Your Guide to Unplug

by | May 21, 2020 | Life Advice | 3 comments

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2

How can we truly be inspired when we are consuming so many things at once (from screens!)?

The answer is you cannot. You will only find temporary inspiration to be distracted by the next temporary inspiration. Ideas that God puts on our hearts fade so quickly and are replaced by another that we don’t truly become inspired. It’s consumption.

Unplug and step away.  Sometimes we need to unplug to recharge. Our minds are often racing, scrolling, spinning.

There are so many incredible creators and influencers in our culture today who took time away to create something great: Joanna Gaines, Kanye West, Bob Goff. They have all taken breaks from social media, time with family, time to start something new.

That means you can, too! This is the first part of finding new inspiration.

Team LO has created a guide for you to pick either a half day or an entire day (if you can!) and make a choice to intentionally turn off your phone, clear your schedule, and get alone for some solitude and time with Jesus. Eliminate distraction so you can step into what this time has for you.


Playlist (we recommend “Everyday Worship” by Sadie on Spotify)


In a world where we are constantly on the go, this won’t feel natural, that’s okay! Lean into it.

It might be helpful to tell a few people that you are taking a day. That way you don’t have to worry about people needing you.

You’re going to want to rush through this to get on to the “next thing”. Remind yourself that there is no next thing, and that is a beautiful thing. Don’t rush.

Pick a either a half day or an entire day (if you can!) and make a choice to in- tentionally turn off your phone, clear your schedule, and get alone for some solitude and time with Jesus. Eliminate distraction so you can step into what this time has for you.

Now it’s time to dive into the Word and spend some time in prayer. Write down verses, pray through them, and journal out your thoughts using the question guide below. Most importantly, let this time be what you need it to be with Jesus. It doesn’t have to look pretty, he just wants to spend time with you.


For anxiety: Psalm 94, Proverbs 12, Psalm 55, 1 Peter 5, Matthew 6:25-35

For fear: Romans 8, Isaiah 41, 1 John 4, Psalm 18

For peace: Psalm 23, Psalm 29, Isaiah 26, John 16, John 14, Psalm 4, Ephesians 6

For unmet desires: Mark 11:24, Luke 15, Mtthew 6, Jeremiah 29:11. Romans 5

For the waiting: Galatians 6, Genesis 29, Philippians 4, Psalm 37, Habakkuk 2:3

For experiencing God’s love: 1 John 3-4, Jeremiah 31:3, Matthew 27:32-28:20



If you could sum up this season in one word, what would it be?

What area from the categories above do you most relate to in this season?

How can you see Jesus pursuing you right now? How can you see the ways God is providing for you right now?

What are 10 things you are grateful for today?

What’s one habit you can add to your life to inten- tionally unplug?

What’s one habit you need to eliminate from your life to bring you peace?


Create more, consume less. It is different from the pattern of this world.

We can do it.

We would LOVE to hear how your unplug time went! Share in the comments below or message us on Instagram!

Want more encouragement from Live Original? Follow us on Instagram @legitsadierob and @liveoriginal.

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  1. Jim Budd

    Love you Sadie. Never stop shining for Jesus. As long as you keep Jesus in the center you are unstoppable and will get through anything. Your family is amazing. God Bless you

  2. A V A

    Thank you! I needed this <333

  3. Karis

    Omg this has changed things!!