Letters to Sadie: Christian Huff

by | Nov 25, 2019 | Relationships | 1 comment

Note From Team LO: In honor of Sadie and Christian’s wedding day quickly approaching, we have invited some very special people to share letters of love, encouragement, and wisdom. Today we have Sadie’s future husband, Christian.



When I think about our wedding day, I know that there will be so many emotions, so I hope this letter will help release any nervousness. I want you to know that I love you and you are soon going to hear every reason why you make me the happiest man in the world. And yes it has everything to do with marrying you. You are my best friend and the best teammate, an absolute rock star and the hardest worker I have ever met. I cannot imagine my life without you, you make me a better man every day and are always showing me how to love like Christ. I am so excited to start this journey with you and experience every season of life together.

Babe, we are about to married! Whoa! What? This is crazy. It feels just like yesterday we were making pottery in Nashville and I was telling the lady at the thrift store that you were my sister when she said “you guys are such a cute couple” and I’ll never forget the laugh that you gave me after that. Time flies babe and there isn’t a single thing that I would go back and change.

I am beyond ready to be your husband and for you to be my wife. So thankful for how Jesus has guided us and led us the whole way. What a magical moment we are about to encounter and oh the fruits of the spirit that will be evident in that space at our wedding.

I love doing life alongside of you and uplifting one another in all that we do. When you’re reading this take a break right here and go look at yourself in the mirror and remind yourself of who and whose you are. Now, take a deep breath and be reminded at some of these amazing memories. A year ago from this week was the first time that we told each other we loved one another after you fell asleep on my shoulder watching the movie Masterminds and we realized that we were both really good at sports and made the best team together and would go on to be undefeated for a whole year in tennis and basketball.

This is funny now but wasn’t at the time… do you remember when we had our first argument in the airport in a little convenience store behind the magazine rack because I asked a million questions about our flight and what to do because I was on standby. Then, the guy at the ticket counter ended up giving me a ticket and said “if it means you’ll stop coming up here and annoying me here’s your ticket.”

One of my favorite memories was when I drove to west Monroe to surprise you and got to your house and called you saying “Hey I don’t remember the code to your gate” and you started going crazy and drew a blank forgetting the numbers in the code.

I’ll never forget the night that we were in Franklin at the Franklin Theatre watching Mrs. Doubtfire and the beginning of the movie had no volume, so one the guys recited the first 2 minutes and we laughed and laughed so hard.

When I look back at every memory, I only see you. You are the biggest blessing to my life and I loved getting to make the best memories in the world with my best friend. There are so many other amazing memories we have had but I am afraid this would be a book and not a blog post if I were to write them all out.

Every second I spend with you Sadie is a memory and it is time that I treasure and never take for granted. Thank you for being my person and loving me so beautifully.

Soon, we are about to make a covenant with the Lord and with each other that it is just us for a lifetime. Let’s go make the best memory that’s yet to come thus far and have the biggest celebration of all celebrations. I could not possibly be more excited to see you walk down the aisle, hoping that I don’t stutter every one of my vows because I’ll be so in awe of you. I love you so much. Soak it all in my love, this is happening!


Want more letters? Check out the other letters to Sadie from earlier this week!

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1 Comment

  1. Tracee Byer

    Sadie, you are such an inspiration to me to never look away from God. Yo see how much you love him is just so powerful to me and it keeps me going! Thank you for that because I really need that some days more than others but it really does help me get through life! I hope I can come listen to one of your speeches and messages one day.