You Can Fly

by | May 14, 2018 | Life Advice, Sisterhood

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“Mama, I just want to fly. I am GOING TO fly!”

These are the words of my three-year-old, as he jumped off of our ottoman towards me, where I was sitting on the couch about 4 feet away. He jumped without hesitation, without fear. He just knew his mama would catch him. He didn’t have a care in the world, he just knew he wanted to fly. So, he did. He flew.


So many times throughout my life, I have wanted to fly—to boldly chase after the dreams God placed in my heart, without restraints. As I’d start take off, I’d come to a sudden holt. A quick stop right before pursing my calling. “What if I fall?” I often wondered. “What if I’m not fast enough, good enough, talented enough, equipped enough? What if I say the wrong thing? What if other people make fun of me, what if they don’t understand?” As these words fogged my mind, I began to feel my feet slide through the dirt beneath me, almost swallowing them up like quick sand.


And isn’t that exactly where the enemy wants us? Stuck in the same place—defeated, scared, lonely, and ultimately, questioning whether or not God will carry us through. So, there I stood—with the glimmer of glory ahead of me, while my feet were stuck in the miry clay. How do we get to the other side of fear? How do we slip out of the quick sand, how do we learn to fly?


My friend, I am so glad you asked! There is only one way to fight against fear, and that is with faith. My son, Finch, didn’t think once about what would happen if I didn’t catch him. That wasn’t even a thought in his mind. Of course I would catch him, I always have. He has faith in his mama, because he knows I have always been there for him, he never wonders if I always will be.


And how much more can we trust our heavenly father! Has he ever failed you? I can answer that for you—no, he hasn’t, and no, he never will. It’s not in his nature, it’s not who he is. He will always come through to do what is best for us. He will always catch you. You just have to jump.


So, let’s do it. Let’s fly together. Let’s do what the world says is impossible—because with God, there’s no such thing. When the enemy says you’ll never move forward in life, remind him of who is carrying you. You’re no longer stuck in that slimy pit. You have been raised up, seated next to the father. He’s the one guiding your steps, don’t let the enemy keep you from walking in the way God has called you. You weren’t created for quick sand, to stay in one place forever.


You, my sweet brothers and sisters, you were created to fly. Take the leap. God’s got your back.


“He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.” Psalm 40:2


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