Have you ever been in a relationship or friendship where you felt like it was all one sided? Either you feel like you are making all the effort to keep the relationship going like: surprising them with little things they love randomly or planning every time y’all get together. Or maybe even you’ve been on the other side where you feel like someone is trying harder than you to maintain a friendship or relationship. No matter if you are the person putting in all the effort or the person that feels like you aren’t putting in enough effort, one-sided relationships are exhausting.
Relationships and friendships need effort from both sides to be the best they can be. We can’t expect to stay close with our people, if we only talk to them once a week when we want something or only see them one day a week in a large group setting. If this doesn’t work with our boyfriends/husbands and friends, then why do we act like this in our relationship with the One who created us?
Oftentimes, we only talk to God when we want something and only spend time with Him for a few hours on Sunday at church. Our relationship with Christ is meant for so much more than a little time here and there! He wants us to experience and have a true relationship with Him, but for that to happen we have to want it too.
Imagine one day, you get married, and your husband is only there for you when he wants you. Not when you want him. You plan every date night and are the one to always put the effort into growing y’all’s relationship. This isn’t the kind of relationship you need or want in a marriage. This isn’t the kind of relationship you want with Christ. Imagine if Jesus was only there for you sometimes and ignored your prayers. We would feel alone and as if He didn’t care about us. PRAISE GOD, He is there for us not just sometimes but all the time, and He ALWAYS hears our prayers!
We should want to put all our efforts into our relationship with Christ. When we wake up in the morning, let our minds immediately go to thanking Him. We should want to spend time in His word to learn more about who He is. We should go to Him with all our worries and fears, because He wants us to come to Him. He wants us to cast our cares upon Him and lean on Him. Christ desires for us to know Him more and have a relationship with Him.
Let Christ be the best friend you’ve ever had. Come to Him on your best days and your worst days. He wants to hear about your day and all your prayers. As He is your best friend, be a friend to Him. Praise Him always. Thank Him for the little and the big things. Go to church. Tell someone about His love for them. The beauty is that Christ doesn’t need us, but He still wants us to know. He wants to care for us even though we will never be able to repay Him. He loves us that much! He is the only One that can truly satisfy our souls!
Our relationship with Christ should be the foundation of all of our other relationships in this life. When seeking friends, we should look for people that will help us grow in our relationship with Christ other than pull us away from Him, and find friends that pray for us. Find people that will be loyal to you in the hard times and not just the good times, and who will care for you and love you even on your worst days. Find friends that you can be 100% you around them, and they love even the quirkiest things about you. On the other side of this, you also should strive to be this kind of friend to others. Be the friend that loves like Jesus does and prays for your friends. Be the friend that your friends can call up and talk to and know you truly care about what they have to say. Be the friend that you want to have.
This is not only important when seeking friendship, but it is so important when seeking your future husband. A godly marriage is meant to be a reflection of God’s love for His people. With that being said, we should desire to marry a man that will love us how Jesus desires for us to be loved. Don’t settle for a man that just wears a cross around his neck and has a Bible verse in his Instagram bio, but pray for a man of God that has a true relationship with Christ. Marry the man that will be there for you to celebrate the little and big moments with you, and who will hold you on your hardest days. The last thing you want in marriage is for it to be one-sided, so while praying for your future husband also be praying in this season of waiting for God to be preparing you to be your future husband’s wife. Like I said above, our relationship with Christ is the foundation of all our other relationships. Prioritize your relationship with Christ, and you will see how it positively affects your relationships and friendships.
I promise you that you won’t regret going all in on your relationship with Christ! Push that one-sided stuff to the side and put your all into following Jesus and let Him guide your life. Let the way you love Jesus and the way He loves you overflow into your relationships and friendships. Relationships with Christ at the center will be the ones that last!
“Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” Matthew 22:37-39
I leave you with this simple message, Love God with all your heart, mind, and soul and love others as He would!
My name is Dacey Triplett, and I have been writing with LO Sister since 2023! I just graduated from Appalachian State University with my Bachelors in Public Relations.
Some fun facts about me are that I love Jesus, traveling, coffee, and of course writing!
A big part of who I am is that I was born with Achondroplasia dwarfism. I know that’s a really big word but all it means is that I was born with short limbs which means I’ll only be about 4ft tall for my whole life. It would have been easy for me to let this define who Dacey would be, but God had something else in mind. He took what the world would have called a mistake and turned it into a blessing. God can turn anything around, and He definitely did in my life! He used my dwarfism to give me a story, and now I get the opportunity to tell my story to thousands of people! If you can learn anything from me, I’d encourage you to be the you that God created you to be!!