What Are You Anchored In?

by | Jan 23, 2025 | Featured, Hope, Joy, Life Advice, LO Library

Rejection is no stranger to the human soul. As a mother, I’ve recently seen this in my own son— starting at just eight years old—when he wasn’t invited to a birthday party. It felt like all his friends were included except him, and as they drove off together after school, I saw the pain in his eyes. It immediately took me back to my own childhood, where I was always the “new kid” after attending eight different schools.

Rejection stings. It can break a person. But it wasn’t until I grew in my faith and truly anchored myself in God that I realized something profound:

When our anchor is tied to the things of this world, we will never be stable. But when we anchor ourselves in God, we find the emotional and mental stability we’ve been longing for. And that makes all the difference.

Rejection Is Inevitable—But It Doesn’t Have to Define You

Friend, I don’t know what you’re walking through today, but I do know one thing—you’ve probably felt the sting of rejection at some point in your life. And not to be a Debbie Downer, but it will likely happen again. That’s just the reality of living in a broken world.

The good news? When we anchor our thoughts in Christ, when our minds are fixed on Him, it becomes so much harder to be shaken by the opinions of others. Life is always moving, changing, and throwing challenges our way. But when you are rooted in God, life can happen around you without breaking you. You may not be able to control what happens, but you can control what anchors you.

Know Who You Are—And Who You Belong To

Just as I teach my kids:

• You must know who God says you are.

• You are called to be a light in this world.

• You are deeply loved—no matter what.

Rejection can make us feel like we’re not enough, so we start striving. We strive for the best grades, the perfect friend group, the approval of a guy—we chase something to make us feel like we belong. But the problem? Those things never truly satisfy. They’re temporary. And once that feeling fades, we go searching for the next thing to anchor ourselves in. It’s a cycle that must end. If you want true emotional stability, your identity must be anchored in the unchanging truth of who God is and how He sees you. Circumstances change. Feelings change. But God’s love for you never wavers.

I Am Who YOU Say I Am, God!

I am not who THEY say I am.

Not the boy.

Not the friend group.

Not the grades.

Not the number on the scale.

Not my likes or followers.

Whatever “THEY” is for you, it does not define you.

Only God does. And that’s that.

The more time you spend with Him, the more anchored you become in Him.

So, I’ll leave you with this question:

What are you anchored in today?

Alyson Owen is a wife and mom to 3. She is also a writer who loves Jesus and is letting God lead the way in life! Keep up with Alyson on Instagram @the.owen.life

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