What Do You Believe

by | Mar 9, 2018 | Life Advice | 3 comments

“Now faith brings our hopes into reality and becomes the foundation needed to acquire the things we long for. It is all the evidence required to prove what is still unseen.  This testimony of faith is what previous generations were commended for. Faith empowers us to see that the universe was created and beautifully coordinated by the power of God’s words! He spoke and the invisible realm gave birth to all that is seen.” Hebrews 11:1-3 TPT

When I was asked to write this blog, I honestly thought it was kind of funny that we’re all writing on the topic “believe”, because the last couple months I feel like that is the very thing the enemy has tried to attack and question.  “Do you even know what you believe?” You say you believe and trust God, but do you really? Do you really think what you heard was God? Do you really think that’s going to happen?” These are the thoughts that came to mind, but something I’ve learned is that not all of our thoughts are from God (thank goodness!), and not all of our thoughts are a reflection of what we believe. What we believe is found in how we respond to those thoughts, how we act on what we believe and how we speak!

What you believe is so important, because it ultimately determines how you live your life. Everything you do, is based off something you believe or don’t believe. Big or small. Good or bad. You had a thought, you believed it, you acted on it. It’s that simple. In fact, the biggest decision you will ever make is based on what you believed when you accepted Jesus into your heart. That was the biggest and best decision you will ever make. In one moment, your life was changed forever by what you BELIEVE.

That being said, it’s important to know that the enemy is after what you believe. He wants to confuse you, and shake you, and make you question what God has spoken over you. The Bible says he prowls around, seeking who he may devour. In other words, he wants to destroy you! Isn’t that awesome? Hah! Total sarcasm. He wants to destroy the amazing plans God has for your life. The only way He can do that is if you believe that he has that kind of power.

Recently, I was at an event and during worship, I was just praying about some things that God had put in my heart to do. I walked into that night with a sense of those dreams being so big, that I found myself asking God, “Now, how in the world are you going to do this?” But I feel like he probably thinks I’m funny to think that my dreams are big. What is a big dream in comparison to a God that cannot be measured? He said, “baby, where is your faith?” This immediately brought tears to my eyes and a weight lifted off my back. I had been carrying around these dreams, as if it was my job to make them happen—instead of resting, believing, and knowing that they are from Him. He will accomplish all he intended to accomplish through them. Because the dreams in my heart ultimately aren’t about me. And if they were, I really don’t think the enemy would try and question me on how they were going to happen.

For example, I danced as a backup dancer for about 4 and a half years. Yes, I LOVE to dance, but my dream to dance was never just to dance on stage behind a person with a microphone. In fact, I never even thought about doing that until probably a year before it happened. My dream and real passion was to share Jesus and what he has done in my life, and the freedom I found when His love found me. To tell the world of His goodness, and to see people experience true freedom and His great love. So, in the journey of pursuing dance, I had a lot of things that tried to stop me and keep me from that. Not because the devil just didn’t want me to dance, but he knew the power that me dancing would carry, and the freedom it would bring to people because of Who God is and what He had done in my life. The enemy wasn’t just trying to stop dancing, He was trying to stop JESUS in me. He’s not just trying to stop you, he’s trying to stop JESUS in you. The enemy doesn’t like you, because he doesn’t like Jesus, and if you received Jesus into your heart, you now carry Him with you everywhere you go.

Let’s be real, sometimes it’s hard to believe, when there are still things we don’t understand or don’t feel like we have answers to yet. But let me encourage you, when you feel like there’s something you don’t know, just take that as an opportunity to lean in more to what you DO know. As I write this, something tells me maybe you just don’t feel like you know what you know anymore. So, let me tell you some unchangeable truths that you can rest in and believe.

1. You are SO loved by a GOOD Father. (John 3:16)

2. He has good plans for your life (Jeremiah 29:11)

3. You’re never alone (Joshua 1:9)

4. God speaks to you and you can hear Him (John 10:27)

5. God gives you dreams (Acts 2:27)

6. You’ve been set free (John 8:36)

7.  What the enemy meant for harm in your life God will use for your good (Romans 8:28)

8.  No one can steal or take away from what God has planned for your life. (Revelation 3:7, Psalm 16:5)

9. He will make a way, when there seems to be no way (Isaiah 43:19)

10.  You have everything you will ever need in Jesus (Philippians 4:19)

And one more thing! Believe this, YOU are the biggest threat there is to the enemy, because of WHO you carry. So walk in that confidence! You don’t have to be afraid, the enemy is actually intimidated by your every move when you’re aware of the power within you.

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  1. Rachel Schroeder

    THX YOU LANEY! I’ve put off my dreams for too long! I wonder what God wants to do with them, but I’ve gotta keep going thank you!

  2. Kate Aaronson

    Laney thank you, this is exactly what I needed to hear right now as I enter into a scary time of my life. I needed to hear that my dreams about the outcomes I hope for are not about me, but about my God who created them! He will get done what is to get done and I will rest in my faith in Him. Thank you again for this light and I would love to connect more with you about studying His Word.

  3. Chynna Cole

    Laney, God has all provisions set up before us on our journey to what he has called us and yes he will accomplish all that he has intended to accomplish through us, but what about when it comes to us actually having to make a life altering decision ourselves and we pray about it but hear nothing from him? For example, what college to go to, or to give up something we love for something else? Do we just pick one way and hope it’s the right way?