How to: Lead a bible study

by | Jun 19, 2019 | Featured, Life Advice, Sisterhood | 5 comments

So many people ask me this question: how can I start leading a bible study or a group? I thought it would be fun to share some practical tips and encouragement on how to lead. This is something I’m super passionate about because I believe that every one is a leader.

All my sisters out there who are ready to lead, to host, to start something, today is your day! Side note: if you’re also looking for a study to start, check our our BOLD CONFIDENCE study. This box equips you with everything you need to start a bible study.

I’ll start by saying that leading a bible study doesn’t have to be perfect or fancy.

The power if God is so much better than any fancy set up. The power of God is what draws people in. So Let go of any excuses. You’re already equipped to lead.

Leading is more more than encouragement, it is about leading people into a place to encounter Jesus. Are you ready to see people dive in, see who God is and wake up to His incredible power? I promise this will strengthen you just as much as it will strengthen the girls that you invite in.

Here’s how to get started: 

1. Text your friends – get your phone out. For real, stop what you’re doing, grab your phone, and text your friends. It can be two, four, six, eight, twelve people, or the whole school. Tell them the time and place. Don’t wait any more 🙂 Just set the date, set the time and invite people in to see what happens.

2. Pray over your house – fill your home with worship music. Pray that people are invited by peace and joy as they enter the room. Pray for love and refreshment. Pray that people walk out of your home with greater strength and encouragement. Pray against fear, shame, insecurity that leaves at the door. By praying ahead of time, you are creating the space for change to happen in girls hearts.

Be a leader who believes for your group. Louie Giglio always says that if we want to see change happen out there, we have to see revival happen in here first and that’s inside your heart, and your home. So go and pray!

3. Make a meal for everyone – practice hospitality. Maybe you’re older and can cook a full meal, or perhaps you are younger and want to have pizza for your friends. Both are great. Meet your friends where they are at. Love on them and consider providing a meal or snack together.

4. Worship together – spend time praising God for who He is and what He as done. For at least 10 minutes, invite God to move. This is the moment that things change, and things happen. My friend Laney always says that you don’t have to have the best voice to worship, just sing with the voice He gave you! As a leader, just turn on some worship music and don’t be afraid to sing!

5. Study together – this is one of the core parts of your time together! If you are leading a study you need to already have studied what you’re covering as a group. Before you gather with your group, study the text, verses, book, topic, ect. As a leader, you’re teaching and guiding discussion. Prep. Read before. Please. And as you study together, teach the girls where God is at in the season, where the people are at (in the Bible), what’s happening in the book (or book of the Bible), and how it relates to our lives.

6. Be vulnerable – share your story that relates to what you are studying or talking about as a group. This is important. When you share your story, you are leading and opening the door for others to be vulnerable. Though you are encouraging them, you’re also leading them to consider their hearts, and to their own encounter. Give them time to reflect and respond. And don’t be afraid to ask questions, or let the girls ask you questions!

7. Get crafty – create creativity based on something that you learned! If you don’t have a craft, consider bible journaling, or taking minutes to write out prayers. It’s a great time of reflection and connecting with God, too!

8. Close in prayer – pray for each other, for your community, state, family leaders, and country. And some of you may be thinking that prayer time takes forever – don’t think that friends! Prayer is powerful source that we have. Pray into the things and ask God to move.

9. Do life together – meet up with friends, hang out, follow up! Cheer and champion each other on in your community.

No matter where you are at I hope that these are practical tips that lead you on your way!

And I can’t wait to see the world changed by the change that happens in your heart when you step into leading!



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  1. Jacqueline Griffin

    Such a great read. Thank you for taking the time to answer the question. I have been wondering. 🙂

  2. Rebecca Moreland

    Thank you, Sadie! This not only helped me see more of leadership but maybe some things I should add to my daily life of worshiping the Lord. Thank you for always sharing ♡

  3. Mónica Nilem Vázquez

    Thank you so much! It is of great encouragement to me. I’ve had in my heart to disciple and share life with younger girls or even girls my age, this is all thanks to young women and older women who have done that for me. One way or another God has opened up for me to be able to invest in younger women. I wish to continue to do it and even have a Bible study at home. You are such an inspiration, thank you and may God bless you and keep using you!

  4. Breanna

    Thanks Sadie.

  5. Sarah Harvey

    This is such an awesome post on how to start a study!! My friends and I are gonna start a study this summer! This helped a lot!