What Does It Mean To Be Content?
Note from Team LO: We are so excited to have one of our LO sister ambassadors, Summer Otwell, on the blog today! Want more from Summer? She is one of many sisters who you can find on our brand new app, LO sister. Founded by your girl Sadie, LO sister exists to equip, encourage, and gather sisters and friends from all over the world for community. LO sister’s doors are currently open but closing soon! To start your free one month trial, click HERE and get started today! Now enjoy today’s blog from Summer 🙂
“Content people don’t always have the best of everything, but they make the best of everything.”
Let’s just face it, life can be crazy sometimes! At times it can be hard to find peace and feel content in times of uncertainty. This can be related to a lot of different things… maybe you’re going through a death in the family, or a tough breakup, times are just uncertain with everything going on in the world right now if we are being honest! All of this to say, every person IS going through something no matter what it may be.
My life has been pretty crazy in the past year, not going to lie to you about that one. It has been filled with loneliness, uncertainty, breakups, and a lot of unknowns. Throughout all of it, I realized the true importance of being content in whatever season of life you’re going through.
In our world today, I feel like there is a huge expectation put on us as women to have to be in a relationship, or have to be married by a certain time in order to feel complete. But y’all, our time of singleness is just as important as every other season of life. In fact, I’d say it’s one of the MOST important seasons. It’s times of singleness that teach us to be completely dependent on the Lord and content in where he has us at the moment. Over the past year I’ve seen this first hand. For so many years I found my identity and contentment in guys. Starting around 16 years old, I ALWAYS had to get attention from them no matter what it took. A few years later I entered into my first serious relationship, and I quickly realized even a serious relationship wouldn’t complete me. There was still something missing, I just couldn’t pin-point what it was. After 3 years of being in this toxic relationship with him we finally broke things off for good. It wasn’t until I finally let him go that I realized that no guy could complete me, only Jesus can. He’s the only thing that can fill me up. Ever since the breakup, the Lord has taught me so much about being fully content in who he is. For the first time in my life I’m finally to the point where I don’t have to have a guy to feel complete. I’ve realized just how beautiful our time of singleness really is and I’ve learned to let the Lord complete me. “An insecure single woman will become an insecure married woman.” If we can’t be secure by ourselves in the Lord alone, then how will we ever be content while in a relationship? Another quote that my friend recently shared with me is “singleness is not a season of waiting for somebody else, it’s a season of becoming all that God wants you to be in the midst of waiting.” How true is that y’all! Singleness is such a blessing, let’s find our contentment in the Lord alone!
In Philippians 4:10-13 it says “I rejoiced greatly in the Lord that at last you renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you were concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”
Now you may be wondering what is helping me get through this season, and I believe it’s when I shifted my focus from looking at the negative side of singleness to now focusing on becoming instead of waiting. I’m starting to see this season as a transformation season instead of a waiting one. Although the Lord showed me what contentment looks like through my time of singleness, contentment should not only be found in singleness but also in every other area of our lives. My advice to you is to rest in knowing that you’re enough in Christ. Whatever season of life you may be going through right now is preparing you for the future that God has in store for you.
Summer Otwell is from the sweet town of West Monroe, Louisiana. Sumer sees herself as just an imperfect girl that’s crazy in love with her savior, Jesus Christ! She loves spending time with friends, sipping coffee, sharing about Jesus, and talking about enneagrams!
Follow Summer on Instagram @summerotwell