhood comes from our genuine friendship. It comes from her love, honesty, and loyalty to me and mine to her.

This is my other sister, Rebecca. Our background is very different. It’s not the same as the one I share with Bella. We do not look alike. While some of it was, not all of our childhood was spent in the same house. We don’t live in the same house now. We don’t have the same last name. We didn’t grow up with the same set of rules. Our parents decided that Rebecca would be a part of our family. She is my sister. But, just because she is identified as my sister by my family and others, our sisterhood is made of the friendship we have built. Rebecca, Bella, and I have an amazing sisterhood that is not built on an image. It is built on the individual identity of who we all are and the friendship we have all built.

I want us to look at the differences between the words identity and image.

By definition – Identity: the fact of being who or what a person or thing is.

By definition – Image: the general impression that a person, organization, or product presents to the public.

Identity is how you were created. Image is what you have created.

Identity is who you were, are, and always will be. Image is what you want people to see.

Identity allows you to rest. Image causes you to strive.

Identity is unique to an individual. Image can be shared.

Identity is forever. Image is temporary.

There is a clear winnerin the wrestle of identity and image.

I know you hear all the time that your image will fade and maybe some of you are thinking, “Yes, in about 30 years or so,” but I am not referring to years down the road. I am thinking about tonight… when the makeup come off, there is no filter, you log off the app, and you can’t create your real life caption.

Here’s the problem. Many people try to base their confidence, their friendship and sisterhood, in something that is always changing. Do you know that the definition of confidence is the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something, a firm trust? So why do we try to lay down a foundation of sisterhood on something that we cannot keep up with, something we can’t rely on?

Building a foundation of sisterhood on an image is about as long-lasting and effective as the foundation in your make-up drawer.  You use it and you do look great for a while. It even covers your flaws and you seem to shine with it on. But, soon it starts to break down, wear off, and ultimately it comes off completely. This type of foundation covers things, but it does not change things. It is only capable of changing the APPEARANCE of your skin; it does not change the actual color or clarity of your skin. When you take your makeup off at night, the only thing that should change is the color and clarity of your skins; it should not affect the true colors of who you are. If you only work at letting your image change your identity, ultimately your true colors will soon shine through. The image you project to others should only serve to enhance who you really are, not change it.

When I was sharing with the girls in Alabama, I took off my makeup as I was speaking.  I asked them, “Does seeing me with no make-up change the way that you see me?” They all said no. Even though removing my make-up changed WHAT the girls saw, it did not change WHO they saw. I went on to tell the girls that the good news is I didn’t come for them to only see a part of me; I wanted them to really see me.

You see, if I went to speak that night with a face full of a makeup and cute clothes and I just stared at these girls without saying a word for 45 minutes they would of left thinking it was the weirdest 45 minutes. It would have been wasted time just looking at each other with no lasting impact. I did not come to give them my image. By just giving them my image I was giving them no relationship, but when I shared with them my identity, my heart, my words, that is what created a bond. Our image is not only temporary for us to see but is temporary for those who see, but a word to the heart can last forever. You want to create impact, friendship, sisterhood? Give them world more than your image. 

When I give the analogy of the foundation it seems cute and relatable because us girls relate to the feeling of our foundation cracking, wearing, smudging, and coming off. The reality of life though is that those cracks, wears and smudges are not so funny; when we try to make our image our identity and we feel it start to fade, that is when the anxiety rises, the eating disorders start, the perfectionism is unattainable, the comparison is out the roof, and mental illness begins to become a phrase we are all too used to hearing because we can not sustain what we have created. The truth is I have talked to many girls, friends, sisters, and sorority girls who relate to these words and this pain and it breaks my heart.

So how do we redeem sisterhood? Not just in sororities, but all over – in friendships, schools, churches, work and families?

I was watching sisterhood of the traveling pants the other night, and leave it to that movie to bring a little hope. It is a popular movie so you might have seen it. I will share with you the opening part that jumped out at me. These four girls are all best friends, practically sisters who have formed a sisterhood. They are about to split ways after school, so during their last days together they go thrift-store shopping. One of them tries on a pair of jeans and all of the girls freak out at how awesome she looks in them and how perfectly they fit.  Another one of the friends decides to try them on too, and once again, they all freak out because they look great on her too. How weird it is that both girls fit perfectly in the same pair of jeans? All four of the girls end up trying on the same pair of jeans and GUESS WHAT ??? THEY LOOK AMAZING AND FIT EACH ONE PERFECTLY?!?! MAGIC!

Ultimately, they get the jeans and decide to share them and build a sisterhood around the magic of the jeans. “Since every sisterhood has rules,” they state, they all sat in a circle and made rules. Here are some of the rules:

  • You must never use the word fat while wearing the pants.
  • You must never let a boy take off the pants.
  • You must not pick your nose while wearing the pants. You may, however, scratch casually at your nostril.
  • You must document the best things that happened while wearing these pants. On the left leg write the most exciting places you have been while wearing the pants. On the right leg, write the most important thing that happened to you while wearing the pants.
  • You must write your sisters no matter how much fun you’re having without them.
  • Love your sisters. Love yourself.

*if you do not follow these rules then they lose their magic*

I want you to see that sisterhood is meant to be like those jeans. It is not something people have to strive for or work to fit into; it is something that fits perfectly because of who they are. These girls were not in competition with each other over these jeans. They celebrated each other over the jeans because they fit everyone perfectly. We all fit sisterhood.Look back at the original definition I shared with you about sisterhood: A bond between two or more girls, not always related by blood that tell the truth, honor each other, and love each other like sisters. Individual girls choosing TRUTH – HONOR – LOVE. If you take any of this away, the power of sisterhood loses its magic.

All of us sisters who crave sisterhood and look for it in all of these places are just girls who want to be accepted, included, celebrated, loved, and just need a friend we can count on.  And, we cannot forget, although we all look for this and desire this, we actually can create this! Notice the rules they made were FOR ONE ANOTHER. They were things to form bonds, build each other up, and deepen relationship. We create the sisterhood around us and bring the magic by the rules we create and follow. Let’s bring the magic of sisterhood back. We all want it – let’s create it.



Check out this full video on youtube! 



Proverbs Study

Proverbs Study

It has been so fun going through Proverbs together! I cannot wait to share with you some treasures in Proverbs seven and eight. If you are just now joining us and want to catch up, I got you! Here are the previous posts:

Proverbs 1 + 2

Proverbs 3

Proverbs 4

Proverbs 5

Proverbs 6

Now let’s dive in!

There is nothing I can add to Proverbs 7 that would wake you up or explain anything better then the way that TPT version of the Bible lays it out. So, I encourage you, if you have been struggling with lust, pornography, sexual immorality, or adultery read it as your guide. Literally, thank you God for Proverbs! On that note we are going to pick up in Proverbs 8.
Proverbs 8 (TPT) is an absolutely beautiful illustration of what wisdom can do for your life. You will remember that Solomon is the writer of Proverbs. He is also the man who had the chance to receive anything he asked for from God and he chose wisdom. It’s important to remember this before reading the things that he writes about wisdom because more than anyone else in the world, Solomon knew the blessing the gift of wisdom can be.  It’s hard for us to even understand being given this particular gift. Wisdom isn’t something we can always measure easily so how to we know we have it. We know Solomon had it because the Bible tells us he did. When we read Solomon’s account of the value of wisdom, we can know he lived with it daily. He walked in it and used it as he reigned as king.
Let’s dive in.
Proverbs 8:1-3 – “Can’t you hear the voice of Wisdom? From the top of the mountains of influence she speaks into the gateways of the glorious city. At the place where pathways merge, at the entrance of every portal, there she stands, ready to impart understanding, shouting aloud to all who enter, preaching her sermon to those who will listen. ‘I’m calling to you, sons of Adam, yes, and to you daughters as well. Listen to me and you will be prudent and wise. For even the foolish and feeble can receive an understanding heart that will change their inner being.’ ”
I have always loved the start of this chapter. I love how loud and confident wisdom in. It says that she stands, she shouts, and she preaches to those who will listen. She believes in what she is saying. She is not bothered by what people think, because she knows what she is saying is powerful. Have you ever felt confident about something you were saying or doing because you knew it was true? That is the feeling wisdom can give you. It’s a confidence in who you are and what you say.  Wisdom lets you not worry about the reaction of others, and to not hide the truth that you know. Wisdom brings out the boldness in you and stirs up the passion.
I also love how this verse says even the foolish can receive it and it will change their inner most being! Wisdom is not just for the smart people or those with power or prestige; it is for everyone who seeks it.
v. 7 “For everything I say is unquestionably true, and I refuse to endure the lies of lawlessness— my words will never lead you astray.”
See! Wisdom knows she is leading people to a better life, so she makes sure she is heard! It is hard to be confident in life when you do not know what you stand for, who you are, or what you believe — but when you find truth, confidence follows. And when you follow wisdom, you will never go astray. Wow! That’s powerful stuff!
v. 13 “Wisdom pours into you when you begin to hate every form of evil in your life, for that’s what worship and fearing God is all about.”
PREACH! It makes sense that what we like, we pursue.  We date people we like. We play sports we like. We listen to music we like. What we like, we go after. If someone likes things that are sinful, they will pursue them.  This verse tells us when we begin to hate those things that cause us to sin, we will begin to run from them and pursue God. And pursuing God leads to wisdom.
v.32 “So listen, my sons and daughters to everything I tell you for no sign will bring you more joy than following my ways.”
v.34-36 “If you wait at wisdom’s doorway, longing to hear a word for every day, joy will break forth within you as you listen for what I’ll say. For the foundation of life pours into you every time that you find me, and this is the secret of growing in the delight and favor of the Lord. But those who stumble and miss me will be sorry they did! For ignoring what I have to say will bring harm to your own soul. Those who hate me are simply flirting with death!”
I love how it starts off by saying “if you wait at wisdom’s doorway.” Wisdom is not going to come looking for you, or knock on your door, you have to pursue it with patience and WAIT. Patience is such a beautiful thing and many times we miss the process of waiting at the doorway of wisdom because we do not know what it looks like to wait. This verse paints a beautiful picture of waiting and longing for wisdom’s words. In my growing relationship with Christian, I now long to hear his words each day. And his words bring me joy. That’s how we should be with our desire for wisdom. Pursuing wisdom by staying close to the Lord will bring us surpassing joy. Our father in heaven knows best and He knows everything about you and me! He wants to walk alongside of us and guide us. He wants us to experience joy.
The last verse is so real it almost seems too blunt, but God is a truth teller. It says “those who hate me (wisdom) are flirting with death.” This isn’t the only verse that talks about the troubles that follow foolishness. God’s desire is for us to have an abundant life. He’s the life-giver, but the foolish will bring their own troubles. Do the things of God and wisdom will be your reward.
We’re also told in this chapter that wisdom was with God when life began. If you’re seeking a meaningful life — seek wisdom. I hope you dive into these chapters even more! There is much WISDOM in it. 🙂



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#1 who am I going to marry?

#1 who am I going to marry?

If you know me, then you know that I tend to overthink things. It is arguably the most annoying thing about me. That might sound funny to hear that about me, but it is just true! I cannot tell you how many times I have heard the dreaded sentence, “You are overthinking it,” said to me when I am sharing 1,238,292 case scenarios that I have thought of over a single situation.

So, I wanted to just go ahead and start a new blog series called, “Things in Life I Overthought.”

Things I really just wish I had cried less tears over or thought less thoughts about or stress less about or strived less for because hindsight is 20/20  and, as I really always knew— GOD HAD IT.

Part 1 – Who am I going to marry?

I majorly overthought this one. Honestly, my dialogue was a little off when it came to my perspective of whom I would marry. Speaking in movie terms, most people might envision who they are going to marry as a rom-com or a hallmark movie, but for me, it was more of a mystery.  I was always trying to look into every clue, every motive, every sign, figure out the plot, look at every suspect and make deductions.  It was a full-on suspense movie going on inside my head. If you could hear my inner dialogue it may sound like this –“Who could it be? Maybe it is him, because he asked me to go to coffee and I said I want a guy who likes coffee? Coincidence or sign? Could it be him, because he said ‘God bless you’ when I sneezed and I said I wanted a man who loves God? And he’s tall, dark and handsome? Gotta be him.” Then I would go back to the house, call one of my best friends and see what they thought of all of the clues.

Like for real girl – I gotta chill!

This mystery-solving mindset will pretty much give you what any other mystery movie would give you– drama and confusion. It may be fun to watch, but it is not fun to live. What I found is this: when it comes to meeting the person you are going to marry, is it is not like a mystery movie, and truthfully, it is not always like a rom-com or a hallmark movie either. Believe it or not, everyone –it is more like a true story. *Gasp, I know, shocking, huh? There is normally not a sound track for all the magical moments or step by step clues giving you some mystical insight – it is the story that the Creator has intentionally written for you and your future spouse.

The day before I met Christian I had basically surrendered to mystery-solving dating. I had waved the white flag and said, “I’m done!” I told all of my friends (it is even on a video) that I was not going to date anyone for six months. I had become so frustrated and discouraged with months of dating and trying to figure out if he was the “one” only to end it all in a break up. Yes, it’s ironic that I met Christian the very next day! The day after my surrender!

We started to get to know one another, but this is the thing – we started to get to know each other. That’s it. I was not trying to find the clues, figure out the motive, search for the things that would give him points, or size him up to see if he fit the description I had in mind. Basically, I did not “overthink” it, because I was not thinking about it.

Christian is a super affirming person, and anytime I start a sentence with “do you think…” he always starts his answer with, “I don’t think – I know.”  The funny thing is, when Christian and I started “talking,” I honestly did not think about anything – we just naturally started getting to know each other.  He never even asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend and still hasn’t, haha! (But he did ask me to marry him, heyo!) I just knew that I was his and that I was the only one he was pursuing. He left no room for me to ever question that – it was just known. There was never a thought about us breaking up. I just knew I did not want to spend a day of my life without him. And he felt the same.

Our futures started to make sense together. Our individual stories began to form an even better story when combined. There was not much to think about. It was always clear where both of our hearts were and where we both wanted to go. It was evident that God could use us to help one another achieve our purpose. I did not have to overthink things. Our actions and words to each other allowed us to rest in the natural progression of a relationship. It was beautiful and freeing to not have to second guess every move either of us made.

In real life, it’s never fun to know a surprise before it happens. If you do know the surprise, it’s a fact that you will not react the same way you would if you truly were surprised. Once you know about the surprise, it’s not a surprise. You tend to overthink the way you are going to act when the surprise (that is now not a surprise) happens, when you see the people, when you hear the words “SURPRISE” called out. Your response will not be as natural—no matter how hard you try. It will not be the same. I think this is God’s plan for us as He chooses our spouses.  God wants to surprise you with what He has planned and prepared for you. And, if you ask for His help and His guidance, He will give it to you.

So, don’t try to figure it out before it happens. Know that God is working with two beautiful hearts and is preparing each one for the other person. It takes time to get some really important details together. For me, I will tell you this, I am so surprised it is Christian. And we are continuously surprised by the details that God puts into our story. Wait for your real life story – it will surprise you in the best way!



Proverbs 9

Proverbs Study

It has been so fun going through Proverbs together! I cannot wait to share with you some treasures in Proverbs six. If you are just now joining us and want to catch up, I got you! Here are the previous posts:

Proverbs 1 + 2

Proverbs 3

Proverbs 4

Proverbs 5

Now let’s dive in!

Honestly, if you take the instruction of this Proverbs I think it is going to put some pep in your step, and help you make some decisions that you might have been putting off for quite some time. This chapter addresses an issue that this generation who is obsessed with sloths tends to struggle with, laziness!

The chapter starts out strong by talking about if you get stuck in any kind of binding contract situation that you do not need to be in, it gives the advice in verse 3, “QUICKLY get out of it if you possibly can! Swallow your pride, get over your embarrassment, and go tell your “friend” you want your name off that contract. DON’T PUT IT OFF, and don’t rest until you get it done. Rescue yourself from future pain and be free from it once and for all. You’ll be so relieved that you did!”

I know for those of you who do not like confrontation this verse is one you want to sprint over, but there is so much wisdom in this. The passion version just really lays it right out in front of you. What is the hard phone call you need to make?  I used to have a hard time making these kind of moves myself, but I was at a leadership conference once Craig Groeschel said something that helped me not to put off things that I knew might be hard for me to do. He said, “Surgery hurts, but death hurts worse.” Essentially, it is hard to make a decision to cut something out or someone out in your present even though you know it may hurt your future, but the price you pay by not cutting out what you need to will kill your business, dream, relationship, and really just anything that it touches.

Verses 6-11 also address the issue of laziness and it is a good life lesson.

Life Lessons

When you’re feeling lazy,
come and learn a lesson from this tale of the tiny ant.
Yes, all you lazybones, come learn
from the example of the ant and enter into wisdom.
The ants have no chief, no boss, no manager—
no one has to tell them what to do.

You’ll see them working and toiling all summer long,
stockpiling their food in preparation for winter.
So wake up, sleepyhead. How long will you lie there?
When will you wake up and get out of bed?
If you keep nodding off and thinking, “I’ll do it later,”
or say to yourself, “I’ll just sit back awhile and take it easy,”
just watch how the future unfolds!
By making excuses you’ll learn what it means to go without.
Poverty will pounce on you like a bandit
and move in as your roommate for life.

This is one of those moments I am just going to let Solomon, the writer of proverbs, have a mic drop and ask y’all not to kill the messenger.  Act as if Solomon is your mentor right now and take that advice to heart, because it will help you fulfill your purpose on a day-to-day basis. Verse 11 is something I want to highlight – reread it.

When my little brother turned 16 he is a very good example of who this is talking to. My parents told him that if he worked hard in school and met a certain grade point, then they would bless him with a car. It was not an impossible grade point to reach. I would say it was pretty grace filled if you ask me. Well, he turned 16 and did not have the grades, so he did not get the car. Keep in mind, my brother is an incredibly talented, smart, and creative guy and my parents and our whole family see that potential in him. Because of that, they then extended it and said whenever you reach these grades we will get you the car. It has been almost two years with the same offer on the table, and he still has not made the grades, so he does not have the car and the only thing standing in between him and this car is his own laziness and excuses. I want to ask you, what is your car? What is the thing that could be the very thing that takes you to the next place in life, but the lack of a little work is hindering you from reaching? “By making excuses you’ll learn what it means to go without” is very true.

Throughout the whole bible it talks about not being lazy. Romans 12:11 “Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically! Wake up sleepy heads! You all have purpose to walk in every single day!”



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