
WTG with Candace Cameron Bure

by | Jul 1, 2021 | Life Advice, Sisterhood

It’s been so cool watching people step in and guest host the WHOA That’s Good podcast while I’ve been out with Honey! And I’ve got to say, one of my favorites has been a recent episode with Candace Cameron Bure. (Listen here!) Candace is one of the main reasons I ended up going on Dancing with the Stars and she’s made such a huge impact in my life. So, it was only fitting to have her on the podcast! And how cool is it that my mom got to step in and guest host this one for me?! Let’s dive in!

My mom and Candace have been friends for a while. They first met when I got asked to do Dancing with the Stars and I had just turned 17. Candace and I happened to have the same dance partner, and mom was eager to know more about who she’d be letting me spend my next few months with. So, she called Candace! Candace was super positive and excited about the whole situation and mom was relieved. And heyo, I began my journey on the show!

Of course, mom had to ask Candace the biggest question of the podcast which is for the guest to share the best piece of advice they’d been given. Candace said her best piece of advice came from her mom and she said it all the time. “Honey, would you feel comfortable if Jesus was standing right in front of you?” WHOA that’s good! Jesus IS with us everywhere we go and this is a great question to ask ourselves before we speak or act.

Mom then went in to asking Candace how she manages to live out loud with her faith and how tough it must be doing so while in the spotlight in the midst of Hollywood. I love Candace’s initial response! “I love Jesus!” It’s not just a part of her she can put aside for her work or friends. He truly is the most important person in her life and her faith exudes from her. Of course, she uses discernment in times of when to share her faith or when to talk more or less about Jesus. She opened up about how it can be tricky in the entertainment industry because as a person who wants to live her faith out loud, she must understand that not everyone shares that faith. She believes there is a way to share Jesus that isn’t offensive or pushy toward people, and that’s exactly what she strives for! You know how people feel when they buy a new house or get a new car and something in them just wants to share the news with others? That’s just how Candace feels about Jesus.

I love what Candace then had to say. “The more you talk about Jesus and the blessings He’s given you, the more confident you will become in Him.”

Then the conversation shifted more toward the business side of things in Candace’s life. Mom asked her to share about her clothing line and how she determines what to say yes and no to in her busy career. Candace then went on to mention her journal she’s been writing in for years. It’s filled with prayers, dreams and goals she’s sought out over the years. And she keeps praying about them. She admits that her accomplishments didn’t just happen haphazardly. She’s been working toward and praying about her goals for 15 years now. So many people could look at Candace on Instagram and think huge success happened overnight for her. But it’s encouraging to know she was fervent in prayer and God blessed her for that!

As most of you probably know, Candace has kids of her own and my mom asked her to speak to her decision to take time off work for her kids and how it has affected her life. Candace spoke to the quote my mom shared, “You can do everything you want in life, just not all at once.” by reminding us that God gives us seasons in life for a reason. When Candace began having kids 2 years after she and her husband, Val, married, she knew she had to be home to raise them. Though it wasn’t necessarily easy for her, God grew her so much in those ten years of her life. She gave the decision to God of whether or not she’d go back into the entertainment industry and trusted He knew best either way He’d guide her. As Val and Candace began to pray about whether or not Candace should return to work, God flung the doors wide open for her. She went back in full force and saw the workforce as a mission field. Since then she’s been in over 30 movies and written children’s books all while giving the glory to God!

As I’m home with Honey right now and mom got to share some of her experiences with her own kids, it was only fitting to ask Candace for her best mom advice. And she was so sweet in encouraging me with such wisdom. She reminded me how important it is to soak in the little moments with Honey. Because one day I’ll blink and I know she’ll be grown.

Candace then talked about how much she enjoyed the teenage years with her kids and the conversations during those years and up until now. Mom chimed in and said there are always opportunities to learn from your kids, but as they become adults you truly learn so much from them. Then Candace agreed by telling a personal story about her son. During the pandemic, he preached a whole sermon to Candace and Val, and it was such a gift to both of them.

To close out the episode, mom asked Candace to share about her fitness journey and offer some tips. Candace replied with the truth of how it’s always been a bit of a challenge for her until she found certain things in fitness that she really loved, such as specific workout programs. As a woman who formerly struggled with an eating disorder, she became more motivated to continue her fitness journey. And the rewards don’t only come physically, but mentally as well. The better she physically feels from a workout, the better she mentally feels.

Candace is clearly full of life and wisdom and it was such an honor to have her share some of that with us! For the full version, listen here!

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