More Than I Can Handle

More Than I Can Handle

It was the middle of the night and I sat there in the darkness, feeding my little newborn snuggled in my arms, with hot tears falling from my cheeks and landing on his. I kept saying, “God this is more than I can handle, how can I do this? How can I live like this?” I rocked in that rocking chair trying to make sense of my reality. Just days before, everything in my life had been turned upside down and I was still in shock that this was my life. My beloved husband had suddenly and unexpectedly died at age 30. He kissed me goodbye before he left for work, and within hours, he was in the presence of Jesus. I was left here with our precious three boys who were all under the age of three. I was exhausted from grief, the weight of death and the overwhelming thoughts of doing the future alone. I didn’t know how people could live through this crushing weight, yet here I was—awake and trying to take care of my baby, while my heart was broken into pieces. Death had stolen my amazing life I had and loved. This trial, this life of suffering I was called to bear, was really too much for me to handle on my own and it really was too overwhelming to even grasp. So many questions, thoughts and worries filled my mind of how I was going to make it through the unthinkable.

All I remember is suddenly in that room, through the cloud of grief hovering over me, I didn’t feel alone. I felt a comforting presence surrounding me. Jesus began to remind me of His truth, that because of sin and brokenness of the world, we will experience more than we can handle on our own. However, He promised to come and carry our burdens for us, to never forsake us, to guard our heart with peace in the storm, to never slumber or sleep but to gently carry us through each storm. God was reminding me that no matter what I tried to do or the strength I tried to muster on my own, I could not handle this trial alone. He alone could handle this. There were so many days where I felt as if I should be drowning, but instead I was floating on God’s mighty grace. His grace was something that was overwhelming and truly felt supernatural—that’s how He always works, in our utter weakness His strength is made more perfect and powerful so that He gets the glory, not us.

That night and for all these years, the strength of God’s arms have wrapped around my weak body and weary heart, and helped me stand when it was hard to even move. God alone has given strength to sing His praises through the stormy nights, even through the tears and the questions. He still gave a sacrifice of praise that I could whisper through the pain filled days. Even though this trial has been more than I could ever handle, I have never once had to handle it alone. God has always given me His portion when I asked. Jesus truly is enough, not our security in this life, nor our comfort in this world, not health, not in perfect relationships, not in living out our dream, not in our family looking the way we want, but just Jesus, He is the only lasting Hope, our greatest reward, and the greatest portion. He becomes enough when we loosen our grip on this world that we look to for fulfillment and instead cling to Christ with all we have, knowing He is sufficient for all our needs.

If Jesus can walk me through the valley of the shadow of death, I know He will walk you through your deepest pains and give you strength to call on His name. The reality is oftentimes, our situations are too much to handle, but that’s why God has not called us to do it alone. He wants to show us that HE can handle it. There is nothing too great that God cannot carry us through. Jesus bore the greatest weight of sin, death and brokenness on the cross, sacrificing everything so that we didn’t have to. He died and rose again, defeating death so that we can live abundantly in Him. Jesus longs for us to call on His name and exchange our total weakness for His everlasting strength.

May we trust Him in whatever comes our way—even when it is more than we can handle, thanking Christ that we never have to walk this life alone.

Who Are You Listening To

Who Are You Listening To

Seeking my first love, I rise in the morning and God embraces me in His grace that is sufficient. As the soles of my feet hit the floor, I go to the foot of my bed and spend time with Jesus. I delight in His Word that is breathed by Him. He reminds me of Who He is and who I am in Him. I dwell in light and armor up in truth, for I also know that without question, the moment I rise, flaming arrows of deceit and attacks of darkness are coming.

My phone lights up with notifications and as many of us do, I get so excited to go and see what I am being notified about. Picking up my phone and going to social media, I don’t encounter the notifications that anyone would be hoping or expecting to see. I post pictures and videos about Jesus and how beautiful He is, and how He changed my life and how much He loves His people so unconditionally and recklessly. The videos that I post are filled with God’s truth and encouragement, and songs and joy.

Then there are the comments, though. The comments say that my singing makes ears bleed. The comments say that my eyebrows look like caterpillars and that my nose is too big. The comments. They ring loud and clear that I am brainwashed and that my faith is a fairytale. The perverted and disrespectful words sting and hurt. The comments say that I am crazy odd, and that I need to tone it down a little and that I love Jesus too much. People are tagging other people for simply the gratification of laughing at me together. I have been called an “annoying religious Disney princess”, “cringy”, and words so filled with hatred, that I didn’t even know those words existed until I had been called them.

The comments say that I need to be quiet. The comments say I don’t need to live anymore. They mock. They bully. They laugh. They poke. Like stones, they aim and throw a comment here and a comment there to see how they can make me fall. Sometimes, I wonder if the writers of these comments realize that there actually is another person on the other side of the screen. Another heart reading these words that have so much potential to tear apart. I have found myself sometimes looking in the mirror with all of the comments racing through my head, and wow…it would be so effortless to believe them, and sometimes in my human feelings, I momentarily do. Sometimes, even knowing that God is receiving the glory for it, I can’t help but cry because joy doesn’t always look like a smile.

But here’s the reason I keep going: I might get notifications full of these hateful words, but I have already been notified of God’s Word! My phone may have lit up with notifications devaluing my identity, but it came too late because before the beginning of time, my God spoke light into my identity. In the morning when I rose, God notified me with Who He is and who I am in Him already. This morning when I rose, I armored up in truth. Therefore, anything that comes my way that does not align with His Word, I speak truth over it. How is it possible that I can do this even when thousands of notifications come packed with rudeness and wickedness?


When I read the comments that I am not pretty, or my eyebrows look like caterpillars, or my nose is too big, I back it up really quick, and take note of what voice that is coming from.

I remember the comment of my God that declares I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

I am made in His image.

I am “the head and not the tail, I am the top and not the bottom”

I am “all together beautiful, beautiful in every way and “enthralling in the eyes of the Lord.”

I am the apple of God’s eye. I am His masterpiece.

I am clothed in strength and dignity.

I am chosen, holy, and dearly loved.

I am His treasure, called by name and filled with a greater joy.

 I remember that I have already received the notification from God that “I don’t have to fear or be dismayed, because He is with me and He is my God, and He will strengthen me and help me and uphold me with His righteous right hand”. I remember that I have already been notified that “I am not here for the approval of people, but of God”. I have already been notified that I am made without shame and because “the Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?” I am reminded that I am the salt of the earth and the light of the world.

The notification that “the Lord is my Shepherd and I lack no good thing” rings louder. He rejoices over me with louder singing, and quiets the storm of doubt in my heart with His love that never fails. I am squeezed on all sides, but not crushed because His hope is an anchor firm and secure in me. The notifications of the world still come and advance against me, I will even then be confident because my identity is not in the fickleness of society, but the foundation of truth.

If I allow what people say to determine how I act and decide who I am, I will be inconsistent and never become all that God designed me to be. If I fall into believing that I have to have every person like me, thinking that this is what “keeping the peace” means, in actuality I am allowing the enemy to rob the peace within myself.

In 2 Timothy 3:16, it says that “the Word of God is God-breathed, and it has been made profitable for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” In this way, no matter the comment, I am equipped with truth to keep going and remember that I am in the world but not of it. I am equipped with the joy of the Lord that is my strength. I am equipped in the promise that in my weaknesses His strength is made perfect. And I am also equipped to even love the very ones who speak hatred over my life.

Hurt people hurt other people, and people are not my enemy. Those who send comments of discouragement and mockery don’t know how loved they are yet. What an amazing opportunity to love! For anyone can love those who love them back. When I began to see myself the way that God sees me, I couldn’t help but see others the way that He sees others. Jesus had every right and reason to quit on us and to give up on us, and not love us because of how we turn from Him and choose darkness instead of light, but He didn’t. And because Jesus didn’t give up on me when He had every right to, I will not give up on people, especially those who give me every right and reason to. Because Jesus raised me up, I choose to live my life lifting up others with His love that never fails, and truth that sets us free. The world tells us to love those who love us back, but to hate our enemies, but very truly Jesus tells us to love our enemies. To pray for those who persecute us, and to bless those who curse us.

Jesus came to this earth knowing that there would be those whose response would be in hatred, yet He still loved them. Because it is no longer I who live, but Christ Who lives in me, I pick up my cross, follow Him and love the world as He so loved regardless of the response. Jesus said that if the world hates you, remember that it hated Him first.

Not only does God’s Word equip me with strength to see myself as He sees, and receive His notification of my identity, but He also gives me the strength to continue speaking His notification and validation over the very ones who notified me with lies. Seeking my first love, I continue to rise in the morning…for there are still hearts that don’t know how loved they are. That in itself empowers my heart to press on. I rejoice being counted worthy to suffer for the Name that commented His approval on my heart before time began. WOW! This makes my heart smile bigger than my face can. I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me, including being the original Emma Mae Jenkins that God made me to be!

I can smile, dance, love and sing, and keep on posting and keep on speaking and keep on writing because I have already been notified.

What comments are you listening to?

When I Was Afraid

When I Was Afraid

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It made its way to my heart sometimes. I would consider myself as a person who is very in tune with my emotions, but I also love people so much, that if I felt like I had disappointed someone I loved, I would want to run away. It broke my heart. So, if possible, I would vent about it, but try to suppress what I could to keep the peace for as long as possible.

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I was afraid of the idea of God. I had a misinterpretation of His character. I didn’t even know it really. I knew His character in my head. It made its way to my heart sometimes. I would consider myself as a person who is very in tune with my emotions, but I also love people so much, that if I felt like I had disappointed someone I loved, I would want to run away. It broke my heart. So, if possible, I would vent about it, but try to suppress what I could to keep the peace for as long as possible.

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Because of all of this, I hate conflict. So, even though I know He might be trying to speak, I thought it was some sort of harsh correction. I always thought I could be better, or that I did something terribly wrong and unforgivable. As someone who has had a tendency to be incredibly hard on herself, grace didn’t seem like something that was in reach for today. It seemed so far off. Maybe for someone else, but not for me.

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I knew that Jesus was more than capable of grace and peace. My goodness, He IS grace. He IS peace. I know what the Word says, but I honestly didn’t understand how to take ahold of that for myself. I felt ashamed for even having this thought or feeling of “Are you mad at me?” towards someone who DIED FOR ME. Obviously He loved me! I knew He wasn’t mad, I just didn’t believe it for some reason. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but something wasn’t right on my end. My vision had been skewed somewhere along the way.

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So, I remember praying in the beginning of 2017 for the Lord to renew my mind. I had come to a point of desperation. I couldn’t settle for repressing and hurting myself for others anymore.

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It sounded something like this:
“Jesus, I feel like there is something deeper, under the surface of my heart, that needs to release. Show me what that is. My mind cannot break through, and my heart is lagging behind. Will you rewire my brain? Remove any and all religion. I want to know the person of Jesus. I want to live in the fullness of who I know You’ve made me to be. I want to be in a relationship with the lover of my soul. I want to love you more.”

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Funny thing about the Holy Spirit for me, is that almost always I get a picture or a prayer that I know applies to me somehow, but sometimes I never really know the reality of what I am actually praying for. Anybody else? Ha! Boy, did I pray for some major heart work. Over the last year and a half, all of my guards I had up, religion I didn’t even know had seeped in, and preconceived notions of His character, got stripped away. It took deep questions, a strengthening of my foundation, and raw conversations to get to a point where I began to experience breakthrough. I honestly was at my weakest during the thick of that time. It was so difficult to stay afloat. It seemed as though every wave that hit me would take me out. I couldn’t catch my breath. He had to become my breath. I didn’t have another option. For me, I felt mentally exhausted. (Exhausted in every area actually.)

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But at the same time, my heart was being revived. Somehow after the depths of all of it, I actually consider my weakness as one of my best qualities. Let me tell you why. When I say I’m weak, I am admitting that He is my strength… genuinely. I know it can sound generic, but I really believe that now. I am not demeaning the Holy Spirit inside of me or belittling the calling I am privileged to steward, but the moment I believe I have it all together, is the instant I believe the lie that I am strong enough on my own. I believe I have authority and power in the name of Jesus, but I never want to strive for approval again. I already have it. I probably will slip up, but I am aware of the feeling of slipping back into that way of life now. My antenna is up and my senses are heightened.

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He has shown me the beauty of His smiling, laughing face, that showers joy over my past, present and future. To me, knowing His character is the most important thing in my walk with Him. If I see Him for who He is, I can begin to understand how much He loves me and how much value I have to Him.

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If you feel like you’re in a season of fogginess, rewiring and constant learning, do not give up. You are in a perfect place to see Him answer your prayer. I love when I hear other people say, “Well I did pray for it…” I do that so much. I pray for something I desperately need, without realizing how much it will reveal my need for help and my human condition. I’m really grateful that I have a Father who takes the time and patience to sit with me in my process. He is in love with me and our journey as a team.

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I can’t believe how much pride is in His eyes when He sees how far we have come together, and where He knows we are going. He feels the same about YOU. At the end of the day, that is what I want to live for—so that Christ would be glorified in every part of me—into the people in my life, all around me and entirely through me. If I don’t have an open door to all areas of my life, why let Him in at all? Man, I want everything He has for me. I can’t afford to be held back by fear.

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I love this verse in 1 Corinthians 10:13:
“We all experience times of testing, which is normal for every human being. But God will be faithful to you. He will screen and filter the severity, nature, and timing of every test or trial you face so that you can bear it. And each test is an opportunity to trust him more, for along with every trial God has provided for you a way of escape that will bring you out of it victoriously.”


The joy of the LORD is truly my strength. (Neh. 8:10) I cannot muster up joy without Him. I can choose to let HIS joy flood my mind and my heart. He never requires something from us that we are incapable of. He is with us in every moment, helping and leading us into joy. If you feel like joy is far away from you, choose to invite Joy into this moment right now. He is already inside of you. It is a lifelong choice to pursue Him, and every step is worth it. Let Him carry you in your season, every season, and decision.

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I encourage you to share with the people you trust what He is taking you through. Do not wait until you see the fulfillment of your promise before you invite people into your process. We need each other. The reason we are on this earth is to champion each other and work as a body, to comfort others as He has comforted us. Draw creativity out of these places. Talk about what He is doing in you. Talk about it. Write about it. Paint about it. Create from it. Do what brings your soul fulfillment!

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I wouldn’t go back and change my life for anything. There were brutal moments sometimes when I wanted to give up, but He is in the fire and He is refining you to your truest state. He does not inflict pain, but He works with it. He is fighting for you, holding your head up and clearing a way for you in your wilderness. Praise Him for what He has promised to do. Praise Him like it has already been done, because it has.

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I am understanding how to live in abundance instead of lack. That is my prayer for you as well.
Remember that we do not work for His approval, but from it.
Remember that we do not work for His approval, but from it.
Remember that we do not work for His approval, but from it.


Grace and Peace,
His Daughter Holly


Jump Off

Jump Off

When a scary thought first works its way into your brain, you have a choice. You can camp out on that thought in your mind, like my Two-Mama says not to do. Or you can deal with it right away to keep it from becoming bigger and scarier than it already is.

I’ll guarantee you, if you camp out on a fearful thought long enough, the next thing you know you’ll have another fearful thought, then another, then another. And before you know it, you’ll have a first-class ticket on the crazy train. I’m going to tell you what the crazy train is later in this chapter, but to help set it up, I first want to mention something that makes the crazy train possible. It’s an old acronym for fear: False Evidence Appearing Real. You can read about it in the next section.


 How do you respond physically to fear? Wouldn’t it be nice if that didn’t happen anymore?


Probably the very best Bible verse there is about the mind is Philippians 4:8: “Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise” (nlt). My challenge to you right now is to memorize this verse. Then whenever you have a fearful thought, remember these words and ask yourself, “Does this thought fall into one of these categories?” If the answer is no, stop thinking it and think about something that does.


You don’t have to be afraid. You can stop fear where it starts—in your mind. HERE’S HOW YOU CAN PRAY: God, help me to take captive every thought in my mind that is not of You and silence the whispers of the enemy in my ears. I choose to fill my mind with thoughts that are pleasing to You.

This is an excerpt from Sadie’s new book, Live Fearless! Order  today!

Finding Creative Confidence

Finding Creative Confidence

you are creative.

It’s a feeling that I had not experienced in a long while. Self-doubt. Can you relate? Maybe you have an area in your life where you battle the self-doubt day in and day out. If that’s you, I’m right there with you. Believe it or not, I’ve never experienced a heavy wave self-doubt in the area of my creative ability until recently. The moment I stepped into a full time role of designing, writing and creating, I faced a loud wave of opposition.

For months, I struggled to create anything. Sometimes, I would be so frozen with doubt that I couldn’t create or write or move. It was unreal…but so real to me. It’s sad, really…I was so engaged in my own thoughts and lies, that I could not receive encouragement from friends and family. Can you say words of affirmation: closed for business?

The voices in my head told me things like:

You can’t create that… UNEQUIPPED

Your words won’t be read…. UNNOTICED

Your work looks too much like theirs…COMPARISON

You don’t know what needs to be shared…UNKNOWLEDGABLE

You’re not enough… UNWORTHY

These are some of the lies that I faced for months.  Sound familiar? Are there words, thoughts, and obstacles in your life right now that seem like giants? Raise your hand if that’s you, sister!

The way I see it, you have two options in the face of self-doubt:

1. You can believe the lies and remain paralyzed by self-doubt.


2. You can press forward with confidence and experience FREEDOM, living in the fullness of what you’re called to do.

Months after my battle, I had a sweet friend ask me: What does God say is truth?

I am enough in Him.

I am creative because of Him.

I am free because of Him.

I am strong in Him.

I am able in Him.

IN HIM…. He is my strength. Read that one more time if it didn’t sink in.

Everything I see, create and do in this world is because of Him. Every time I feel strong, it is because of Him. Every day I create art or design, is because of Him. And I am fully equipped, because of Him.

So, I’m writing from the other side telling you that in God’s strength, you can experience freedom and joy! Once I surrendered my fears and doubts to Him, I was fueled with creativity like never before (the proof: this new LO magazine). And honestly, I had no idea what I was doing, but God worked in me. I believe He can do that for you too.

Let’s pause for a moment. If you’re reading this and cannot relate, read this: I believe that every human is designed to create and make things for God’s kingdom. I mean, our God is the most creative designer ever. He is our Father and we are all designed to create. Whether it’s art, music, businesses, relationships, community, churches, Instagram captions or stories—every human is wired to create for the Kingdom. When we create the things we are called and positioned to do, we experience freedom.

 Now, God has us where he wants us, with all the time in this world and the next to shower grace and kindness upon us in Christ Jesus. Saving is all his idea, and all his work. All we do is trust him enough to let him do it. It’s God’s gift from start to finish! We don’t play the major role. If we did, we’d probably go around bragging that we’d done the whole thing! No, we neither make nor save ourselves. God does both the making and saving. He creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join him in the work he does, the good work he has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing.” Ephesians 2:7-10 MSG

For those on the verge of creating something big, I want to encourage you in this—God is waiting for each one of you to step forward to create new things. Remember, God made you to create. He has already stirred inside of you ways to make use of your gifts and passions. And if you haven’t experienced that already, let me tell you, God is waiting for you to ask and activate your gifts and passions.

Father, I pray for every person facing self-doubt today. May you silence the voices that are lies, and amplify your truth. Give us eyes to see ourselves how you see us. Reveal to us the gifts you have given us, humble our hearts and empower us to say YES to serving you with those gifts. Father, we thank you that you are always enough. You are our strength. In Jesus, name Amen.


Breaking Up With Tired and Busy

Breaking Up With Tired and Busy

I tried to be the hero for a day

But all my super powers failed to save

So I turned in my ego and my cape

I was made to fly, but not this way

You’re my hero

You’re the only One

Who is strong enough

You’re my hero

You always pick me up

Before I self destruct

These words penned by Bethel Music Artist, Steffany Gretzinger, in her new album Blackout have been absolutely owning me. This song, Save Me, in particular has been on REPEAT. Seriously, girl… how did you get in my head like that? #spiritanimal

What I love so much about this song, is how incredibly gut level honest it is. You see, we have a chronic illness in the Body of Christ and it’s called “faker-itis”. This condition is diagnosed as the following: one who suffers from constant pretending to be okay when they are not, striving to prove oneself to others, God, or to themselves—mild to severe cases of perfectionism, negative self talk, and all symptoms related to the above. Side affects of every medication outside of Jesus, may lead to restlessness, self hatred, offense, bitterness, and a guaranteed case of exhaustion. (insert with soft music and birds chirping in the spring sun.)

After living so long with this illness, I was definitely suffering from all the above. Topped with a pretty red bow of chronic fatigue. Now hear me, from the outer world, most people would never guess that this was going on, because this condition does not bring alarm to one another until we hit rock bottom. Burnout. And the process of getting to that point is not pretty in the least. Maybe for you it’s not that extreme, but you know that you are not living in the peace, order, or consistency you so desperately long for. Well sister, I have one word for you, and you’re not going to like it…but it’s a massive key that we are missing in this puzzle piece and it’s this: VULNERABILITY.

Yep, the dreaded word that we as women especially have marked off the list. But until you realize that the Savior of your soul that already sees all, just wants for you to finally give Him those hurting places, the strength that your mind, body, soul, and spirit so desperately need will not come in its fullness.

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30

We operate at our very best and strongest disposition when we are operating from a place of rest, but I cannot tell you of how many days off I have had and went to work the next day still feeling tired. Rest has two facets, physical and spiritual. You cannot have one without the other. But in a world that glorifies busy, both are usually highly neglected. Yet, we have Jesus telling us to come to Him and He gives us not a longer to-do list, but REST. His yoke is easy. His burden is light, but most of us translate easy and light to lazy. Yet we’ve never been so tired. Let’s stop the glorification of busy! We will accomplish so much more for His Kingdom if we operate from rest.

Where we are missing it, is that Jesus is saying, come to me, learn from me, I’m gentle and humble so you don’t have to put on the fake face— I will give you rest in exchange and teach you. But, so many of us just take that as a prayer, reading some scripture, done. No, sister. He’s so much more personal than that. Because if you’re honest with yourself, you have way more needs to be met than a quick prayer and reading a few scriptures. He wants to commune with you. He wants to show you His character and show you that there is more to who He is, and He’s just waiting for you to put down the fake strength, be vulnerable, and tell Him about the real burdens your carrying.

He’s not appalled, offended, or disappointed by this, He’s ASKING for you to do this. He can show you truth to every lie and give you a strength that is birthed from a daily vulnerable interaction with Him who gives you rest like no other. Not sure where to start? Here are a few pointers to help you kick off a journey of healing, rest, and strength.

  1. At the beginning of your day, give yourself some uninterrupted time to sit, put on some worship music if you want, and focus your attention on Jesus. Don’t go into prayer, repentance, or even journaling. I mentally will sometimes take every aspect of my life and hand it over to Jesus, and just tell Him that I give it to Him, until there is nothing left of me to hand Him and I’m just a daughter boldly and humbly approaching Him with no agenda but to sit in His presence. Don’t feel anything? No goosebumps? No worries. God is bigger than your emotions. In this moment, it’s not about what He can give you, but that we are willing to just empty ourselves and wait on Him.
  2. Journal out every thought, feeling, and emotion to Him. Then ask Him to give you ears to hear His voice, to silence your voice and any others, and ask Him what He thinks about what you have just poured out to Him.
  3. Write out your struggles. Sometimes I will list them one by one. And underneath each struggle, I ask Him to tell me what He thinks about this struggle. What is the lie I’m believing? Repent for the lie and then ask Him to tell you the truth. Write it down!
  4. Take care of yourself. Self care is NOT selfish. Take a nap, go for a hike alone, get a sitter and go get dinner with your girlfriends, buy a cute top, take a bubble bath, get your nails done, sleep in, eat healthier, give yourself time to work out once a week and build from there, start a hobby you’ve always wanted to try. Do something that brings LIFE to you. Binge watching Netflix does not leave you rested, it just checks you out mentally so you can escape what your reality currently is. (Yes, I did say that!)

The Lord is so kind and patient. But fakeritis won’t get you far with Him, yourself or anyone else for that matter. Let the walls down and give yourself permission to say, “I’m not okay.” “I have this need.” “I’m hurting.” “I am struggling with this.” to the One who holds the keys to your freedom.


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About Sadie & Live Original

Sadie Robertson Huff is well known for her engaging smile and energetic personality, but there is a lot more to the 25-year-old star of A&E’s Duck Dynasty and runner up on ABC’s Dancing With the Stars season 19


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