Our Engagement Day

by | Jul 8, 2019 | Featured, Relationships | 30 comments

I’m sitting in a coffee shop in Omaha, Nebraska, next to my beautiful fiancé, writing my first blog ever about the best day of my life. I hope this story encourages and inspires everyone who reads it and I hope every reader leaves this page more captivated than ever by the One who is the true orchestrator of this relationship, Jesus Christ.

Neither Sadie nor I could have ever imagined the timing and the way the Lord brought us together. We are both here, not because of anything either of us did, but because of God’s faithfulness and kindness toward those who love and serve Him. We serve an amazing God who loves us relentlessly and will stop at nothing to draw us near to Him. I hope you see a glimpse of His love through the way Sadie and I love one another.

So, here goes a play by play of the day that I proposed to Sadie Carroway Robertson, who is the love of my life.

Sadie and I have birthdays just two days apart, so we decided to have a huge party on June 9, 2019. Now this was a “birthday party” to Sadie, but to everyone else it was a little more than just a “birthday party.” Both of us had invited a ton of our friends and family to Louisiana for the party. Most of them already knew more was going to happen than just celebrating our birthdays.

The morning of June 9th, I woke up antsy as all get out, knowing this was going to be the day I would propose, but I tried to act calm so Sadie wouldn’t suspect what was happening. It was tough, let me tell you, because she can read me like a book. I was praying that morning for God to bring ease and calmness to the day, allowing me to soak it all up and enjoy the moment that He created.

It was a Sunday, so we (the family and lots of our friends) got up that morning and headed to church. Church was amazing which started our day off right. Following the church service, everyone carpooled back to Korie and Willie’s house for the party which was to start at 1:00 that afternoon. It didn’t take long for everyone to change clothes and get the party started! Korie had the day organized with lots of competitive games and relay races, which was perfect for Sadie and me. We both love to play anything. (Side note: Sadie and I have never lost a game when we team up together in any sport. No big deal 🙂 ) After we finished all the games and the relay races, everyone left to get ready for the big dinner that was going to happen that night. Sadie and I were sitting by the pond talking about the day while I was icing my ankle. As I was icing my “not so swollen ankle” trying to stall for little bit of time, I told Sadie that I needed her to go inside and put on one of her favorite outfits. At this point, she knew what was happening. I had asked her mom, my mom, and all her sisters to help her get ready so they all went upstairs to Sadie’s room.

When we were both dressed and ready, I met her at the bottom of the stairs accompanied by her dad, my dad, and her brothers. I had a stack of letters for her that each member of our immediate family had written. From there, we hopped into the Bronco and drove out to a farmhouse Korie and Willie own where everything was set up for our magical moment.

Once we got there, we sat down to pray for our relationship. We even prayed over the ring. The moment was so full in the spirit.  We both had never felt every fruit of the spirit like we did that day, in that moment. Once I finished praying, I stood up and walked around the blanket with the biggest smile ever on my face and asked the question “Sadie, will you marry me?” She screamed “YES!” and started to cry from excitement. She jumped up into my arms and I spun her around several times before gently letting her down onto the blanket. Then we both began screaming and laughing out loud at how exciting this moment in time was.

Let me just tell you friend, this was the most exhilarating moment of my life. After the proposal, we both caught our breath and I drove us over to the barn that sits on the property. In the barn was a screen and a projector, along with popcorn, M&Ms, and a coke. These are all of her favorite movie things. Together we laughed and cried as we watched a slideshow of our life together so far. It was great remembering all the things we had done together this past year. Soaking all of it in, just the two of us, was amazing, but we were also excited to go back and celebrate with all our friends and family. As we pulled up at Korie and Willie’s house, everyone was outside and met us with the loudest shouts and hoorays. Of course, everyone wanted to see the ring, give us a hug and take a picture. I think in that order.

The night wasn’t over yet. We ate dinner, then watched the video of our proposal outside on a big screen. I was smart enough to have someone hiding to film the whole thing. I knew it was something we would always want to have and it was fun to have the film to show our family and friends the very night it happened. Then we slipped away from the party to just sit in the hammock and rest for a moment. We wanted to talk about our day and pray (gotta give credit where credits due) over how amazing it was.

We could not be more thankful for everyone who loves us enough to drive or fly all the way to Louisiana to celebrate that day with us. It was truly the most special celebration. Any love that God brings together is worthy of celebration and should be clothed in intentionality. Psalm 37:23 says “The Lord directs the steps of the Godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.”

Let me tell you friend, our Father is in the details of our lives and, oh boy, does He take delight in the little things. Our proposal day was a dream come true and one that we love to replay over and over in our heads.

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  1. Robin Alford

    Congratulations! Glad to see young couple putting God in the center of their life!

  2. Courtney

    Very cool, Christian! Makes me smile reading this, because God orchestrated my (now) husband and I’s love story so beautifully as well. Isn’t it amazing that a God could be so intricate with the details of our lives, to bring us pure joy?! Praise God for the joining of two beautiful spirits! Praying for you both as you prepare for one of the most joyous days of your lives, when you become One! Blessings to you both! ?

  3. Faith Harris

    Absolutely Beautiful ❤❤=❤

  4. Veronica

    Christian and Sadie,

    What a real joy it is to read this exciting news. I am moved because it brought back memories of my own engagement, 40 years ago.

    May God always bless you both, go….live out your life for Christ.

  5. Emily Prescott

    I’m so unbelievably happy for y’all! As soon as i found out y’all got engaged it brought a great joy to my heart. This is the kind of relationship i’m waiting for God to put in my life! Congratulations i couldn’t be more happy for you too!!

  6. Jessica Carlson

    Wow- Christian and Sadie thank you so much for sharing your hearts about this day. Whether it was through your posts, your YouTube video, or this blog, I have gotten a glimpse of God fulfilling dreams in ways I didn’t think were possible. Through you guys and your relationship, God has shown me what an incredible, God-glorifying, deep, spiritual, loving relationship looks like and for that I praise Him. Again, thank you! Much love❤️

  7. Mackenzee Counts

    This is the most BEAUTIFUL relationship i’ve ever seen!

  8. Deanna

    This is so beautiful! Absolutely beautiful, well done. May God continue to bless you both.

  9. Naomi Head

    What a beautiful and godly couple who are going to change the world for His Kingdom!!!!!! Give God the glory!! I am inspired by everything you two do!

  10. Naomi Head

    What a beautiful and godly couple who are going to change the world for His Kingdom!!!!!! Give God the glory!! I am inspired by everything you two do!! I love you two!!

  11. Abigail

    OMGOSH!!!!! This is such a great story! I hope y’all have the wedding of your dreams but most of all you put God first in your relationship. Wish you two the best in life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Deena Poole

    This is fabulous, congratulations to you both!

  13. Sarah Elizabeth

    I’m Speechless!!! Amazing!!

  14. Leslie Parsley

    Y’all’s relationship is so beautiful and inspiring. With not yet having the man that God has for me in my life, it is so refreshing and lovely to be reminded that God delights in every detail of my life and is working all things together for my good because I love Him! (And for my future husband too, though I haven’t met him yet ? Jesus is working, always). Y’all really do reflect the love of our savior in your relationship and I’m so grateful to be able to read and see that so tangibly. Y’all are beautiful; God bless! ?

  15. Kye

    Even in a moment about you and Sadie, you always put Christ at the center. He’s the center of your relationship and it’s so cool to see you giving glory to the One who helped grow your relationship. Congratulations!

  16. Glenna Pearce

    When you put God first, like you two have, you know it’s real. God always gives us what we need! I pray you always have the happiness that you deserve. Beautiful story for a beautiful couple!

  17. Brittany Quintero

    Congratulations to you both. May God continue blessing you and your marriage. Thank you for sharing. It makes me keep hope for myself. I felt before that sometimes it’s too much to ask for or that it won’t happen, finding a Christian man, but I’ve settled before. And I will not settle again. I will wait on my God, and his timing. I’ve tasted what a godly, Christian relationship can be, and I will not give that up for anything. Even if I have to wait longer, then the time God does give me with my future husband will that much more worth it. It’s beautiful to see, and encouraging. I love seeing how God works all around the world. Again, may God bless y’all, and thank you!

  18. Shelly

    First of all, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! ❤️
    I’m so thankful my 17 year old daughter has such godly role models to look up to! May He richly bless your marriage! Thanks for all ya’ll do!
    Much ❤️

  19. Melody

    Oh my!
    I’m in tears. I love to see you both live out the love of God is every aspect of yalls lives- loving without compromise. I am so grateful that this generation has such a beacon of light to look at in marvel, and follow after.
    I’ll be praying for y’alls relationship and for strong convictions and for God to stay the center of it all!
    Congratulations to you both!! So excited!

  20. Vanessa oliveros

    Congratulations to them both on beginning their journey to becoming one.

  21. Jackie Holewinski

    Congratulations! We serve a big God and He is in the details of our lives! So happy for both of you. God bless you!

  22. Jada

    Hey Christian!
    Man not that I’m not thankful for the valleys because without them the mountains just wouldn’t be mountains but I absolutely love this! As I was in the middle of prepping for my final assessments and presentations for uni and working I felt so over run but so completely at ease, it’s one of the oddest yet most satisfying moments. I actually got a hold of Sadie’s podcast and your guys story and it just hit me how much love is out there, and how utterly in control God is. I’m 25 and single and I love that it’s not just about the season I’m in but what I’m capable of doing there. People will bug me all the time seeing nothing but age and relationship status, but I’ve learned U are what u hold onto and comparison isn’t a happy place. I’m so overjoyed you guys share your story because it’s a good reminder to celebrate love in its entirety!! God is good, all the time, all the time, God is good.

  23. Lauren

    I could not stop smiling while reading this! I love that you both keep God at the center of your relationship and we can all clearly see that. Thank you for showing us what a God-filled relationship looks like. I pray that God will continue to bless you both and your families.

  24. Jewlee

    Congratulations! Y’all are adorable and such amazing examples of Christ-centered young people. Thank you for sharing!

  25. Krista Mosley

    Beautiful retelling of this blessed day! Great is His faithfulness, so happy for you both and what He’s gong to do in your lives. With Him at the center, your life adventure is going to be amazing! You both are genuine examples of children of God, praying for you both.

  26. Stacy

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful day! Praying for a wonderful marriage for you both! Praise God for His awesome blessings!! Marriage is so much fun with your best friend!
    God bless you both!!

  27. Natasha

    This was absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing. God is so faithful. It’s wonderful to read from a man’s perspective.

  28. Michelle Cefalo

    This was a beautiful read. Amen to all what you said about how great god works, gives his love & blessings. Congratulations on your engagement. God bless you both. Side note, my husband & I were baptized at the same Roman Catholic Church when we were babies. We didn’t find that out until we were together a year of dating in our early 20’s. We met 14 years ago in NYC & grew up in different neighborhoods. God is good! ❤️

  29. Kellie Applegate

    Beautiful!! So glad there are young people who have such great love for God & each other!!

  30. Rebecca Whitaker

    What a beautiful account of such an exciting day in your lives. I can see God’s hand in every detail and feel the love you both share for our wonderful, amazing Savior. Your marriage will certainly be an annointed one that will stand through the roller coaster of life because you have Jesus at the center. God bless you both, may you always be as happy as you are right now