(FIVE) Resources for Racial Reconciliation

by | Jun 9, 2020 | Life Advice, Sisterhood

“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.” – Ida  B. Wells

What a few weeks it’s been. We as a team have been in prayer over the devastating events that have deeply impacted our black brothers and sisters and have grieved us all as a nation.

At the same time, we know that Jesus is in this and we KNOW he wants to show us something during this time. How to not just be about racial reconciliation in our hearts, but to also live it out. How to make love a verb.

We want that, and we know you want that too.

Team LO has sought out resources from leaders in our country that have educated us and taught us more about systemic racism in our country and world. We know that there are ENDLESS resources out there that can educate and lead us to change, but today we are just giving you 5 of the top resources that we have found to be helpful for us during this time.

Friends, put in the work. Ask God to search your heart. Pray for God to give us all the strength and desire to shatter the very dividing wall of hostility that He sent Jesus to kill roughly 2,000 years ago.

No one can make you dig into these, but we hope you’ll take it as an individual challenge to rise up, learn, and live out change.

1. A Conversation on Race + Restoration in the Body of Christ with Christine Caine and Dr. Anita Phillips 

“In this moment, action is our love language.”

2. A Conversation with Pastor Carl Lentz and Biship T.D. Jakes

“We have to reject the notion of a world that excludes people that Jesus died for.”

3. “Justice” by the Bible Project.

“This is the surprising message of the biblical story. God’s response to humans legacy of injustice is to give us a gift. The life of Jesus.”

4. Listen In: Real Talk with Real Friends about Racism by Natalie Grant

“It’s about making an effort to do what we can to love one another.”

5. Be the Bridge (Book) by Latasha Morrison

**This is a book our team has not yet read, but it’s the next book on our list. We would LOVE for you to join us.

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