I Am Weak, but Thou’ Art Strong

I Am Weak, but Thou’ Art Strong

I want to be a strong woman. I want to be strong for my husband, my family, and my friends. I want to be unshakable in times of trials. I want my joy to never waiver, even when it has every chance too. I want peace to flood my heart and mind, when I should be drowning in the uncertainty of life. I want to stand strong in Truth all the days of my life. I want to live a life that is not dictated by the pressures of the world but instead where it is strong, full, and vibrant amidst the pressures of this world.

Oftentimes when you want to be something or do something, you have a role model or mentor. Someone who has already become a so-called “expert” in the subject you are trying to master. You watch this person closely and hang onto their every word in hopes to find some bit of the map to your desired destination. Piece by piece, word by word, story by story you’re closer to unveiling how to accomplish this ambition. Your mind begins to expand and your heart smiles as this goal of yours is slowly becoming a reality.

Our first thought for someone who is an “expert” on strength is probably someone with immense physical strength. Like Goliath in 1 Samuel 17, a man of enormous size and physical capabilities. His physical strength was so monstrous that he terrified an entire army and kept them from battle. Yes, an entire army. And if I’m honest, this will never be my kind of strength. I am 5’7. Paralyzing an army from my sheer physical strength and stature is not in the cards for me.

The kind of strength I desire is not this physical strength demonstrated by Goliath or what we typically think of described in the first definition of strong: “having the power to move heavy weights or perform other physically demanding tasks.”[1]

The kind of strength I desire is that of David in the Goliath story. He exemplified the second more encompassing and true definition of strength that I believe is far more valuable than just the physical, to be “able to withstand great force or pressure.” [2]

When every soldier in the entire army trembled in fear at Goliath’s physical strength, David revealed what it means to be truly strong. He had every pressure to back down from battle but he withstood.

Fully aware that he was just a shepherd and not a soldier, David begged to go into battle against Goliath.

Fully aware that Goliath was a GIANT, David begged to go into battle against Goliath.

Fully aware of the warnings of fellow soldiers that he was not capable of winning, David begged to go into battle against Goliath.

When I read this story, I couldn’t help but wonder how David was able to withstand. How could David be so strong when everything in this world points to just giving in?

It actually took me flying 23 hours across the country, passing out in freezing weather, and climbing the tallest free standing mountain in the world to figure this one out. So I pray and hope this streamlines your process a bit.

The 23 hour flight was to Tanzania. Tanzania is home to a 19,341 foot Goliath of a mountain called Mount Kilimanjaro. I had the incredible opportunity to hike this mountain this summer to raise awareness and funds for Compassion International, an organization committed to freeing children from poverty in Jesus’s name. And that mountain is home to the freezing weather I mentioned a bit ago. For 6 days, this mountain was my home as well.

We ate on this mountain, talked on this mountain, laughed on this mountain, slept on this mountain, and yes…. went to the bathroom on this mountain. But more importantly, we hiked on this mountain.. for hours and hours. The first four days were honestly bliss. All my months of training for this trek had paid off. On the fourth night you wake up at midnight to climb the remaining 4000 feet to the top of the mountain. You eat breakfast in the pitch black with only stars and the moon illuminating the sky and begin your summit to the top.

Staring up at the stars, in the 9 degree weather, I looked up to the heavens and told God “this is one of the best days of my life”. I danced for the next 2-3 hours as I walked step by step up the mountain until something funny happened. I began to feel lightheaded. And then I would pass out. As I am climbing up rocks and in the snow, I begin to pass out for 1-2 seconds at a time and catch myself just before I hit the ground with my handy hiking poles.

Long story short, I did this for the next 2 hours of the hike. All my months of training never prepared me for this moment. My physical strength was gone. My mental strength diminished every time I passed out. I was not strong like David. The very real pressures of this circumstance were weighing on me like I had never experienced weight before and I was entirely too weak to withstand.

I started to pray and ask the Lord for strength because I no longer had it. I was absolutely desperate. And in my desperation, the Lord reminded me of the lyrics of the first song I ever sang in Church “I am weak but thou art strong”.

Step by step. I hiked this mountain for 6 more hours singing this song to myself.

“I am weak but thou art strong.”

And step by step. The Lord gave me strength. Strength to withstand the pressures and summit Mount Kilimanjaro.

I realize that this is how David did it. This is how David withstood the pressures and entered battle. This is how David slayed Goliath. This is how David was made strong.

By first recognizing He is weak but thou art strong.

He didn’t have the strength, but He walked with a God that did.

As I have been home I’ve faced days where the pressure feels like it’s coming from every side. And instead of trying to find the courage, I just simply surrender to God and say “I am weak, but thou art strong.” I put God back on the throne of my heart, I make Him the source of my strength, and humble myself that I am not strong.

And then I walk with the one that is. Just like David did. The song I sang on the mountain is actually a hymn called “just a closer walk with Thee”. How beautiful? I don’t have to muster up the strength, I simply need to walk closer to thee.

You don’t have to muster up the strength. Simply surrender. Say “God I am weak, but thou art strong.” And then walk with the one that is.

Remember how earlier I mentioned finding an expert, role model, or mentor? Jesus is that. He is my expert, role model, and mentor. He walked this earth and exemplified to us perfectly how to walk with thee. How to be strong amidst the pressures of this world. And He is so much more. He is the source of this very strength and life I desire.

I’ve learned that if I want to walk with thee, I need to study the one that did so perfectly. And you know what’s beautiful? As I study and read about Jesus’s life, pray, and surrender this crazy thing happens:

Piece by piece, word by word, story by story I’m becoming stronger although I am weak. My mind is expanding and my heart is smiling. Perhaps even doing a dance. And this goal of being strong, through Jesus has become a reality.

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13

And through Christ, it can be your reality too.

Maia Mae Huff is passionate about spreading love, truth, and light to all people. Whether that be through phone calls with a friend, her In This Together podcast, speaking, or any way that God leads.

Keep up with Maia Mae Huff on Instagram @maiamaehuff

Focusing Our Lives

Focusing Our Lives

I used to get frustrated because I couldn’t see God like other people did or as they seemed to. I didn’t understand how God could be so evident in some people‘s lives and so absent in my own. I would pray and pray for God to show up and it seemed I had nothing. Wind would move a tree branch after a prayer and I’d think “is that God?”, “what does that mean?”. You can laugh, I am too, but I know we’ve all thought it one time or another. I was so desperate to hear and see God more but I didn’t know what I was looking for or even what God “moving” really meant.

During this time I would pray this prayer of asking Him to show up in my life and then my focus would drift to just about everywhere. If I’m being honest, I wanted to see God, know God, watch Him move, and move with Him. But I wanted to try out what I desired, what was popular, and what everyone else said was fun. I wanted God’s provision, peace, and joy- only I wanted to get them my way.

I was praying once a day or once a week to see God and know Him more. But my sights weren’t really focused on Him. I was half focused on living life with God and half focused on living a life that I deemed desirable. And wow. What a frustrating and draining place to be.

I halfway wanted God. And if I’m being honest with you I believe halfway wanting God is where a lot of us are right now. It was a place I stayed for so long. I also believe it’s one of the most dangerous places to be. It’s exactly where the enemy wants us. He knows if we are halfway wanting Him – which is basically just distracted- He can keep us from fully and freely walking with God.

Afterall, how can we walk fully if we are halfway focused on where we are walking or who we are walking with? If we are halfway focused, the enemy can keep us from thinking God is moving in our lives because we aren’t focused enough to see it. Or we do see Him moving but are too distracted to acknowledge it or let it bring us closer to him. 

In other words, our focus determines what we see.

Have you ever wanted something? Like really wanted something? Since I was little I’ve always wanted a Jeep. Not the most spiritually significant desire I know. Bare with me. I’ve always loved Jeeps. When God started my business and I decided to tag along, I knew I would need a bigger car to lug huge boxes of merchandise and orders to and from. My time had finally come to buy my Jeep. While I was looking for the right one to buy, something funny happened: every car on the road became a Jeep. Not literally, but it really did seem like that. I saw Jeeps everywhere. I’d count 23 on a 5 minute drive.

What was going on? Why was almost every car on the road all of the sudden a jeep? Who was pranking me? After this going on for weeks, I realized something. The Jeeps had always been there. It was my focus that changed. 

I was so focused on the jeeps because that’s what I really wanted. They weren’t all the sudden appearing, I was just finally noticing them. 

This realization led to a big shift in my faith. I found that the same was true in my Faith as my jeep phenomenon. God had always been there. He was there every second of my 5 minute drives, my once a day/week prayers, in all the times I chose what I thought I desired. He was all around me moving, but I wasn’t focused enough to see Him.

You see, the more we focus on something the more you’ll see it. The clearer it will be. No really, it’s science. The more a biologist focuses her microscope, the clearer the object she’s looking at will be.

The difference between her choosing to focus the microscope or not? If she wants to. The difference between you choosing to focus on God or not? If you want to.

The ability to see/hear/know God is dependent on your want to focus on Him or not.

When I started seeing all the jeeps it was because I really wanted one. It was the top desire of my heart. Shallow, I know. But I realized that if I really wanted to see God I needed to do the same with Him. He needed to be the top desire of my heart. The thing that my heart desired most.

I needed to remove all the other desires distracting me. Ones like what was popular, what everyone else said was fun and would fulfill me, and most importantly me thinking I knew best for myself.

After living a life wanting and focused on God for a little bit now, I’ve got something beautiful to tell you. God actually had my heart’s desires in mind. He actually delights in showing me them and somehow He knows them better than I ever do myself. He’s not going to just start appearing, He’s ready to show you that He’s already been moving. Do you want to see?

Hi! I’m MM! I like to make, write, and say things that make remind  people of how loved they are. Xx

Follow Maia on Instagram @maiabillman