Letters to Sadie: Korie Robertson

by | Nov 22, 2019 | Motherhood, Relationships | 7 comments

Note From Team LO: In honor of Sadie and Christian’s wedding day quickly approaching, we have invited some very special people to share letters of love, encouragement, and wisdom. Today we have Sadie’s mom, Korie.


I’ll never get over how cute your hands were when you were little. I promise you’ll understand when you have a baby girl. I would stare in wonder at your tiny hands as the held onto my finger while I fed you. As a toddler I would hold you over the sink to wash your hands, place them under the running water and just marveled at your tiny fingers. I’d look into the mirror with you smiling back and think how amazing and incredible God is to have given you to be mine.

With your deep dimples and spunky personality, you had us all under your spell. You told jokes and did impersonations from the time you could talk, you made up dance moves and put on plays, you organized your siblings to go along with your plans, and were the first to put on a costume to entertain the guests at their birthday parties.

You were always so aware of the feelings of others, and had a crazy understanding of God and Jesus at the time most were just learning their ABC’s. You asked all the questions and never got tired of listening to the answers.  You love God, your family, and others so beautifully and completely.

You have brought me immense joy, wonder and fun.

Now you are all grown up. I’m not sure how that happened, but I see all of those things you were as a child so clearly in the woman you are today. God truly made you an original. He knew all along the things he was preparing you for. Including this moment, the most special of moments, that we are about to celebrate. You’re getting married to the love of your life! Those cute little fingers are about to have a wedding ring on them! You are going to be the most radiant bride.


I have been praying for this day since the time you were born. Praying that the man you would marry would be a Jesus follower and a lover of God and His word. That he would be strong and kind, wise and fun-loving, faithful and true; a constant learner, with that perfect combination of confidence and humility that only comes from knowing who he is in God. I prayed that he would cheer you on when you achieve your dreams, and lift you up when you fall, that he would love every single part of you, laugh at your jokes, and light up when you came in the room. I prayed that he would be your best friend and biggest champion.

I asked God to give you someone that would be an amazing dad to your future children; that he would be hardworking and up for adventure, and would show your children what the overflowing love of a good father looks like. That he would lead your family always to the cross with the grace and sacrificial love displayed by Jesus.

I thank God today that you have found that man in Christian! He will not be perfect. He will make mistakes and so will you, but now I pray that when the tough times come you will always find your way back to one another through love, compassion, and forgiveness. That you will never forget the promises you made on this day, and that your love for one another will be a light shining bright in this world, bringing glory to God, because He is love.

I love you dearly, sweet girl! I can’t wait to see you walk down the aisle to begin your life as Mrs. Sadie Huff. I will be there as always cheering you on. I might shed a few tears, but I promise every one of them will be tears of joy and thankfulness for the blessing that your life is to me, that I get to be your mom, and on that day the mother of the most beautiful bride.

Love always and forever,


Want more letters? Check out the other letters to Sadie from earlier this week!

Letters to Sadie: Katelyn Taylor

Letters to Sadie: Mamaw Jo

Letters to Sadie: 2 mama

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  1. Shellie

    Oh, Korie! I came over to see Chrys, words to Sadie and read yours while I’m here. Wrecked, I tell you! Our God is so good! Enjoy every moment!

  2. Akansha

    Your love and prayers on her are truly amazing she is an incredible girl n a daughter n everything ❤ may the Lord bless her forever ❤❤?

  3. Carlene Higgins

    My 8 yo has fallen in love with you, Sadie… You have replaced Jojo Siswa. I think because of your love for God. She chose ti be baptized in a horse trough at the age of 5. Kniws Jesus died for our sins. Some day she hopes to meet you. iI told her we had been ro Duck Dynasty and she wants us to take her! lol

  4. Beverly Funderburk

    Sadie, God bless you and Christian as you begin you lifes journey together. Even at my age of 62 you are an inspiration to me. Sadie you are a beautiful and precious soul.

  5. Celina

    I loved this such a blessing to read ! So sweet and heartwarming!

  6. Alex

    Absolutely beautiful there’s nothing like a mother’s love

  7. Desiree Ray

    Tears. This made me cry. What a fantastic job at parenting y’all did! Congratulations!