True Confidence in Your Identity

by | Aug 3, 2021 | College, Life Advice

Note from Team LO: We are so excited to share a snippet from our Confidence in College workshop inside LO sister out now! This workshop includes a 4-week study for college girls on finding confidence in your identity, navigating dating, overcoming anxiety and living in freedom on your campus. Join here for the full workshop! OH….and for the first time ever in LO sister history, there is a workbook available too for pre-order! Grab yours here! Now enjoy this snippet from part 1 of the workshop 🙂


DEFINITION: Knowing exactly who you are and how you were created.

Have you ever been getting to know someone on campus and they ask, who are you?

Court here. I went to a large university in the heart of Los Angeles, CA. One of the hardest things was to share about my identity, and share with people who I was. So I resorted to easy answers most of the time. My response used to be:

I’m a Theta.

I live in the Trojan Hall dorm.

I am majoring in communication.

All those things are truths about me, but that’s not who I was on campus. So whether you’re preparing to step onto campus or about to graduate, we’re going to take a moment to consider WHO we truly are.

Perhaps you know who you are, or you’re like, help me I don’t know what I am doing or who I am. You’re not alone. That’s 99% of us. And for those who may feel confident in their identity, keep reading on. This is for you to be reminded of all the reasons to love WHO God made you to be.

Make a list, check it twice.

Who are you? Who do you want to be? Why? Jot down a list…

Seriously, right now in your journal, your phone notes, or in the comments below write out the first things that come to mind.

As you look through this list, take a minute to meditate on each line. Ask yourself:

Is this something of the world or something that aligns with God’s heart?

Think about all the things about you, about your mind, your heart. Is this something YOU had to do to achieve?

I sure hope not. If so, scratch it off the list. I’ll help you out friend. (HA!)

Here’s what I wrote down so far:

Daughter, sister, friend, creative, encourager, believer, athletic, sincere, genuine, emotionless, defensive, not a physical touch person.

Take one more minute (and don’t roll your eyes… do it!). Think about the beauty of the true words on that list.

We hope that next time you step into a class, walk into rush or a social setting, repeat these words:

I am beautiful. I am loved. I am a daughter.

Identity is a beautiful gift, my friend. We hope this workshop continues to remind you that you are so loved, known, and here for a purpose. When you know who you are, you can live in freedom.

TRUTH: Ephesians 2:10: For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Matthew 5:13-14: Let me tell you why you are here. You’re here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this world.

  1. Who am I? Who does God say that I am?
  2. What are the things that I am believing about myself and for myself?
  3. What is one thing that you believe about yourself that you need to let go?

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