
by | Dec 1, 2017 | Life Advice | 3 comments

Let Your Smile Change the World

One of my favorite quotes is: “Don’t let the world change your smile, let your smile change the world.” It’s credited as “anonymous,” so I don’t know who wrote it, but I think that person was very smart. The words remind me to bring joy to the world. Even when I am not having a good day, if I will just smile, I’ll bring a little joy to myself and to the people around me. That’s a good thing to do. I can do it, and so can you. This quote also encourages me to be genuine everywhere I go. It talks about your smile, not someone else’s smile. I don’t ever have to pretend to be someone I’m not just to impress other people or to fit in with a certain group. I only need to be myself. Some people will like who I am, some will not. So, I will hang around with the ones who do.

My mom says: “You can please all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you won’t ever please all of the people all of the time.” So, don’t let that get you down. Don’t let people you can never please change your smile. What’s true for me is true for you. You do not have to try to impress anyone either. God made you in a unique way so you would have something great to offer the world around you. If you let the world shape you and influence you—instead of influencing it—you will miss the chance to share with others what God has given you. Your smile represents everything about you. One reason I like the quote “Let your smile change the world” is that I think the world needs to be changed in a lot of ways. It needs to become a happier, more positive place. I know those changes can start with something as simple as a smile and then, as we begin to believe we can have an impact on the world, we will build the courage to do bigger and bigger things.

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  1. Ann Smith

    Sadie… I don’t even know how to begin to express the profound difference you just made upon my heart and my families lives. I’ve always been a fan of Duck Dynasty but recently haven’t been watching tv as much so I’ve been out of the loop with your family…. but this morning my husband, Justin, told me to turn on Focus on the Family broadcast… so I turned it on while I was driving my son, who is 13 years old and my daughter who just turned 10 yrs old to school… and hearing your testimony not only invoked such emotions in both of our kids and opened up a deep conversation in our entire family that pulled me to my knees in prayer and stirred up a fire in my soul to the point where I sent out a mass text to all my contacts asking them to listen to your F.O.T.F. interview because of how authentically real you are & how incredibly bright the light of God’s love & joy radiates through every word you speak & how dynamic your gifts are for receiving such wisdom at a young age (way beyond your years).

    I know, without a shadow of a doubt & I feel in the depth of my soul, that you Sadie Robertson will be a forerunner in Christ’s kingdom with a beacon of light so illuminated in His glory reaching beyond any sphere of influence you currently have that He’s enlarging your territory and carrying your original message to the four corners of the world to bring the truth in love to this generation… the mark you are leaving, the impact you are creating, the standard you are setting, the torch you are lifting and the cross you bearing is going to glorify Jesus Christ in New ways that have never been done before. You are breaking ground and opening hearts to young adults and teens that will forever change the course of their lives. It’s been awhile since someone’s calling and purpose has ignited such a pull in my heart like yours has… My favorite preacher, Steven Furtick lead pastor of Elevation church in South Carolina has a very similar pull on my life as you have just done because what I see in both of your hearts is a unique mandate from heaven to pull in this next generation in a unique way that catches their attention with the light of God’s Love, joy and authenticity that they can’t find in the world. You are staying true to who and what God’s called you to and your stepping out in faith in territories that most Christians have never considered or are to fearful to enter into. But you see the platform as a positioning tool to reach a broader audience and utilizing it with your gifts unashamed of the gospel and grounded in your convictions that the world can’t overtake you.

    You are humble and in that humility gift you see the Grace extended towards you that will keep your feet from falling and also help to keep you grounded so that others can approach you and relate to you. I know this is only the beginning of the AMAZING JOURNEY you are embarking on with more divine doors of opportunity and God-ordained appointments that will shift your purpose further than you could ask, think or imagine… I pray God’s hand of blessing, favor, peace, provision, anointing and angels to cover you & your family abundantly in Jesus name.

    Thank you Sadie for being you… I look forward to reading your new book with my family and sharing it with others.

    Love and blessings ???☝️

    Annie Smith
    Fresno, California

  2. Sue Jaske

    Good point Sadie

  3. Lola C

    Thank you Sadie! You have taught me so much in my spiritual journey (still learning) but I hope you continue to do what God has called you to do as you continue to touch thousands of lives. You have sparked something in me. I am trying to seek God and be patient with Him in my daily struggles and life. Thank you for showing me your faith, as it also teaches me to let go and let God.