Remain in His Love

by | Sep 12, 2024 | Featured, Identity, LO Library

Beloved, Worthy Daughter

Out of all the titles you may have—mother, wife, entrepreneur, pastor, teacher—the most important title you’ll ever wear is that of daughter. And based on our unique lives, that title holds different weight for each of us. You may have lived under the shame of being an unknown daughter. Or perhaps you basked in the spoiled protection of being the only daughter in a family full of boys. In both scenarios the fact remains that you are a daughter.

We’re all daughters of the King with the permission to reign. This permission comes without the need to perform. Performing is for clowns anyway. You don’t have to perform for God! All you have to do is receive Him as Abba Father.

Research has shown that the father-daughter relationship holds immense significance. And not just through the early years—it matters throughout every phase of development including our adulthood. Whether with our biological father or someone else in that role, we benefit from being seen, cared for, and loved as daughters. There is a wholeness that comes when our position as a daughter is acknowledged and those needs are met. Studies have reported that young women who experience healthy relationships with their fathers are less likely to become clinically depressed or anxious. Additional benefits include increased confidence, enhanced communication skills, balanced perspectives, and emotional security. If these are the natural results, imagine the outcomes of being in a healthy relationship with Abba!

I hear you saying, “But Dr. Jackie, what if I didn’t have the father I so desperately wanted?” I see you, sis. Let me share this next story with you.

I met a woman, Michelle, who struggled to keep healthy romantic relationships. When she was a young girl, her father often promised to visit or send her things. Each time she found herself sitting and waiting for him to come through on his word. And when he did, it was never as elaborate or complete as he promised. Michelle began to believe that she wasn’t worthy of a man’s full, intentional attention.


As she and I began to talk, we discussed what it would look like to have a man of his word in her life, romantically or otherwise. She couldn’t imagine it. I could see how this was obstructing her ability to build a deeper relationship with Christ. Our next few meetings were focused on turning her attention away from her father and onto the Father. I challenged her to exchange her abandonment and rejection issues with her earthly father for love and truth from her Heavenly Father.

I want to share the same truth with you. The Word of God cannot return to Him void! If He spoke a word over your life, you can believe it’s gonna happen just as He said it would. He’s not a man that He should lie, nor the son of man that He should have to repent (Num. 23:19). You can be sure that He will do it just as He said He would! He’s going to come through for you.

I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.

2 Corinthians 6:18 (NIV)

The Lord said to me, “You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled.”

Jeremiah 1:12 (NIV)

 Today I encourage you to accept your permission to walk like a daughter of the Most High King. What does that look like for you? Maybe your head is held a little higher. Maybe you stand a bit taller. Or better yet, maybe your stride is a little surer.

Prayer Prompt: Lord, I receive what You’ve spoken over my life. Show me how to take You at Your Word…


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