Single, Dating, Engaged, Married

Single, Dating, Engaged, Married

The other day, our team was sitting around marveling at all that God has taught us in relationships over the years. All of a sudden, it dawned on us that each one of us is in a different season regarding our relationships. From there, the idea of this blog post was born.

Let me explain: Stephy is our single gal (all the single ladies put your hands up!). Sadie is loving life with her boyfriend, Christian. Court is right in the middle of an engagement season with her fiancé, Taylor, and will be getting married in TWO short months! Lastly, Morgan married her husband, Ryan, just ONE short year ago.

All different seasons and experiences, yet on the SAME path to have a healthy relationship with God, ourselves, and our people.

We have collected questions that YOU have asked regarding relationships and have done our best to answer the top themes!

The hope is that you will relate to one or more of our experiences as you look at the season of life you are in and that it would bring you peace, hope, and clarity to know that God is holding you right where you are, whether that is single dating, engaged, or married.

Now let’s dive in!

1. Is there any way to know when you are ready to date? (Sadie)

This answer is coming from a humble place, because had I known this when I was 16, I would have saved people and myself from a lot of heartache. Looking back, I am truly sad to say that out of my brokenness, I would get into relationships because I “needed” something. Of course, at the time, I didn’t realize my impure motives. I never intentionally thought, going into a relationship, that I was trying to “get something” out of anyone, but I can see now that I was searching for something. I needed self-confidence, reassurance, affirmation, healing, someone to make me feel less lonely, someone to redeem the past. I went into every relationship needing something that only Jesus could give me. When it ended it left me feeling emptier than when I started.  I think you are ready to date when you find contentment in Christ and don’t actually “need anything from anyone.”  You have to realize that they cannot and will not give you what only Jesus can give you.

2. How do you know when it is the right relationship? (Morgan)

There have been times in my life (pre-marriage and pre-Ryan), that I wanted a relationship so badly that I settled, manipulated, and justified being with the wrong guys. After all, I believed the lie that “a guy is better than NO guy.”

THIS IS NOT TRUE! In those past relationships, I knew they didn’t make me better. It wasn’t until I met Ryan that I saw and experienced the blessings of being with the “right” man.

Disclaimer: When I say the “right” man, I am referring to the “right kind” of man.  Stop living in fear that you’re not going to find the one, leaving you indefinitely single with a million cats and TV dinners every night. Look for the “one” who has the qualities of Jesus. 

Here are the qualities to look for to know if you are in the right kind of relationship:

  1. Does he spend time with Jesus? Spending genuine time with Jesus will subsequently make you more like Jesus.
  2. Is he bearing good fruit? You will know someone’s relationship with Jesus by their fruit. Aka, how do they love people?
  3. Are you the one that fights for physical boundaries in the relationship or does he lead out in that way? This is so important because if someone respects you physically, it means they are seeing you through a Godly lens. It also means that they are marriage minded, trusting that God will provide those things when the time comes.

Lastly, are you being the type of woman that will attract a godly man and bring out the best in him? This is the key to preparing yourself for the right one.

“Seek first his kingdom and all these things will be added.” Matthew 6:33

If you read one of those qualities and know that your relationship isn’t a reflection of this, it’s time to be real with yourself and ask if this is the right relationship for you. Again, trust that God has the best for you as his daughter and you don’t need to settle for the wrong guy!

3. How can I be content without a relationship? (Steph)

I’ll be honest, this has not been easy for me at times.  If you are reading this as a single person, I’d imagine it hasn’t been easy for you at times too.

Being content without a relationship is certainly a challenge! I’ve longed to be a wife and mom since I was a little girl – but my life has not played out in that way. At times, I have felt discontentment creep in and set up camp in my heart!

In these times, I have to remind myself that even if “Mr. Wonderful” came along tomorrow, that person would never fulfill the longing in my heart for TRUE contentment.  Lasting joy and true fulfillment is found in knowing the love that only Jesus offers. Whether you’re looking for your husband, the right job, more money, “fill in the blank”, we (I) need to remember to always center our heart back to Jesus and treasure Him above all things.

I love Paul’s words in Phil 4:11-13 where he shares that He has discovered the “secret to being content”! The secret is knowing and treasuring Jesus as the greatest source of love and satisfaction!

I don’t want to diminish the reality that singleness is hard and it’s okay to admit it. I have a circle of close friends and there have been (many) times where I have cried to them, asked them to pray for me, and have gotten honest about the reality that singleness is at times, painful. Marriage is a Godly gift worth desiring and I believe God knows the pain this unfulfilled longing brings my heart some days. I do believe it is possible to feel that sadness yet still rejoice in knowing that we have already been made complete in Christ.

4. How do you know when it is the right relationship? (Court)

I used to get so frustrated when someone says, ‘when you know… you know.’ I’m like, but how will I actually know this is the right relationship for me? So, I started praying for God to show me WHAT the right relationship looked like. This was a game changer. Before I met the right person, God began to strip away some of my old “ideas” of the perfect guy and replacing them with the characteristics and elements that I needed to compliment me and help me be the best person He created me to be. Friends, I’m sitting here on the other side, engaged, and about to step into marriage. I can confidently say to you… you will know in your spirit and heart.

The moment I started dating Taylor (my fiancé) I felt and experienced these things…

I felt God’s overwhelming peace.

I felt so known.

I felt completely understood.

I felt so cared for.

My family adored him.

I felt challenged to live up to who God made me to be

I felt free to be 100 percent me. That I was enough.

I felt like I gained a teammate to run the race God set before us.

Before I met Taylor, I had never experienced anything like this. In the right relationship, there is no room for insecurity or fear. Of course, there have been moments where we challenged each other or had tough convos, but overall, God’s peace has reigned in our hearts. That’s how I knew he was right for me. And, today, the thing that most definitely binds us together is our faith and our commitment to never stop praying for each other and together. Let God be your #1 always.

5. What does it mean to be “equally yoked”? (Morgan)

For the longest time, when I heard this phrase growing up, I always thought for some reason the phrase was referring to two people whose eggs were equally cooked (equally “yolked”, haha).

It was only in the past few years that I learned the origin of the phrase and the significance of being yoked together with my husband.

The phrase comes from 2 Corinthians 6:14, which says: “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?”

Paul, the writer of this letter, used the term “equally yoked” as an analogy that the culture of the time could understand. A “yoke” is a wooden instrument used to bind two oxen together so that they are able to evenly distribute the weight of the goods they are carrying. When one of the oxen cannot carry the same amount of weight, the pair is “unequally yoked” and cannot effectively complete the work required of them.

So when God tells us we need to be equal in our yoke (which here, our yoke is our faith), it is not to punish us, but to provide for us the partner that can allow us to flourish and fall more in love with Jesus through prayer, belief, and healthy partnership.

It is wise that you take caution and not fall in love with someone who is not chasing after Jesus like you are, for this will truly cause your heart pain and furthermore, cause separation from God.

6. Should you date someone who doesn’t share the same faith as you? (Court)

This is a tough one. The simple answer is no. I’ll share my story with the hope of giving more grace and understanding.

In college, I started dating this guy. He was sweet, kind, fun-loving and I knew he came from a “good family.” Meaning I knew that his family went to some type of church. I remember feeling so excited that I found a guy that kind of goes to church because most of the others I met could care less about what they believed. Most guys cared more about drinking and sleeping around vs. going to church on Sunday.

And, to be honest, my faith was questionable in college too. I knew truth, I knew Jesus, and I knew in my heart that He loved me. However, I was distracted by the college scene and my boyfriend. Can any of you relate?

It’s hard to date someone when you don’t even know where you stand in your own faith. So, for those reading, or in college, who don’t know what they believe or why they believe it, I encourage you to start there before you pursue dating.

Continuing on the story. I’ll spare you the details. Three years into dating this guy, I was still asking, “Is this the right guy?” While I was home from school that summer, Jesus totally captured my heart. I came back to school, feeling refreshed, convicted and hopeful that my boyfriend would join me in this new journey!

But we were on completely different pages. He was “supportive” and would come to church with me. But he was not “excited” to step into his faith. He was not willing to have tough conversations, and every time we did, he looked at me blankly like I was a different person (which I was… how cool is God?!). I prayed and believed that God would change his heart and He would use me to do that.

So, I continued in the relationship for a long time after, hoping that I could shine a light on who God is and why I believe. Maybe some of you are currently in relationships where you are trying to lead and love your person closer towards Jesus. That was me. Almost a year later, I finally knew that He was not right for me. I made every effort. I prayed for God to stir his heart. I prayed for God to confirm and deny whether I should continue dating him. God answered so clearly. So guess what? I broke up with him graciously and started spending my time in places with people who believed what I did and were just as passionate, if not more, about God.

Your faith is one of the greatest connections you can possibly have in dating and engagement. Hold tightly. It matters.

7. How do you know when it is the right relationship? (Sadie)

First off, I want to touch on how you can know you’re in a WRONG relationship. One good clue is to look at who you have become since dating that person. If you have lost your personality, your peace, your joy, your confidence, your purity and the desires inside of you, then it’s probably time to lose the relationship and find yourself again in Christ. The wrong relationship will produce the wrong fruit. If you have to change who you are, it’s not the right relationship.

The right relationship will produce the right fruit in you and through you. It will bless you, not take from you. Ask yourself questions like: “Since the beginning of this relationship, have I seen the fruit of Jesus in my life?” No one is going to be perfect, so don’t look for perfect, but you can be and should be HEALTHY!

The other thing is when you realize the one you are dating is really “the one”, it won’t be some magical moment with bells ringing and pixie dust falling from the sky and seven shooting stars flashing across the sky like a July 4thcelebration. You won’t get a “sign” written by the universe that he is the one. I think so many times we get caught up in looking for a sign. The looking causing us to miss the actual magic of how God brings two people together. How he creates one to complete the other. Stop looking for crazy signs around you and look in front of you. That way you can see that what you prayed for is standing right there. Look inside of you and realize who you have become by the power and blessing of partnering with who God has created.

8. What advice would you give to someone who’s never been in a relationship? (Steph)

 Don’t sweat it and don’t allow your “lack of experience” to keep you from moving forward in a relationship in the future when the time is right! From one sister to another, there is nothing wrong with you if you haven’t been in a relationship – no matter what age you are. In your waiting, I encourage you to check in with yourself and make sure fear & insecurities are not creeping in and preventing you from meeting people! If so, ask the Lord to help you overcome these areas of your life and to prepare yourself for when the right person does come along!

We hope you’ve at least taken away one thing from these answers and it brings you peace in the season of relationship you’re in! Thanks for being people to ask such important questions!

Follow the Live Original Team on Instagram @liveoriginal

10 Takeaways: College Life

10 Takeaways: College Life

Last week, the LO Team set out on a mission: to visit college campuses and bring hope and truth to students. Our team loaded up an RV full of snacks & cozy blankets with big hearts, anticipating what God was going to do.

We had the privilege to interact with thousands of students, on different campuses, from different cultures and backgrounds. Yet at each stop, we heard so many similar themes.

We want to give you a rundown of the 10 takeaways from our week on the road! Although it’s hard to narrow down all our experiences, here are few thoughts from our time on campuses.

1. Students face so much pressure.

The world places so much pressure on us, especially students. There’s so much stress involved with academics, body image, campus involvement, internships, social hangs, summer plans, and more. It’s as if you’re so busy striving for the bright future that you can’t handle what is right in front of you. This was evident among ALL students we encountered at the campuses we visited. So how do we deal with it? When you stop believing that the world doesn’t dictate your worth, you might be able to breathe again. Let’s say this again: The world doesn’t dictate your worth, God does. He calls you worthy, so there’s no need to strive. He calls you loved, so there’s no need to sleep around. He calls you beautiful, so there’s no need to diet for attention. He calls you unique, so there’s no need to compare to who is around you. Lean into the truths of God before you let the world place the burdens of worth on you.

2. Mental health is a major topic of conversation among college students.

Our team was privileged to gather with a handful of student leaders each day and hear what was happening on their campus. Sitting with them, over a cup of coffee, each day we heard the same cry from students: mental illness is running rampant on our campus. Whether it was the pain of someone sharing their own journey in this area or they have friends who are struggling with it, it seemed that nearly every student was impacted by this topic in some capacity.

As a team, we were broken over hearing these stories, yet we were so encouraged to find that many were finding the strength to open up and share their struggles, seek help, and find healing in the Lord.

Would you join us in praying for the mental health of students on college campuses? Let’s pray that students would experience the hope and healing that Jesus brings, that the darkness would flee, and that many would come to know the peace that Jesus offers. Let’s pray that those who are wrestling in darkness and feel alone, would find the strength to reach out for help. Finally, let’s pray that those who see their friends struggling with mental illness, that they would have the wisdom, strength, and patience to support their brothers and sisters as they walk the journey with them.

3. Comparison is a silent killer.

In a day and age where perfectionism isn’t just seen around them, but also plastered all over social media, college students are right in the thick of asking the question, “What is my true identity?” As we visited, we saw how uniquely each of them were created and how beautifully different their gifts were. Because they have each been fearfully and wonderfully made, there is no need to compare. We pray they can continue to see that their true identity is found in running the race set aside just for them and no one else. We pray they can stop looking to the right or to the left, but instead find freedom in simply looking up.

4. Students are hungry to grow and to seek out truth.

Each night our team drove away from the campus with huge excitement and hope in our hearts! There is a true hunger on each campus we visited among students to know the truth of God. It was a joy to cheer loudly and encourage each student we met to keep running after the things of God.

5. There is a difference between “knowing” and “realizing” what is true.

A big theme of the week was explaining the difference between these two words. We may think that we know a lot of things in life, but do we realize what those things are? For example, we may know that we are deeply, wholly, unconditionally loved, but do we actually realize what that means? We may think we know that Jesus came and died for our sins, but do we realize what that means? We challenged students with this thought: there is a difference between knowing and realizing. To know something is to understand it. To realize something is to step into it, to fulfill it. We hope you take a moment to step into the fullness of the reality of what Jesus has in store for you as well.

6. Believe “for” each other instead of “about” one another.

As a major topic of Sadie’s message, she explained we have a choice. As we look at and love others, we can choose to slap labels on each other and believe negative things about them. This could be a label the world has given them, or even a mistake they’ve made. OR, with the love of Christ, we can champion and believe in the possibility of transformation FOR those around us. What a powerful stake in the ground to believe for others when they aren’t believing for themselves.

 7. College students have the power to effect change.

Having the power to effect change but no audience is tough. Every person has an audience, whether it’s ten people or ten million people. Every person has influence. Every person has dreams and desires for the world. College students have the power to change the trajectory of the next generation. All it takes is believing that God has gifted you with influence and an audience. That’s right, YOU. Right where you are at today, you have the power to effect life change in the people around you. You don’t have to be in a leadership position for this, you just have to step into the fullness of who God made you to be.

8. You are not alone.

Walking onto these campuses, it felt like a small country, with its own traditions, culture and languages (what does ‘Roll Tide’ actually mean and why did Mississippi State have so many cow bells?). Yet, in a sea of people sharing in the same college experience, so many students we spoke to felt alone.

One day we gathered a group of believers from across the campus together in the same room – most did not know each other and didn’t realize there was an army of sisters on their campus who were also believers. The conversations in the room started off surface level, but as one began to vocalize her struggle in an area, another began to sympathize. Then, another shared their experiences in that same area. Soon, the room began to shift from isolation to community. When we left, the girls were already planning their next meeting together.

Sister or brother, if you are a believer on your campus, your other brothers and sisters need you! Let’s no longer buy into the lie that we are alone. As a body of believers, we are called to walk alongside each other, regardless of your major, the Greek letters on your shirt, or which part of campus you live in. Let’s remind our friends that they are not alone and let’s look around for those who might need a friend or sister, even if it feels uncomfortable. Come out of isolation and step into the beauty that community has to offer.

9. You are not your mistakes.

The truth is, we have ALL made mistakes. College students are facing pressures from voices that regularly remind them of those mistakes. But a different message was brought during our time there. The message that Jesus never reminds us of our mistakes but instead, he always reminds us of his victory on our behalf. He absorbs our mistakes and gives us newness of life.

10. God is at work on college campuses!

Be encouraged! God is at work across college campuses and we are celebrating! In dorms, in sorority houses, fraternity homes, in cars, in classrooms – the spirit of the living God is transforming lives. Join us as we continue to pray for revival on campuses, for students to come to know the freedom a relationship with Christ has to offer, and for the strengthening of the body of believers who are ministering on campus!


Bullies and Beauty

Bullies and Beauty

We at LO can’t get enough of this past week’s episode of “WHOA That’s Good” podcast with Emma Jenkins! We wanted to share the nuggets of this conversation between Sadie and Emma because it is just THAT GOOD!

As usual, Sadie starts by asking the million-dollar question: What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

Emma’s answer, which was given to her by her mother, is straight GOLD.

She shared, “This one piece of advice was magnified in my heart. My mom told me, ‘Emma, you will never live out the incredible purpose that God has for your life if you fear people.’”

WHOA that’s good.

Proverbs 29:25 says, “Fear of man will prove to be a snare. But, if I trust in the Lord, and fear the Lord, I will remain safe and not be shaken.”

This idea of fearing the Lord and not humans, Emma described, is a truth that she has been “dancing and learning the choreography of”.

If you know Emma, you see her as such a joyful person. She let us in on a secret. She told us that often times she is hard on herself. She describes it as “three steps forward, two steps back.” And the cycle continues.

What she has learned is that the rhythm of dancing almost never looks like one foot in front of the other. It is even more beautiful.

When we put our feet firmly planted on His feet, just like a little girl dancing in the kitchen with her father, we can trust that being in Him means that we are on level ground. This is the freedom of God’s choreography.

If we lean on the inconsistencies of people, we will stumble over our feet. We were never meant to put our faith in a created thing.

In order to stand on His feet, we have to truly fear the Lord. But let’s be honest, fearing the Lord can be confusing.

Fear is something very familiar to both Sadie and Emma. During their conversation, they speak out this truth from Proverbs.

To fear the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom because you are coming to the realization of how powerful He is.

Isaiah 64:4 says that our attempt at righteousness is like filthy rags to God. Because of sin, we don’t deserve to be in His presence. But because of Jesus we can forever be with Him and always stand on His feet and dance.

Fearing the Lord is knowing that “Wow, I can sit in the presence of my heavenly Father and be in awe of ALL that He is and ALL that He says I am.”

We are not worthy of this love. Yet, He claims that we are worthy through Jesus.

WHOA that’s good.

When we fix our eyes on what He says about us, we can be freed from a life of fear. Think about what Emma’s mom said, “Emma, you will never live out the incredible purpose that God has for your life if you fear people.”

Emma and Sadie have seen this play out in social media. They have experienced the highs of praise and support and the lows of being torn apart. Social media amplifies the highs and the lows. Does that sound familiar to you?

We’ll never forget something Emma shared with us about her lowest point with social media. “I didn’t know what a meme was until I became one.” The weight of cruel words can be so heavy.

There is no denying it is not easy to face such public ridicule. However, Jesus knows a thing or two about that. In fact, He promised that following Him would not be easy and that in this life we will face trouble.

Jesus did not try to please people or make sure that everyone liked Him, as we often do. Being bold in His love means that there will be people who won’t like it, or don’t know how to receive it.

“Those who call you names, they themselves don’t know their name.”

Although the haters will seem loud, God’s voice will always be louder. When we know who we are in the Father, we can continue to dance and speak love to those who ridicule us.

Emma said with confidence: “We can continue to love them because they just don’t know how loved they are yet.”

WHOA that’s good.

There are so many voices in this life.

The world will tell us something different about ourselves every day, but the Lord speaks the SAME thing over us at all times.

In order to discern what is a not a promise of God, we need to know the promises of God. Emma is a beautiful picture of this. Scripture flows out of her not just because she memorized it, but because she lives it.

Be encouraged, friends. God wants you to know who He really is and who you are, too.

He is safe.

He is loving.

He is a great dance partner.

That’s who He is.

And He welcomes YOU.

There’s no reason to fear, simply dance on His feet.

We hope this post encouraged you as much as it did us! Comment below your thoughts and also go check out this podcast with Emma!

Emma Mae Jenkins is a speaker, youtuber, and encourager to all. Her story and struggle with bullying is powerful and packed with God’s truth. She’s currently a student at Liberty University where she is filling the campus with joy every day.

Follow Emma on Instagram @1corinthians13_love

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!

Welcome to a new season of Live Original blog! I’m super pumped for you to hear the hearts of many of my good friends and family members. We get it!  Life is full of highs and lows but with friends to help us plow through the bad and celebrate the good, we can do it! Each guest blogger is here for you, ready and willing to share their story and the lessons they learned from walking through it. No matter where you are from, what you believe, or what your story is – we are writing to encourage YOU! Of course, we want to hear from you too. Be sure to comment and let us know how a blog affected you. Well, that’s it. Be on the lookout for a new blog three times a week. 

Xo – your sister and friend, sadie rob 

What’s Your Weapon?

What’s Your Weapon?

I read a book recently that focused on David’s process to becoming a king, and something that stood out to me was the fact that with every step he took, every moment of obedience, every ounce of brokenness, and every song he wrote, he was a prophetic symbol of a Savior who would one day come to save us. We know the story: David begins his journey as a shepherd boy, worshiping his God and watching over his flock of sheep in his father’s fields—the fields where he would spend his early years. The fields became his “waiting room” of destiny—Heaven’s training ground—which would shape and sharpen him to one day be called a “man after God’s own heart.”

Every morning when he went to the fields, David took with him two possessions: a lyre and a slingshot. I’ve known this part of the story for years, but as I read a few weeks ago, the words jumped off the page and into my spirit. I understood that David’s daily companions were not just things to help pass the time or keep his flock in check—they were an instrument of praise and a weapon of war. I think about David getting up each morning and feeling the hand of God shaping, molding, and developing him for greatness. Or did he feel that? I wonder if David ever had an inkling, as he picked up his weapon and his instrument, that what was he was carrying was not only for himself but also for generations to come.

I like to imagine that David started each day with a little poem: “My worship paves the way for my weapon to slay.”

David had a choice to serve his father each day. David had a choice when his brothers were given the call to fight in battle, when he was told, “No, you’re too young.”  David had a choice when he arrived at the army’s tents with food for his brothers, only to find Goliath mocking and threatening to destroy them all. David had a choice when his brothers ridiculed him as he tried to convince them he was the one who could slay this Philistine. David had a choice when King Saul, his leader, became jealous of him and possessed of an evil spirit. David had a choice when spears were thrown in his direction and isolation fast became his only friend. Just like you and me, David was faced with a question, an opportunity, and a choice every day.

He had to have developed a great level of understanding while watching over his father’s sheep. He had to have known that God was pressing him into a place of trust because of what would one day be entrusted to him. He had to have pushed himself into a place of strength training and fear-removing moments so that nothing of himself was left. He must have stood in those fields, releasing the sounds of Heaven, and tuning his ear to the sound of his Creator’s voice. And even as young as he was, he had to have chosen to live in a place of peace, knowing that somehow God was writing a story that would change the course of history.

You’re probably reading all of this and wondering—where is she going with this? How does the story of David apply to me? How does my place in life have anything to do with a shepherd boy?

I write this blog post because I want you to understand this truth: We’ve all been given a training ground—a “waiting room.”  We have all been put in this race called “Life,” we’ve been handed a course map entitled “Trust,” and we’ve all been assigned hills and valleys labeled “Opposition” and “Discouragement.”

The question we must ask ourselves is, “What WEAPON and what INSTRUMENT do I hold in my hands?”

Will we take with us joy unspeakable, peace that surpasses all understanding, and determination that nothing can stand in our way? Or will we be bogged down with fear, self-doubt, and frustration?

2 Corinthians 10:3-5 says, “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God…”

Psalm 149:6 says, “God’s high and holy praises fill their mouths, for their shouted praises are their weapons of war!”

Our PRAISE is our WEAPON to combat and conquer anything and everything that the enemy would throw at us.  God designed it that way.  The Word is filled with examples of people—ordinary people just like you and me—overcoming dire and desperate circumstances just through the sound of their praise and worship.  Paul.  Silas.  Jehoshaphat.  And those are just three examples off the top of my head as I type!  David said in Psalm 34, “I will bless the Lord at all times.  His praise shall continually be in my mouth.”  It’s the way we overcome.

The life of David also gives us an example of what can happen when we lay down our weapons or forget—even temporarily—who we are in Him.

2 Samuel 11 gives us the story of David and Bathsheba, and it opens this way:  “In the spring, at the time when kings go off to war, David sent Joab out with the king’s men and the whole Israelite army. They destroyed the Ammonites and besieged Rabbah. But David remained in Jerusalem.”  You see, the whole saga of Bathsheba, her husband, adultery and murder would never have even happened if David had been in his rightful place where he belonged.  You know what happens.  It’s such a clear picture of what can happen when we choose to set aside our weaponry and live below our place of authority in God.

In Ephesians 6, Paul describes our battle armor for spiritual warfare.  “Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.  Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.  And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful…”

I love to point out the fact that there is no armor for the back.  That’s because we don’t retreat—run away—from the enemy!   “Having done all to stand,” we STAND in His authority, using our God-given weaponry and wielding our instrument for praise, declaring who we are in Him!

Speak this over yourself today: “My worship paves the way for my weapon to slay!”


New Shop Website!

We have merged the LO Shop and the Words by Sadie Shop to make a better shopping experience for you all. If you have any questions with your orders or shipping info, please visit the Contact page. Hope you enjoy!

LO Sister Conference 2024

Calling all sisters & friends! Join us for a 2-day conference with your favorite speakers & leaders! SEPTEMBER 6 - 7, 2024

About Sadie & Live Original

Sadie Robertson Huff is well known for her engaging smile and energetic personality, but there is a lot more to the 25-year-old star of A&E’s Duck Dynasty and runner up on ABC’s Dancing With the Stars season 19


LO Sister App

We’re all about championing women to live out their purpose. Inside our app you’ll find prayer, workshops, book clubs and community. Join today for FREE!

Read the Blog

Sisters and friends from all over the world share their stories, advice, and encouramgent on our blog. Topics feature college advice, sisterhood, sadie’s messages and more.

LO Counseling

In Person / Individual Counseling

LO sister app

Virtual workshops on Relationships, Depression, Anxiety And More.