From Revelation to Realization

by | Sep 28, 2021 | Featured, Life Advice, Sisterhood, Wisdom

Friend! Today is the day. I finally get to share my new devotional, Live On Purpose, with all of you! This book is full of both biblical truth and stories that have shaped my life, and I pray they do the same for you. Snag your copy here for some daily doses of encouragement!

Now, I hope you enjoy this devotional from day 15 of Live On Purpose:


And God said to Noah, “. . . Make yourself an ark of gopherwood.”

(Genesis 6:13–14 nkjv)

Revelation and realization might look and sound like similar words, but there’s a big difference in what they mean. A revelation is something that you’re suddenly aware of—like you suddenly become aware of what God wants you to do with your life (or at least part of it). A realization is when God makes that revelation actually happen.

Chances are, you will have a revelation of what God wants you to do before you see the realization of what He is going to do.

Think about Noah. God gave him a revelation: “You need to build a boat.” Noah listened. He acted on that revelation and started building. And I bet he had some learning and training to do before he figured out exactly how to build that boat. When the rains started, Noah saw that God used the boat to save humankind and the animals. That’s when the realization happened.

For me, I had a revelation that God wanted me to go on tour and speak to people about Him. Maybe I’d call it Live Original, but I wasn’t sure. Back then, I never thought it would be what God has grown it to be. I never thought I’d speak at the Passion Conferences, go on to start a podcast, and spend every day working on content to preach, write, and encourage people in their faith.

That first revelation, though, was strong enough for me to know that I needed to start training and learning. I needed to stop listening to some of the music I was listening to, and I needed to stop watching some of the shows and movies I gave my time to. I needed to start digging deep into Scripture and saturate my life with the Word of God. I wouldn’t know the Bible stories I know today if I had not spent that time in the Word— after I had the revelation, but before I had the realization.

When God gives you a revelation, that’s your cue to ask Him to start teaching you what you need to know before you get to the realization. As He teaches and trains you, you’ll not only learn what you need to know; you’ll also learn to trust the Lord who leads you. And He’ll lead you right into the purpose He has for your life.


A prayer for you: Holy Father, open my eyes to see Your revelation for my life. Then teach me and train me so that I will be ready for the realization. Amen.

Be sure to order your copy today!

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