I dropped into my chair at the head of the table with a barely suppressed sigh of relief. The candlelight shone on the faces of beloved friends and...
LO Library Topic:
Why We Have to Break Up With Comparison
Comparison loves to ruin my contentment. For me, it usually starts when I’ve finished a peaceful time with Jesus in the morning. When I’ve not only...
The World Needs God
This world is full of many things. I realize that what I just said is quite broad and is probably known by every single person on the planet. But it...
A Good Jealousy
“Do not make an idol for yourself, whether in the shape of anything in the heavens above or on the earth below or in the waters under the earth. Do...
A Simple Life Worth Living
We pulled into the drive of our new home and I have to be honest in saying that it was a bit shocking. It’s cute but much smaller than the house we...
Created to Create
Comparison is the thief of happiness because it robs us of connection—connection to ourselves and connection to others. For me, the biggest trigger...
The Lies We Tell Ourselves
I remember the moment clearly. I was eight years old, crying under a pinball machine in my friend Kayla’s basement. As I heard her coming down the...
Discipline of Celebration
Good morning friend, I hope as you sip your morning coffee and read through this page or two you are lifted up by the truth that celebration is a...
Don’t believe the lies of the world. We are CHOSEN, ROYAL, and HOLY in His sight.