When Christmas Is Hard

by | Dec 18, 2017 | Life Advice | 4 comments

Christmas is the most magical, family oriented, memory making time of the year. Each holiday season brings new delights and laughter, as we make new memories and relive the old ones. But this joyous time can also bring a lot of difficult memories for some, and act as a reminder of what was and what is no longer. For some, it’s a reminder of a dream that will never be fulfilled, and although there are beautiful lights and music all around, their heart feels the shadow of the season and a lonely silence where music once was. It can be the most wonderful time of the year or one of the most hurtful times.

Last year, I remember walking through one of those hard parts of Christmas. I was right in the middle of trying to choose joy, when my heart was aching and I felt like God began to open my eyes to what Christmas was for me. I felt as if the word Emmanuel, God with us, was running through my heart, and reminding me that I had a reason to feel joy—even through the difficult moments of the season. It was obvious that God was right there with me.

Christmas isn’t just about family we spend our time with or the memories we make, it’s about the fact that Jesus gave up everything—came as a baby, to live and die so that we didn’t have to do life alone, ever! Jesus is not shuffling my hurt to the side and telling me it doesn’t matter. Christmas is Jesus coming down to be with me, telling me He sees my great pain, and He is there to carry it. He is coming to be my counselor when my thoughts are scattered, my peace in the storm, a strong and mighty warrior when the fight seems to hard, and a sweet comforter when the sorrow overwhelms me. He is God with me, in the loneliest of moments, and He is there in the midst of the hard of Christmas, to be our HOPE.

For many of us, our lives may look different in this season than we wished, but there is so much beauty and meaning that is revealed as we focus on what we do have in Jesus—instead of what we don’t have in this world. So, in the midst of the hard this Christmas, may we experience the hope of Emmanuel, who came to be with us, the hope in the hard.

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  1. Tanya Bishop

    Thank you. Christmas used to be my favorite. I have been hurting so much. Each Christmas seems more painful than the last. I didn’t even decorate this year.
    Reading this helps me remember that even though I’ve lost so much and have a hard time seeing through the grief, Jesus came. I’m not really alone and misunderstood at all.

  2. Carie Mace

    Thank You! My daughter passed away Christmas morning 2008, she was 16 yrs old. Still trying to find the love and peace this time of year. Instead of the pain and sorrow.

  3. Sarah Funderburk

    Thank you! Its been 16 years this Christmas eve since my grandmother passed away. She always made Christmas a wonderful time of family fellowship and it has never truly felt the same since she passed. Mixed with some not great choices this year has made this holiday season hard to enjoy. Thank you for the reminded it’s not about what happened now but what God and His Son have done in the past to make our futures so bright!

  4. Whitnee Sand

    Thank you so much for this! I lost my cousin who I was really close to this past August and her birthday is in 3 days (December 30th). My family and I have been really struggling, and just feeling really behind and lost this Christmas. So much so that I’m reading this blog over a week late; it’s been in my inbox waiting for me because too much has been going on to be able to stop and read it. But thank you for this reminder, that no matter what is going on, God is STILL with us, and will never leave us. God bless, and Happy New Year!!