Trust + Follow

Trust + Follow

If you are reading these words, I know it’s not by coincidence. I trust that God is intentional and perfect in all of His ways. I write them with tear filled eyes and in complete awe of His goodness. I wish I could catch you up to the point in my story where writing this devotional came to be. Maybe someday I will, but for now I’ll sum it up by saying that one step of surrender after another has led me to this moment. 

More often than not, I haven’t known where I was going, but with every surrendered step, I grow in confidence that the One I am following surely will not lead me astray. Jesus never has and He never will. The more I follow Him, the more my trust in His goodness increases. I move forward continually in the decision that I will follow Him wherever He leads, no matter the cost. It is costly, but I can assure you that the reward is far greater than the cost. His way has rarely led me to the expected road, but He has been faithful with every step.

I can’t tell you how your story will unfold, but I can assure you that the best things in this life will come as a result of knowing, trusting, and following Jesus, not the easiest things, but the best, most abundant things. Proverbs 3:5-6 has become such a thematic passage in my life, selected out of the realization that only in complete surrender have I experienced the abundance of knowing and walking with Jesus. I desire for everyone to experience that abundance. I can’t live it out for you, but I can share my experiences, point you in His direction and encourage you to wholeheartedly follow Him. That’s my heart behind this devotion, to provide you with a resource to grow in understanding who Jesus is, what His word says, and what that means for you personally. 

Wherever you find yourself in this journey of taking Him at His word, I pray that as you read these pages that you will grow in knowledge of the truth, boldness to live out and proclaim it, and love for the One who it’s all about. Jesus, this is all about Jesus. I pray that as you prioritize dwelling in His presence daily that you will experience the evidence of His goodness undeniably and that He will increase your desire to live a life that points people in His direction. 

There is nothing better than a relationship with Your Creator, Savior, Father, and closest friend– it’s what you were created for. His word, applied, delivers. It never returns void. 

He will be found faithful to His word and true to His character in the lives of those who know Him and follow His lead. His plans for you are good and they will prevail. 

Over the next 60 days, I invite you along this journey of knowing Jesus more than you did before. I challenge you to be sincere in seeking, honest in reflection, and expectant for His truth to begin or continue to transform your heart and your life as you apply it. 

I know first-hand that if you give Him your wholehearted yes, He will do more with it for His glory than you could have ever imagined. You, holding this book in your hand is proof. 

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will make your paths straight.”  Proverbs‬ 3:5-6‬


Day 1 – Know, Trust, + Follow 

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will make your paths straight.”  Proverbs‬ 3:5-6‬ NIV‬‬

[[headings are located immediately following scripture]] There is nothing better than knowing, trusting and following Jesus. You will find Him faithful to His character and true to His word in your life. 

Let me invite you into the process of titling this devotional because it was very intentional. Generally speaking, you can’t trust someone you don’t know, and you won’t follow someone you don’t trust. Therefore, this journey has to begin and end with knowing Jesus. It’s one thing to know of someone, but it’s another to know them personally. There is a huge difference between acquaintanceship and relationship.  

Too many people, yes even people who are raised in the church, spend their lives knowing of Jesus, but outside of personal relationship with Him. I can only imagine how it breaks His heart. Jesus doesn’t want to be your acquaintance; He wants to be your closest friend. Not only does He desire a relationship with His children, but as long as any one of us lives outside of relationship with Him, we are missing out on what we are made for. 

Without knowing Him personally, we can’t graduate to the adventure of trusting and following Him. If you don’t know Jesus personally, He is inviting you to make the best decision you’ve ever made of getting to know Him. If you do know Him, He wants to grow deeper in relationship with you daily, equip you to introduce others to Him, and lead you further along the path of His perfect plan for your life. He will be faithful to complete what He has started in you. 

The more you know Jesus, the more your life will be transformed by the truth of His word. It’s a never-ending process on this side of Heaven. A life of surrender is a life lived in response to your knowledge of who God is and trust in what He says. The evidence of us truly knowing Him is our willingness to do what He instructs. Everything He instructs is intentional and purposeful. Are we living lives that reflect our trust in that promise? 

Continually exchange your own plan and preference for whatever He has in mind. Your own plan will fail you, but He never will. God’s ways are higher than our minds can comprehend. You may not always know or understand what He is doing, but if you know, trust, and follow Him, He will leave you continually in awe of His goodness. Ask yourself this question today, “If my obedience to God’s word is the evidence of my love for Him, am I living like I love Him?” 

“We know that we have come to know him if we keep his commands.” 1 John‬ 2‬:3‬ NIV‬‬‬‬

Prayer: “Jesus, grow me in the knowledge of who you are and the application of your word to my life. Thank you that as I follow You, You are leading me step by step. Amen.” 

Thank Him for who He is and what He has done, ask Him for what you are believing for and to make you more like Him today. 

Reflection/Application: What have you put before your desire to know Jesus more? 

How do you want to grow in knowing, trusting, and following Him in the days to come? 

TRUST + FOLLOW: a 60 day devotional to  know Jesus more is available (most) everywhere books are sold. Here is the link to order on amazon:

An Offering Of Everything

An Offering Of Everything

There are so many amazing stories of faith from Genesis to Revelation, but one of my personal favorites is found in Mark 12:41-44 (also referenced in Luke 21:1-4). While it’s not the most talked about and might not be considered the most significant in comparison to others, I love the way that a seemingly small act of faith catches Jesus’ attention and moves His heart. It’s a reminder that what we often see as insignificant is of great value to God. Take a moment to read this story of the Widow’s offering:

“Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents. Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.”” Mark 12:41-44 NIV

Through this passage, we are reminded that Jesus desires an offering of everything, not just an offering of much. Let me explain…

If we’re honest, we have all been guilty of being like the rich people mentioned in this story at times. Maybe not with our finances specifically, but with anything else of value to us personally; our time, talent, or treasure as it’s often said. While we might bring large amounts before the Lord, which are met with earthly applause, He sees and knows our hearts. The reality is that we can give a lot to Jesus, but still be withholding what is of most value to us from Him. We can give often, but with the wrong motive or misintention.

I’m reminded through this widow’s offering that more than Jesus desires the gift itself, He desires for us to bring what is costly to us before Him, not just what is comfortable or convenient. He’s not moved by what impresses man nor is He after riches for riches sake. Our hearts are far more valuable to His eyes than our tangible treasure.

What’s so beautiful to me about this story is that the offering the poor woman gave had less earthly value than what the rich individuals gave, but in the eyes of the One who was receiving the gift, her offering was far more valuable, celebrated, and gladly received. Why? Because although she didn’t have much, in faith, she gave everything she had.

She didn’t just give an offering of tangible treasure. She gave an offering of obedience. She gave the gift of surrender.

If you feel that you don’t have much to give, I have good news for you. Your everything is enough even if its value seems small in comparison to what others have to offer. How do I know? The widow’s offering. Jesus is less moved by your ability to give a large amount and more moved by your willingness to give your all, even if it’s not much. He longs for and is pleased by faith that withholds nothing from Him, believing that He is worthy and trustworthy. That’s the kind of currency the Kingdom rejoices over.

The only way you will give Him your all is if and when you put Him in His rightful place in your life. Making a decision to live wholeheartedly for Jesus will move you from a place of wrestling to hold onto what you can to joyfully surrendering all, even when it’s not easy or doesn’t make sense.

I remember God once giving me this picture of me standing before Him with open, empty hands crying out “I have nothing else to give.” He replied, “Beautiful. That’s exactly where I want you.”

Shortly after, I read this story during a study we were doing at church and ever since then I’ve been truly changed by it.

I knew it didn’t mean He was going to take everything from me or leave me with nothing, but that He longed for my willingness to give everything if that’s what following Him required. I have and continue to learn through living it that surrender is beautiful, freeing, and at times, excruciatingly painful… but ALWAYS worth it and more rewarding than what it requires.

I pray that if and when you find yourself in the tension of trying to hold onto what’s most valuable to you that you will remember the story of this widow’s offering and the way it moved Jesus’ heart. So much so that He even told His closest friends about it and taught them through it.

Again, there are so many amazing stories of faith, but of all of them, I pray my life is a reflection of this poor widow’s story. While I may not know her name, I know she moved Jesus’ heart in a way that He took note of it. For her, that was enough.

May we live by her example… not ruled by the desire for our names to be known or our stories to be told, but live lives of simple, sincere surrender to our Savior because we truly believe that He alone is worthy of it all.

I’ll leave you with this: “Simply put, if you’re not willing to take what is dearest to you, whether plans or people, and kiss it good-bye, you can’t be my disciple.” Luke 14:33 MSG Don’t just give Jesus an offering of much, give Him an offering of everything.

Maddie‘s devotional “TRUST + FOLLOW: a 60 day devotional to know Jesus more” is releasing September 24th and is now available for pre-order! If you desire to draw closer to Jesus, grow in your understanding of His Word, and deepen your trust in Him, this is the perfect resource for you! Clink the link to pre-order or for more information.

Purpose > Insecurity

Purpose > Insecurity

Have you ever doubted or questioned the calling, purpose, or instruction God has given you? Have you ever felt crippled by insecurity, uncertainty, or fear? If so, you’re not alone.

I recently started reading the book of Jeremiah. It’s one of my favorite books in the Old Testament. His life and story provides an amazing example of what we should do when we face these doubts and feel hindered in stepping forward into our God-given purpose. To the one who feels held back by insecurity when it comes to doing what God has called or instructed you to do, these words are for you. I pray that through them, you are encouraged and challenged to step forward in obedience into all that He has for you. As a result, I believe you will see Him do what only He can do in and through you.

The book of Jeremiah begins with an interaction between Jeremiah and the Lord, 

“The Lord gave me this message: “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.” “O Sovereign Lord,” I said, “I can’t speak for you! I’m too young!” The Lord replied, “Don’t say, ‘I’m too young,’ for you must go wherever I send you and say whatever I tell you. And don’t be afraid of the people, for I will be with you and will protect you. I, the Lord, have spoken!” Then the Lord reached out and touched my mouth and said, “Look, I have put my words in your mouth! Today I appoint you to stand up against nations and kingdoms. Some you must uproot and tear down, destroy and overthrow. Others you must build up and plant.” Jeremiah 1:4-9 

As God shares the purpose for which He created Jeremiah and set him apart, Jeremiah doesn’t respond to this calling with confidence, assurance, and excitement. He responds with doubt, hesitation, and insecurity in his own ability to fulfill the purpose for which he has been created and set apart. Jeremiah believes that God is unable to speak through him because of his young age.

Instead of agreeing with Jeremiah’s insecurity, the Lord tells him not to be hindered or identified by it. Jeremiah’s doubt in himself didn’t change God’s mind about the assignment He had given him. He simply goes on to guide him in how to overcome the doubts he is facing and step into his calling. God meets Jeremiah’s hesitant response with two commands and two promises. 

God commands Jeremiah:

(1) To go where He tells him to go (2) To say what He has called Him to say.

God’s promises to Jeremiah are:

(1) That He will be with Him and (2) That He will protect him.

He also reminds Jeremiah that He Himself is watching over His word to perform it and that it’s simply Jeremiah’s job to speak it. If you continue reading through this book, you will ultimately find that Jeremiah decided to do what God had called him to do even in the face of his insecurity. He chose to put his trust in God’s ability even though he felt unqualified. As a result, God used him in a mighty way – to speak and stand for truth in a culture that was consumed by sin and had turned from God (sound familiar?). Jeremiah faced many challenges, but He held fast to God’s Word; and as a result, God performed His Word as He promised through Jeremiah’s life.

As I read this interaction, I couldn’t help but feel that some of you, like Jeremiah, are living hindered, stuck, and frustrated by lack of confidence in your ability to do what God has called you to do. Whether it’s your age, your past, lack of experience, lack of resources, uncertainty about how to begin, fear of failure, or something else, I believe there is so much to be learned through Jeremiah’s life. I want to remind you that you aren’t alone and also encourage you to take God at His word despite how you currently feel and the obstacles you are faced with.

Just like Jeremiah, your Creator knit you together in your mom’s womb for the purpose of knowing Him and His glory being revealed in and through your life. Your specific calling may be different from his, but you have been called and set apart for Kingdom purpose at this moment in time. You may feel uncertain of this reality, but the One who created it is not. He loves you and has an intentional, abundant plan for you.

Your doubt doesn’t change God’s mind about the purpose for which He has created you. Instead of being identified by your insecurity, He is calling you to move forward in confidence in His ability to perform His Word if you will live in obedience to His instruction. Remember that the pressure of the outcome doesn’t fall on you, but you are responsible for your obedience to His voice. Put your focus on obedience, put the rest in His hands. 

He doesn’t command you to go where He has called you to go and do what He has called you to without the promise that He is with you and for you. As you say “yes” to your purpose, remember these things from the life of Jeremiah:

ONE – your insecurity doesn’t change God’s mind about the plan and purpose He has for your life. Embrace what He has called you or instructed you to do instead of trying to talk Him (or yourself) out of it.

TWO – it’s less about your own ability, or lack of, and more about our trust in His ability. Put your trust in His ability over your insecurity when it comes to your purpose. Nothing is too hard for God.

THREE – go where He calls. Trust His leadership even when you don’t understand. He knows where He is leading and what He is doing.

FOUR – speak what He has called you to speak. Share His Word and live it out even if it’s unpopular and no matter how it is received by those around you.

FIVE – remember that He is with you and for you. This is all you really need to know to continue to move forward in faith.

Lastly, remember that you are not called to fulfill God’s Word, that’s His job. You are called to share His word and live it out. Don’t live hindered by insecurity, live in confidence in God’s ability to perform His Word and keep His promise as he uses you as a vessel. You are no exception to God’s ability to use imperfect and unlikely people to carry out His plan.

Trust Him, and with every step, let your confidence be in His faithfulness.

“But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit.” ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭17‬:‭7‬-‭8‬

Application challenge – read the rest of the book of Jeremiah! Identify something that God has called or instructed you to do and an insecurity that is hindering you from stepping forward in obedience. Ask Him to help you trust His ability over your insecurity and to guide you in what step to take. Set a goal to take a step!

Maddie is a wife, worship leader, and writer. Her passion is pointing people to Jesus, following wherever He leads, and encouraging others to do the same. A few of her favorite fun things are rainy days, road trips, coffee shops, flower trucks & gold confetti. 

Keep up with Maddie on Instagram @maddiee_joy!

Four Corners

Four Corners

I recently attended a women’s retreat and we played a game called Four Corners. They asked several questions and the corners of the room represented a different answer to each question. After a question was asked, we would all walk to the corner that represented our answer to see who in the room would pick what answer (I promise there is a point to explaining this).

I will never forget the moment that God used a simple game at a retreat I wasn’t even planning on attending to reveal a life-changing truth to me. One of the questions asked was, “If you could have a super-power, what would it be?” I found myself torn between two of the four corners, flying or teleportation, and I said it out loud. The girl next to me responded, “Choose flying. If you teleport, you will miss the journey.”

As I wrestled through making my decision, her response changed the trajectory of my walk with Jesus in the best way. God used it to identify a tendency within me that was hindering me from experiencing the fullness of His perfect plan. I used to always want to take the shortcut because it was more convenient. I realized at that moment that if choosing the shortcut means missing the journey, it isn’t worth it. Even if I did ultimately end up where I was supposed to be, I would be lacking what He desired to produce within me in the process.

There are two lessons I pray you learn from this story:

The first is this – Never underestimate who and what God can use to speak to you.

Don’t try to limit a limitless God to fit within the box of your expectations. He just might use who or what you least expect to reveal Himself in an undeniable way. Spend enough time in His presence to recognize His voice even when He speaks to you in unexpected places and through unlikely circumstances or people (or games, lol). When you do recognize His voice, stop to listen and allow the truth of His word to interrupt your plans, bring correction to your way of doing things, and lead you along the path of His perfect plan. When you feel Him tugging on your heart or addressing an area of your life that needs to be adjusted, no matter where you are or what you’re doing, take note and let it move you to action.

His presence is with you wherever you go; not just in church on Sunday morning, in your weekly Bible study, or when you are doing your daily devotions. He knows what you need, He knows when you need it, and His delivery is always perfect even if it’s different than our expectation of how He would show up.

When He speaks and what He speaks won’t always be at the most convenient time or comfortable to hear, but it is always intentional and always for your good and for His glory. A perfect example of this is Moses and the burning bush…

“There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a blazing fire from the middle of a bush. Moses stared in amazement. Though the bush was engulfed in flames, it didn’t burn up.” (Exodus 3:2)

God will show up in the midst of your ordinary life in extraordinary ways so that it’s undeniable that it’s Him speaking. If you will listen and apply what He is speaking, you will live continually amazed by Him doing what only He can do in and through you.

He is in everything; live aware.

The second is to choose the journey of following Jesus over the convenience of taking the shortcut.

Proverbs 16:9 says, “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.”

Decide, sincerely, that you would rather take the long way with Jesus than the shortcut without Him. The truth is, the shortcut (convenience) will end up costing you in the long run. It’s dangerous to chase the fulfillment of the promise without walking through the process. The process isn’t painless; but it grows, matures, and produces steadfastness within us along the way. The process prepares you for the promise. This is the beauty in what is at times painful, and it’s absolutely necessary.

Don’t just say that His way is better, live like you believe it’s true. Let your life be a reflection of your wholehearted trust in Jesus. When you are torn between the corners of life and tempted to choose convenience over His way, always choose His way. I can assure you that no one knows what’s best for you like the One who knows you best, and living for Him is what you are made for.

Life will present you with countless choices – big, small, and everything in between. Don’t make a decision for immediate gratification like the world does, even in seemingly small, insignificant choices. Don’t be directed, distracted or swayed by the opinion and process of man. I can assure you that there were a lot more people standing in the teleportation corner than the flying corner, but I stood in the flying corner, sure and confident of the choice that I made.

When making a decision, be led by His voice and the truth of His Word. If He is directing you to take the longer way, trust that He goes before you and that His plans for you are good. Let your confidence be in His faithfulness. Set up camp in the midst of His promises for those who love Him and walk according to His Word. To live in those promises requires the continual application of the truth of His Word to our lives. It requires that we trust that all of it is true, not just some of it.

I find myself praying this prayer often lately, that I long for nothing more or less than all of what He has for me. You’ve probably heard the quote about how life is more about the journey than the destination. It’s the journey that shapes us and helps us arrive at the destination of who God has called us to be.

I don’t want to miss a thing when it comes to what God has prepared for me. I want whatever will most reveal His glory through me.

When God used a mindless game at a girl’s retreat to remind me to not miss the journey He has for me, I never would have imagined that I would be sharing it with you, but He did, and here I am.

You might not always know where you are headed, but your trust isn’t in where you are going, but the One who is leading you step by step. He sees the full picture when you feel stuck in the right now. Let the reward of following Him outweigh the temptation to settle for the shortcut.

Walk in His way, friends. The best is yet to be!

“Though the Lord gave you adversity for food and suffering for drink, he will still be with you to teach you. You will see your teacher with your own eyes. Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, “This is the way you should go,” whether to the right or to the left.” (Isaiah‬ ‭30‬:‭20‬-‭21‬)

Maddie is a (new) wife, worship leader, and writer. Her passion is pointing people to Jesus, following wherever He leads, and encouraging others to do the same. A few of her favorite fun things are rainy days, road trips, coffee shops, flower trucks & gold confetti. 

Keep up with Maddie on Instagram @maddiee_joy!

The Cost of Abundance

The Cost of Abundance

One of the best pieces of advice that I have ever been given is this,

“God wouldn’t ask you to let go unless He had something far better in store.” That simple phrase has entirely changed the way I trust God for the better.

I challenge you to ask yourself these two questions:

  1. “Wouldn’t it be a tragedy to miss God’s best because I refused to release what He asked for in exchange?”
  2. “Wouldn’t it be heartbreaking to miss the fullness of what God has in store for my life because I settled for my own best?”

I have learned, through His grace alone (often in the midst of my chasing and wandering), that the most challenging yet rewarding decision we will ever make is to let go and trust Jesus wholeheartedly. It’s to give our lives to Him and to ask Him daily to have His way in and through us in all things. Life lived His way, all the way, is the best life we will ever live because it’s what we are made for. We, as creation, were made for our Creator. We are created in His image for His purpose and it’s not until we grab a hold of this truth and live by it that we will be fully satisfied. Fulfillment comes when we live it out.

Jesus shares in John 10:10 that He came that we might have life and life abundantly. Nothing compares to God’s best; for His best is abundance, and it’s found in Him alone.

Abundance defined is this – exceedingly, very highly, beyond measure, more, superfluous, a quantity so abundant as to be considerably more than what one would expect or anticipate. 

I’ve found myself praying this prayer often lately, “Jesus, show me what abundance looks like.” His answer is found woven throughout His Word.

1 Corinthians 2:9 says, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.”

In other words, God’s best is better than anything any of us could ever dream up on our own. If we trust that His Word is true, then this verse alone should move us to letting go of our own idea of satisfaction and adopting His. It should urge us to relinquish our best and grab hold of His.

The reality is, abundant life comes with a cost, the cost of surrender…but it is well worth what it requires of us. You cannot live a life of abundance without continually choosing surrender. Making that choice is worth whatever it may cost you because it means gaining more of Him. Gaining more of Jesus is worth whatever you have to release. Surrender is the choice; abundant living is the result.

Friend, don’t miss the fullness of His plan for you because you don’t want to release control into His hands. In the flesh, we often correlate our peace with knowing what comes next. In the Spirit, peace is simply knowing Him.

If you don’t live a biblical definition of abundant life, culture will try to define it for you.

According to culture, and even our own flesh, we have to have so many things to be fulfilled; money, success, marriage, followers, fame… the list goes on and on. According to God’s Word, we only have to have one thing to be satisfied – Him. He is the treasure. We will either spend our lives chasing fulfillment or we will receive what we can find in Him alone and simply follow His lead. We will spend our lives striving and never being satisfied or resting in Him, and being filled to overflowing. We either spend our time on earth building worldly kingdoms which will fade away, or we will live for an eternal, everlasting Kingdom.

We will never find true joy and fulfillment living for the things that break God’s heart or distract us from what He has called us to. We have to be bold enough to pray, “Lord break my heart for what breaks yours, even if it’s WITHIN ME.” We have to be willing to redefine our idea of fulfillment using the truth of His Word as our guide.

We’re complete when we live for His glory, not our own – or anyone else’s.

Take it from someone who has tried to find her satisfaction from a worldly perspective – Worldly “abundance” will leave you empty again and again, because it’s not true abundance.

You can lose every worldly thing and still be living in abundance. Isn’t that powerful?

Abundance is this – laying down our lives, picking up our cross, and following Jesus. It’s laying down our own plan/agenda in order to step into all that He has for us – for HIS glory.

As we follow Him, we get to experience the incredible joy of introducing others to Him. We get to be the light of the world. We get to represent Him and see lives forever changed, hearts restored, and freedom experienced. We get to see the dead come to life and the ruins redeemed through His power alone.

Abundance is contagious, and He came that we would live it. I pray that we choose to live it!

Let’s be the ones who choose the everlasting.

Let’s be the ones who place our hope in the eternal and not what fades away.

Let’s be the ones who experience the fullness of His goodness.

Let’s be the ones who walk in freedom by choosing surrender & releasing our grip.

Let’s be the ones who invite Him to have His way in us moment by moment.

Let’s be the ones who live for His glory.

Let’s be the ones who see ourselves and others the way He does.

Let’s be the ones who refuse to chase fulfillment and remain empty, but receive Jesus and remain fully satisfied in Him alone.

Let’s be the ones whose lives reflect the overflow of our time spent with Him.

Let’s be the ones who stand on truth.

Let’s be the ones who radiate His love.

Let’s be the ones who make Him the center of it all.

Let’s be the ones who define fulfillment through His Word by recognizing knowing Him and furthering His Kingdom as the ultimate reward.

Let’s be the ones who live with open hands and ready hearts. Let’s be the ones who say yes to Him wherever and whenever He calls us.

We won’t always get it right, and He knows that. His grace is extended through our weakness again and again. And through His grace, His strength is revealed. We will fall short, and He will forgive. He sees our heart’s desire to honor Him, even when we miss it. He is a faithful Father and friend.

Let’s live in the light of His abundance and radiate His love to a hurting world– One step of obedience after another. I don’t know about you but I don’t want to settle for less than the abundance He came that I might have. I want to live my earthly days to the fullest for the Kingdom of Heaven.

THIS is living – all for His glory and I promise you, it is worth whatever the cost.


“But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith— that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, that by any means possible I may attain the resurrection from the dead. Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭3:7-14‬ /  ‭ESV‬‬

Maddie is a writer, speaker, and young adult ministry leader in St. Louis, MO. Her greatest desire is to point people to Jesus and to see lives transformed by His love and the truth of His word. Some of her favorite things in life are journaling, coffee shops, thrift shopping, rainy days, & championing/celebrating people. She is looking forward to getting married to her fiancé, Isaiah, in October!

You can connect with Maddie on the LO sister app or @maddiee_joy on Instagram