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The Joy of the In-Between



“He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.” (John 15:2)

I was reaching my hand into the pantry for some trail mix when a terrible odor hit my nose. I looked to see where this stench was coming from but couldn’t find the source. So I let it be, hoping it would go away with time if I just ignored it. But a few hours later, I returned to the pantry for some peanut butter, and I smelled that terrible stench again. I then realized this odor was not going away unless I figured out where it was coming from. As I frantically searched the pantry, an old, rotten red onion caught my eye. Finally, after I threw it away, the smell of my pantry became much more bearable. It turns out things are much better when you get out the gunk.

In our own lives, we can go about our days with everything proceeding smoothly. But then we sense that something isn’t quite right. Something is a bit off . . . no matter how much we try to avoid it or act like it will go away on its own.

When we’re in a season of waiting, we can often let “gunk” filter in and clog up our spiritual and emotional lives. Whether through laziness, apathy, numbness, bitterness, or some other form of negativity, we can be tempted to relax our vigilance as we wait, so we start to let our spiritual health slide.

Being in a season of waiting doesn’t mean you do nothing. Perhaps if God is not changing your situation, He is trying to change you. Maybe He wants to rid you of your bad habit of gossiping, the lukewarm lifestyle youkeep falling into, or a lie you are believing that is hindering your ability to walk as a child of the King. Wherever the stench is coming from today, don’t be discouraged. It’s not there to stay. We get to allow God to search us and convict us of what He wants us to get rid of—and as we wait, we get to be made more like Him.

Prayer: God, I know that sometimes I miss the mark. Please reveal to me areas of my heart that are not pleasing to You and show me the gunk in my life You want to get rid of. I desire to do Your will, God. In Jesus’s name, amen.


“We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.” (Hebrews 6:12)

Everything about the vacation in Miami was perfect. After a few days of basking in the sun, I was ready to get some movement in. Knowing a beachside coffee shop was only three miles down the road, I decided to run to it and reward myself with coffee.

As I started running, I felt very accomplished. Here I was on vacation, running. I checked my Apple Watch fifteen minutes into my run to see how far I’d gone. Feeling energized and eager as the crisp morning air refreshed my sink, I keep moving my legs forward with vigor.

Suddenly, I noticed the highway in front of me, which stopped me in my tracks. That’s when I realized…I was headed in the wrong direction. I called the friend who had recommended the coffee shop and asked her where it was. She then told me how to get back on track, which was inconveniently thirty minutes in the other direction.

As I resumed my run, I felt seriously humbled. I wondered if I should even still try to run to the coffee shop. Suddenly I realized I had to decided: Was I going to be someone who gives up when things get difficult? Or was I going to keep going even when it was hard?

I know running slightly more than three measly miles to a coffee shop is a small challenge in comparison to what you might be going through today. But I still had to ask the Lord for the strength to finish strong. After much effort, I finally got to my destination and put in my order…and the barista moved slowly.

Crazy, now that I had made it, I had to wait even longer. The girl in front of me was so fed up with the wait time that she just left.

Waiting for coffee isn’t a big deal compared to the important things in life. But that morning taught me three very important things: First, to receive any promise from God, we must be willing to wait. And third, enduring and waiting are hard in the moment, but they are always worth it in the long run.

As I walked back onto the beach, with my running shoes in one hand, and my coffee in the other, I smiled. Perhaps not giving up was worth it, after all.

Prayer: God, I admit that sometimes I grow weary doing the things You’ve called me to do. Help me to stay faithful today and finish the race You have for me. In Jesus’s name, amen.

Ashley Hetherington, author of The Joy of the In-Between is a writer, speaker, content creator, Jesus lover, and founder of The Honey Scoop, a lifestyle blog that encourages and equips young women to grow their faith and reach their full potential in God. As someone with a passion for connecting with young women about the struggles of young adult life, Ashley is also the creator of a membership program, The Tree, an online community that helps young women connect with God and read the Bible. Through her writing and speaking, Ashley is a faith leader for those who want to know the Word of God and let truth transform their lives. She has a degree in journalism and interactive media studies from Miami University and resides in Nashville, Tennessee.

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