
The Key to Overcoming Every Spiritual Battle

by | Oct 3, 2024 | Featured, Prayer, Purpose & Calling | 0 comments

“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” (Ephesians 6:12)

In order to win spiritual battles, the first thing you have to know is what you’re wrestling with.

Sit with this list a moment: rulers, authorities, cosmic powers, and spiritual forces of evil in the heaven lies.

These battles are not against flesh and blood, but against unseen forces. Understanding this is critical.

We are facing a battle that goes beyond our human capacity, and it demands spiritual weapons.

Today, a spiritual battle rages around us. The concept of womanhood is under attack from all sides—culturally, socially, and spiritually. As daughters of God, we stand at a crossroads. Will we sit on the sidelines and watch as our identity is eroded, or will we rise up, reclaim our divine identity, and engage in this fight? It’s a choice we must make, and it requires both courage and faith.

Women are increasingly being marginalized, silenced, and objectified. Dark forces are at work to undermine the God-given identity of women, attacking the safety of our children, the health of our marriages, and the stability of our families. These forces aim to destroy what God has declared good. This is not just a cultural battle—it’s a spiritual one. And it’s far too great for us to fight in our human strength. We need divine intervention.

The fight to reclaim what it means to be made in the image of God, particularly as women, requires Heaven’s involvement.

This battle is not just a social issue—it’s a spiritual one, and that principle applies to every spiritual battle we face. Whether fighting for our identity, our marriages, or our children, we must recognize that the root of the conflict is spiritual.

So, what do we do? The first step is to invite God into the battle. We have spiritual authority only when we are under His authority. This is a key truth. We don’t fight in our own name or strength but in the name of Jesus. Through Him, we engage our battles with Heaven’s strategy—and this is where we experience victory.

Our battles are won when we wrestle first in prayer. Prayer is our most powerful weapon because it invites God’s power, wisdom, and strategy into our situation. When we pray, we acknowledge our own limitations and invite God’s strength to take over. He steps in when we surrender to Him, and that’s where victory is found.

Ephesians 3:20 reminds us, “Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think” (NLT). The key here is God’s mighty power working in us. Victory doesn’t come from our own strength or wisdom, but from God working through us.

No matter who we are or what we face, submission to God is the key to winning spiritual battles. David modeled this repeatedly throughout his life. Though a skilled warrior, he always sought God’s counsel before engaging in battle. He knew that victory depended on God’s direction, not just his own abilities.

Our warfare requires God’s grace and guidance. Though it may seem counterintuitive, overcoming spiritual battles begins with surrender. It’s not about fighting harder; it’s about yielding more fully to God. When we surrender, we exchange our weakness for His strength, our confusion for His wisdom, and our plans for His strategy.

James 4:6–7 says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” First, we submit to God, then resist the devil, and the enemy flees. Submission is not weakness—it is the pathway to divine strength.

When we submit, pray, and obey God’s Spirit, His kingdom authority comes to bear on our challenges. We are no longer fighting in our own limited capacity; we’re backed by Heaven’s resources. Surrender places us under God’s authority, where His protection and power flow into our lives.

I encourage you today to lift up your heart in surrender to your Heavenly Father. Lay down your fears, your plans, and your worries. Trust that through Christ, you will have victory over every demonic attack. It may not happen immediately or look the way you expect, but when you invite God into your battle, you position yourself for divine victory.

Spiritual battles are real, but so much greater is the power of God. When we surrender, pray in faith, and stand firm in His authority, we will see the enemy defeated. Victory has already been won through Jesus Christ—our role is to step into it through obedience and surrender. Rise up, daughter. Your victory is assured.

Lisa Bevere is an internationally known speaker, a New York Times bestselling author, and host of The Fight for Female podcast. Lisa has been married to her husband, John, for over forty years, and together they have four sons and nine grandchildren. You can connect with Lisa on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, X, and LisaBevere.com

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