You Can Fly

You Can Fly

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“Mama, I just want to fly. I am GOING TO fly!”

These are the words of my three-year-old, as he jumped off of our ottoman towards me, where I was sitting on the couch about 4 feet away. He jumped without hesitation, without fear. He just knew his mama would catch him. He didn’t have a care in the world, he just knew he wanted to fly. So, he did. He flew.


So many times throughout my life, I have wanted to fly—to boldly chase after the dreams God placed in my heart, without restraints. As I’d start take off, I’d come to a sudden holt. A quick stop right before pursing my calling. “What if I fall?” I often wondered. “What if I’m not fast enough, good enough, talented enough, equipped enough? What if I say the wrong thing? What if other people make fun of me, what if they don’t understand?” As these words fogged my mind, I began to feel my feet slide through the dirt beneath me, almost swallowing them up like quick sand.


And isn’t that exactly where the enemy wants us? Stuck in the same place—defeated, scared, lonely, and ultimately, questioning whether or not God will carry us through. So, there I stood—with the glimmer of glory ahead of me, while my feet were stuck in the miry clay. How do we get to the other side of fear? How do we slip out of the quick sand, how do we learn to fly?


My friend, I am so glad you asked! There is only one way to fight against fear, and that is with faith. My son, Finch, didn’t think once about what would happen if I didn’t catch him. That wasn’t even a thought in his mind. Of course I would catch him, I always have. He has faith in his mama, because he knows I have always been there for him, he never wonders if I always will be.


And how much more can we trust our heavenly father! Has he ever failed you? I can answer that for you—no, he hasn’t, and no, he never will. It’s not in his nature, it’s not who he is. He will always come through to do what is best for us. He will always catch you. You just have to jump.


So, let’s do it. Let’s fly together. Let’s do what the world says is impossible—because with God, there’s no such thing. When the enemy says you’ll never move forward in life, remind him of who is carrying you. You’re no longer stuck in that slimy pit. You have been raised up, seated next to the father. He’s the one guiding your steps, don’t let the enemy keep you from walking in the way God has called you. You weren’t created for quick sand, to stay in one place forever.


You, my sweet brothers and sisters, you were created to fly. Take the leap. God’s got your back.


“He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.” Psalm 40:2


God Hears You

God Hears You

[vc_row type=”in_container” full_screen_row_position=”middle” scene_position=”center” text_color=”dark” text_align=”left” overlay_strength=”0.3″ shape_divider_position=”bottom”][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ column_shadow=”none” column_border_radius=”none” width=”1/1″ tablet_text_alignment=”default” phone_text_alignment=”default” column_border_width=”none” column_border_style=”solid”][vc_column_text]“The little estimate we put on prayer is evidence from the little time we give to it.” E.M. Bounds


Is prayer a once a day chore for you, or is it your guiding force in life? Sometimes, it’s easy to forget how important prayer is. I mean, HELLO! It’s a direct link to God himself! Most people pray when life gets tough and they are looking for peace, but what about when life is going pretty good? Is prayer still needed? Is it necessary? Let me say this loud and clear…YES IT IS!


“Then you will call on me and come and pray

to me, and I will listen to you.” Jeremiah 29:12


I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “Prayer changes things”, and it DOES! But even more so, it changes YOU. We are all sinful by nature, and thanks to the grace of Jesus, we are able to go against our nature and pursue HIS nature. Prayer is an art of surrender. It puts us in our place—face down, reaching up to God. It reminds us of who we are in comparison to Him. He is in control. He calls the shots. He knows what’s best.


“Look to the LORD and his strength;

 seek his face always.” 1 Chronicles 16:11


When we aren’t in constant communication with God, we risk living in a false reality—where we somehow convince ourselves we are in control, that we know what is best. We try to call the shots on our own. But here’s the thing, our vision is so limited. We can only see what’s in front of us right now. God sees it all. The beginning, the middle, the end. He is holding it all. He’s even holding you right now. So, why don’t we take advantage of this guidance from this loving Father of ours? Sadly, it’s usually because we make up excuses as to why we can’t.


“I don’t have time to pray.”

“I don’t know how to pray.”

“I feel God doesn’t even hear me.”


If we ever want to truly live out the lives God has called us to, we have to cut out the excuses and become intentional about talking to Him. It is okay if it doesn’t come naturally to you at first. Set a specific time each day to talk with God. Be intentional about it, and before long, it’ll become a habit. You’ll find yourself talking to Him all day long—thanking Him for the day He has made, asking for guidance, praying for your family, lifting up a friend, etc.


“I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer.” Psalm 17:6

Do you only talk to your friends or family right before you go to bed at night? Of course not! Most of us are glued to our phones, sharing our days with the people we love. Do the same with God. Not only will you find He is a friend that sticks closer than a brother, you will also find wisdom and guidance like you’ve never known.


“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” Ephesians 6:18


So, get to it! Ask God to teach you to pray. When you don’t have the words, He will listen to your heart. Learn to listen, to truly seek out what He wants to say to you. You’ll never regret it a moment of time you’ve spent on your knees before Him, I promise!


“The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.” Psalm 145:18


Did God Really Say?

Did God Really Say?

I love a good Vacay. As I write this, my family and I are on a cross-country trip from Nashville to Southern California, where we are relocating. Not a bad gig, huh!? Don’t worry, I have enough energy left to take a little trip with you right now. Let’s go to a place called the Garden of Eden.

If Yelp existed back in the day, I’d imagine it would describe Eden a little like this:

A lush, blooming garden—filled with every fruit, flower, and animal you could ever imagine. The sky illuminates, the sun shines ten times brighter. There are overflowing waterfalls of the purest water, no need for fancy bottles or filters. All that’s required are your two hands. Rolling hills of emerald green grass abound, almost begging you to take a long walk. The population is slim, a mere two people there, so noise is never an issue. Oh, and the best part? God walks around there. He talks to you. He comes face to face with you. Yes, God Himself. It is the perfect place, literally. There is no sin or shame, no regrets or mistakes—no should have, could have, would have.

This is what it’s like to be in God’s presence, and in Genesis 3, there’s a story of two people who actually lived there. Their names were Adam and Eve, the first people to ever live.

So, I bet you’re thinking, “Yeah, that’s great for them and all. Sounds super nice, but how does that apply to my life? I’ve never known a life without brokenness or shame. I can’t relate to this picture of perfection.” Whew, so glad you said that! I can’t, either. Here’s the common ground we all share. Yep, even Adam and Eve.

While walking around the garden one day, Eve was approached by a serpent, aka a snake. This is where I’d run away, our sis Eve was BRAVE. She decided to listen to a talking snake. Bizarre, right? In all fairness, she was the first woman on earth, and she lived in an unbroken world. To her, it was just another animal. But oh, how it wasn’t just another animal.

This is how the conversation between the two went:

Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?Genesis 3:1

Uh, did you catch that little phrase? “Did God really say?” Satan’s talks to a person for the first time ever, and what does he try to do? He tries to get them to doubt God. Have you ever experienced that before? I sure have. Satan’s main goal is to get us questioning what God has told us, to get us questioning what we really believe.

The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’” Genesis 3:2-3

Things were looking promising here. Eve tells the serpent what God told her, and for a split second, it leads us to think she’s going to stand up for what is right. Surely, she wouldn’t cave under the pressure, right? I’m sure she’d never imagined herself disobeying God. But then, Satan struck back.

“You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman.  “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Genesis 3:4-5

See what he did there? He basically said, “God’s a liar. He knows if you eat this fruit, you’ll know everything. You’ll be as powerful as God. He’s afraid of anyone else being better than Him. He’s selfish. Eat the fruit. Put God in his place.”

When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.” Genesis 3:6

Temptation. Sin is enticing, huh? It gives us this, “Ah, what the heck, how bad could this really be? Might as well try it…” mentality. Eve took the fruit the serpent was dangling before her, and you know what’s interesting? She didn’t do it alone. She invited Adam along for the ride. Sin is contagious, and you’ll notice when someone is disobeying God, they like to bring people along for the ride.

So, what’s the problem here? Yeah, Eve disobeyed God and ate the fruit, and sure, she encouraged Adam to do the same…but nothing too terrible could happen, right?

“Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.” Genesis 3:7

Shame enters the picture. Before this all happened, Adam and Eve never knew the darkness of shame. The consequences of sin. The deep, dark gap of a life separated from God. But in an instant, they knew. They felt pain. They experienced sadness. They longed to be reunited with their God. I can only imagine they would go to sleep and night and pray this was all just a bad dream. But, it wasn’t. This was their new reality.

This sounds like the ending to a really sad, dark story, doesn’t it? Oh, but how God’s stories never end in ashes, not ultimately. The scriptures go on to say that God immediately talked to Adam and Eve after they ate of the fruit. He checked in on them, even in their disobedience, as a loving father does. He even went as far to give them coverings for their nakedness—Jehovah Jireh, God our provider. Even as the world first tasted sin, God poured out grace. He extended a hand of compassion.

Although this sin broke God’s heart, as every sin committed since has, this story set the stage for things to come, for the Savior that would come. God’s only son, Jesus, the sacrifice for this sin, for every sin after, for every sin you and I have ever committed. As if that wasn’t enough, God doesn’t just give us a clean slate. He invites us back into fellowship with Him. He’s still willing to take a walk with us, to talk to us, to guide us through life’s crazy paths. He’s just asking, what do you believe?

Do you really believe what God says is true? You won’t always get things right. You’ll find yourself taking bites of that forbidden fruit, facing the consequences of not obeying God. Here’s the beauty, though, you’ll also find His stretched-out hand, lifting you up. Providing for you. Looking after you like a good father.

When Satan tempts you, remember this: God is trustworthy. What He says is true. Always. 100% of the time. Yes, God really did say. Use your truth against the lies. Lead others to the path of righteousness, not down the broken path of sin. We’re all influencers, whether for good or evil. Choose the narrow path, the one God is walking down. He’ll never, ever lead you astray.


The Sweetest Name

The Sweetest Name


So, I know this guy, and I think He would be the PERFECT person for you to have a relationship with. He is SO patient, it’s unreal. He puts up with people going back and forth, trying to decide if they want to stay with him or not. He stops what he’s doing to notice people, even the ones who aren’t as “important” compared to the world’s standards. He’s always so kind. He’s never jealous of what other people have, and when He has every right to be cocky about something he has done, he doesn’t boast or showoff. He chooses humility, he drops his pride. He doesn’t dishonor others, it’s not in his nature. He is never self-seeking, you’ll always find him going out of his way to serve others. He’s not easily angered, he always extends grace—never keeping a record of who has wronged him. He doesn’t delight in evil, it breaks his heart. But the truth? Oh, how he rejoices in it! He’s always looking out to protect, to keep people safe from harm. He is always hoping for the best, though you’ll find he has been through the very worst. He always perseveres—though darkness tries to overtake him, he rises victorious.

What’s his name? I’m so glad you asked…it’s the sweetest name I know. Jesus.

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

There is no greater picture of love than the life of Jesus. From his first cry, He was set apart—sent to redeem mankind, with the only thing that could ever make us whole; love. Sacrificial, unconditional, redeeming love. He lived his life so backwards to what makes sense in the world’s eyes. He said the least will be greatest, that the last would be first. That’s how he lived his life. The greatest, becoming the least. Giving it all for us. His life for ours. So we could live eternally, and so we could make much of his name here on earth. What love is this? The truest to ever exist.

There is no fear in love, friends—and the beauty here is that we can go to the feet of perfect love, Jesus, just as we are. Broken hearted and all. He knows how to handle our broken pieces, he’s the one that can finally fix them. If you’re looking for love, the search is over. He already loves you more than you could know, it’s just waiting for you to accept it, to accept him. Let him love you, friend. It’s what you were created for. It’s who you are, loved—sacrificially, unconditionally.

Let Love In

Let Love In

It’s something I longed for my whole life. Something I craved. Something I was created for.

To be loved. To be loved well. To be loved unconditionally.

Unconditionally. That’s what I was after. I’ve tasted love my whole life. I never went without shelter or food, and I knew someone was always looking out for me. Yet, there I was, still so empty. My soul was starved. My heart ached to be at home, to feel good enough to be loved—just as I was, no strings attached, no performance needed. I looked everywhere for this kind of love. To family and friends first, and as I got older, I leaned into relationships, to guys. Much to my surprise, even a boyfriend couldn’t help me feel whole. If anything, I questioned who I was even more. I questioned my worth, my value. Was I just a body to be used? A heart to break? Oh no, sweet friend, I was not. But oh, did I believe that lie, and here’s the thing about lies—if you don’t drown them out with truth, God’s truth, they will become your reality, your truth.

I so wish I would’ve known that at the time…but I didn’t. I didn’t know God’s truth. I didn’t know that He sacrificed it all for me, just as I was. The imperfect me that failed Him daily. The one that was so different on Monday than I was on Sunday at church, with my arms raised high singing His name. He saw me at my worst, and still chose to give me His very best, His son, Jesus. I didn’t know, but oh, He did. He kept pursuing my rock-hard heart. He kept knocking down the walls I built. He saw past my performance, he saw my imperfections. And instead of shaming me, as I assumed He would, He embraced me. He welcomed me. He said YOU ARE MINE. Not because of who you are or aren’t, but because I have chosen you. Messy pieces and all. Brokenness and all. Emptiness and all.

When I looked in the mirror, I saw imperfections. I saw worthlessness. I saw the shell of someone who would never know love, not in its entirety, anyways. I thought it wasn’t in the cards for me, that I somehow missed out on whatever it took to be good enough for love. But here’s the thing—GOD NEVER SAW THAT. He saw his child. He saw me empty, and He so longed to fill those spaces. He saw me broken, and so wanted to piece me back together, in a more beautiful wholeness than I could ever imagine. He saw me longing, longing for a love that only He was able to fill. And finally, He saw me willing, willing to let Him. Willing to trust Him. Willing to admit that I COULDN’T DO THIS ALONE ANYMORE. And at last, He saw me right where He dreamed I’d be one day, saying yes to Him. Allowing Him to take over my life, to see me as I truly was—the broken me that I so desperately tried to hide. And you know what? HE LOVED ME. Wholly. Unconditionally. Beautifully.

This love wasn’t just made for me. It was made for YOU. The you that is reading this right now. Not just the you two years ago, when you felt like you “had it all together.” Not the you 6 months from now, when you feel like you can finally conquer whatever it is you’re battling. No, sweet friend, His love isn’t like the others you’ve known. He wants you just as you are, today. Brokenness and all. Anger and all. Emptiness and all. He will fix the broken. He will give you joy. And that emptiness? Oh, how it will be filled. Let Him in today. Let Him help you heal. You don’t have to do this alone. You were created to be loved. To be loved well. To be loved unconditionally. Let him love you. I promise, it’s worth it. You will never be the same.