LO Sister Ambassador Retreat 2022 Recap

LO Sister Ambassador Retreat 2022 Recap


Our 2022 Ambassador Retreat was such a special time.  While many people did not know each other kicking off on Friday, we hugged each other close on Sunday, amazed by how close and known we felt by each other.

Friday night was so sweet! Around fifty ambassadors  from all over the country were flying and driving, through snow storms, to West Monroe and getting to know each other as they settled into their cabins. 

One of the highlights, besides our delicious dinner, was when the girls played the game Nitty Gritty together.  If you don’t know what this game is, you need to! It is way too much fun to miss out on!  Picture this: a bunch of girls on teams competing to sing the best country tunes, trying three shoes of different sizes together, or burping the alphabet! There truly is no limit to what could happen or how much we could laugh.  It really bonded us!  We wish our whole LO Sister fam could have been there and played!

One special moment was when Sadie, Court, and Steph (the original Team LO) opened the floor for a Q&A with the ambassadors about all things having to do with starting a ministry, sustaining the vision, challenges along the way, lessons learned, and everything in between.  There was a powerful moment when Sadie talked about how her mission for this ministry, to be sisters and friends, came from a time when she didn’t have any friends at all.  As she realized how full-circle it is that she was currently having a Q&A at a retreat for women to become better sisters and friends after once feeling completely alone and confused, she wept.  Her original vision, founded out of a place of loneliness, had come to life and was before her eyes.  I think everyone in the room was crying with her, and the tender Spirit of the Lord was there, as He always has been.   All of our eyes were opened to how much the Lord has been working in this mission and how much He continues to. 

Saturday morning was filled with crisp winter air, but our tummies were filled with Two Mama’s warm homemade pancakes!  They were insanely yummy. 

After we fueled up for the day, we drove over to the LO office where girls got to write their best piece of advice on the WHOA That’s Good advice wall.  We also had a time of worship with Chidima Ubah from Passion Music! It was such an honor to have Chidima see the value of this retreat and fly all the way down to Louisiana to lead us into God’s presence.  

Sadie’s soon-to-be sister-in-law, Maia Billman, gave an amazing word.  Get this – it was her first time speaking and she was incredible! Filled with God’s wisdom, she spoke with authenticity, conviction, and encouragement.  Here are some of the main takeaways from her talk that we want to share with you: 

Do not conceal.  Proclaim!  

Mark 16:15

He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.

We are really good at going, but what are we doing when we go?

Proclaim the fullness of what God has done and is doing in your life!

  1. We don’t need to proclaim perfectly.  We have a fear of proclaiming the fullness of God, because that means we have to share where we have been.  Thank goodness Jesus died for us to be made new!  Because of God, I am no longer in bondage to addiction, lust, jealousy, comparison, slander, gossip, judgment, sexual immorality.  I once was but look what He has done!  
  2. Call others into proclaiming!

We headed back to the camp for a fun group workout led by Sadie’s personal trainer.  The intention of this time was to put into practice what it looks like to workout for the health and well-being of your body and make it FUN!  It’s safe to say we woke up the next morning a little sore….

After a time of rest, Saturday night came and let me tell you, the Lord MOVED.  We began with a time of powerful worship led by Reeves and Kaylea (LO Worship), as well as Chidima.  Tears were flowing.

Sadie gave a powerful talk about being anointed right NOW, regardless of what you have or where you are. Speaking out of 1 Samuel, she talked about how David was anointed and the Spirit of the Lord fell on him, but he didn’t immediately become king.  No opportunity immediately opened up.  He actually went back to being with the sheep.  But the skills he learned as a shepherd, such as using a slingshot as his main weapon of defense, were what led him to confidently killing Goliath. 

She spoke about how you do not have to promote yourself to the world or even to God.  God is the one who anointed you and He will provide next steps and opportunities at the right time.  The things David was doing

 during his time being a shepherd, such as practicing playing his music in private, were what led him to ultimately be asked to play in the palace. And after he played music in the temple, he didn’t become king right away.  Do you know what he did? He went back to the sheep!  Don’t underestimate the power of what God is teaching and building in you right now.  How you use your time when you are in a private season will greatly affect your readiness and confidence when God leads you into a public season. 

It was an amazing message that encouraged us to stay faithful to what he has set before us right now and be confident in the fact that God is moving in us today, even if it doesn’t feel like it.   She prompted everyone to reflect with these three questions:

What is your “why” question that you are asking God? This could be “why am I still a shepherd when you’ve anointed me to lead worship?” or “why do I live here instead of there?”

What do you feel called to be faithful in? What in this season where you have been placed, do you feel called to be diligent?

How has God been intentional throughout your life? Sadie showed videos of her as a young child preaching and having a little talk show that then led to videos of her today preaching and on her podcast.  God had been preparing her her entire life for the calling she has.  Where do you see this in your own life? Search the little parts of your life from the time you were a child to now.  You will be amazed and inspired.

That night, we surprised the girls with an amazing Galentine’s party, full of cookie-decorating, massages, popcorn, candy, dancing, and massages.  It was pretty insane.  

That about sums up our weekend! It was such a special time and we continue to be amazed by how God is moving through our Ambassadors and LO Sister. 

If you want to be a part of this amazing community, join LO Sister here 🙂 Can’t wait to see you there, friend!

True Confidence in Your Identity

True Confidence in Your Identity

Note from Team LO: We are so excited to share a snippet from our Confidence in College workshop inside LO sister out now! This workshop includes a 4-week study for college girls on finding confidence in your identity, navigating dating, overcoming anxiety and living in freedom on your campus. Join here for the full workshop! OH….and for the first time ever in LO sister history, there is a workbook available too for pre-order! Grab yours here! Now enjoy this snippet from part 1 of the workshop 🙂


DEFINITION: Knowing exactly who you are and how you were created.

Have you ever been getting to know someone on campus and they ask, who are you?

Court here. I went to a large university in the heart of Los Angeles, CA. One of the hardest things was to share about my identity, and share with people who I was. So I resorted to easy answers most of the time. My response used to be:

I’m a Theta.

I live in the Trojan Hall dorm.

I am majoring in communication.

All those things are truths about me, but that’s not who I was on campus. So whether you’re preparing to step onto campus or about to graduate, we’re going to take a moment to consider WHO we truly are.

Perhaps you know who you are, or you’re like, help me I don’t know what I am doing or who I am. You’re not alone. That’s 99% of us. And for those who may feel confident in their identity, keep reading on. This is for you to be reminded of all the reasons to love WHO God made you to be.

Make a list, check it twice.

Who are you? Who do you want to be? Why? Jot down a list…

Seriously, right now in your journal, your phone notes, or in the comments below write out the first things that come to mind.

As you look through this list, take a minute to meditate on each line. Ask yourself:

Is this something of the world or something that aligns with God’s heart?

Think about all the things about you, about your mind, your heart. Is this something YOU had to do to achieve?

I sure hope not. If so, scratch it off the list. I’ll help you out friend. (HA!)

Here’s what I wrote down so far:

Daughter, sister, friend, creative, encourager, believer, athletic, sincere, genuine, emotionless, defensive, not a physical touch person.

Take one more minute (and don’t roll your eyes… do it!). Think about the beauty of the true words on that list.

We hope that next time you step into a class, walk into rush or a social setting, repeat these words:

I am beautiful. I am loved. I am a daughter.

Identity is a beautiful gift, my friend. We hope this workshop continues to remind you that you are so loved, known, and here for a purpose. When you know who you are, you can live in freedom.

TRUTH: Ephesians 2:10: For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Matthew 5:13-14: Let me tell you why you are here. You’re here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this world.

  1. Who am I? Who does God say that I am?
  2. What are the things that I am believing about myself and for myself?
  3. What is one thing that you believe about yourself that you need to let go?
Passion 2021 Recap!

Passion 2021 Recap!

God IS faithful. He was faithful in 2020 and is faithful with us now in 2021.

Over 500,000 people joined, 177 countries and territories, and over 100,000 dollars given to help end human slavery. All of that happened in just one day at Passion 2021.

The church is alive, because Christ is alive. And that is GOOD NEWS.

We’re breaking down some of the best moments of the day right here on the blog! It’s hard to put into words all that God did, especially considering we believe God moved SO much in the unseen and things we won’t see until Heaven. Join us as we pull some of the gold out from the speakers, round table, and worship moments.

Sadie Rob Huff

The night started out with Sadie asking us the question, “Who are you following?”

“If you want to feel loved, and cared for and accepted, you will not find it through fame. We have a generation looking for things through followers that you can only get from the One whom we’re following…Jesus Christ.”

AMEN! What an encouragement to set our eyes on the One we’re following in 2021.

Christine Caine

The question Christine hit us with was, “How do you remain faithful in a culture that’s saying that it would be better to just drift away or just go with the flow?”

She showed us Jesus Christ is the anchor for our soul in a post-modern culture. In her encouragement, she shared that it’s actually one of the best times to be a Christian because of how much people are searching for hope right now.

Friend, don’t just go with the flow, hold tight to our living hope, Jesus Christ!

Matt Chandler 

“Do not tease out the love of God from the wrath of God. You will cost yourself worship.”

WHOA, that’s good. What does he mean by this? He goes on to encourage: “I have a group of men in my life that I have plead with that if you see me drift and you love me you will confront me. That’s what it means to love me.”

His point: When we love someone, we confront the sin. It is the same with God. Because he loves us SO much, His wrath is great towards us if we are not walking in the way that He set out for us.

Christian Huff

Along the lines of influence, Christian shared: “I think with the idea of influence people think that means 100,000 followers but that could mean your classroom at school, it could be standing up for someone. Use your influencing knowing that the harvest in plentiful but the workers are few.”

It’s SO important to see that you have influence, friend. God doesn’t define influence the way the world does. God delights in using you, no matter how many people you have watching you.

“Use your influence to go change lives for the better.”

Jackie Hill Perry

On the topic of being lights for Jesus, Jackie shared: “If you don’t seem happy about being in Jesus, why do you think I would want to be in Jesus? It’s actually a strategy as a communicator of the gospel to make sure my language makes Jesus as beautiful as He actually is. I want your emotions to connect with the reality that HE IS GOOD.”

Do you put the beauty of Jesus on display? Let’s be a people that reflect his beauty and goodness in 2021.


KB BROUGHT IT! This idea of blessings hit home for so many:

“The valley is not the blessing, but there is so much blessing we miss in the valley.”

While he said he would never want to romanticize suffering, God truly can use suffering as “spiritual accelerance.”

God will always use the valleys to give you a greater heart of wisdom and reality of Who God truly is.

So thankful for KB’s word on true blessing.

Levi Lusko

Also on the topic of influence, Levi offered this incredible insight: “If you take care of your devotions, God will always take care of the depth of your impact.”

If you want to be faithful, you can do that in the big, small, or wherever you go. Don’t ever underestimate the small things that he’s given you to steward, for where much is given, much is expected.


Ben Stuart

In the same convo, Ben said this regarding the “spotlight” that we thought was brilliant: “It occurred to me when I was young that I could spend my life chasing the spotlight around but it always moves, or you can just stay there and learn and be with God and when the spotlight swings around you have something to say.”

What an incredible reminder to be faithful right where we are and let God grow us there. Then, we might have something worth listening to.

Louie Giglio

So profound. “So, what does it mean that there’s a Maker? That you are made.” 

That alone has the power to change everything, friend. Have you ever thought about the reality that you were made by a perfect maker? That you were “fearfully and wonderfully made?” (Psalm 139)

It’s true for you and for us today. We believe that reality has the power to change lives.

Priscilla Shirer

“The strength of your life will depend on whether or not you will remain and stay rooted.”

What a word for us in a day and age where we are always being tossed side to side by culture. Let the strength of your life be founded on abiding, remaining, and rooting yourself in Jesus.

Tim Tebow

Tim wanted us all to know where our victory is found: “We get to live with courage, taking heart, because He won.”

There will never be a day when Jesus is not victorious, which means there is a never a day when we are not victorious.

“Because of Jesus, we can know we’re on the team that wins.”


We were brought straight to the throne room through the incredible worship at Passion 2021. Passion Worship, Maverick City, Kari Jobe and Cody Carnes, KB, Sean Curran, and Brazil’s Fernandinho, and Tauren Wells.

Our favorite moment had to be the duet between Kari, Cody, and Fernandinho as they sang the blessing in two different languages. Holy and Powerful.

And there you have it! That’s our Passion 2021 recap and if you want to watch all the sessions and relive the goodness of the day, visit www.passion2021.com/rewatch and get all the sessions through January 2021.

What was your favorite moment? Comment below and share how God impacted you through Passion!

Four Encouragements You Need This Christmas

Four Encouragements You Need This Christmas

In one way or another, this Christmas is going to look different for each of us. Because of that, we wanted this post to look a bit different, too. Each and every one of you have been on our hearts during this holiday season and we as a team have so much we would love to say to you. But more than what we want to say, we were burdened more by the idea of, “what do they actually need to hear?”

So we decided to make a team post with each of us answering the question: What is the ONE thing we want our sisters and friends to know this Christmas? 

We hope this lifts your spirit this Christmas, friend! Let’s dive in 🙂


If I would want you to know anything this Christmas it would be what an angel of the Lord said thousands of years ago around this time. He said in Luke 2:10, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all people.”

This year has been filled with fear and with bad news. Maybe you can relate? Maybe you have had Covid or a family member has and you’ve experienced great fear, sickness, or loss. Not to mention it is not like our problems before this pandemic are not still a thing, too. You may have fears that you have dealt with for years or sadness you still hold from news you’ve once received.

I want to remind you of what that angel said right after DO NOT FEAR. His good news was this, “Today in the town of David a SAVIOR has been born to you: he is the Messiah, the Lord.” (v. 11)

No matter what you have faced this year, the hard news you have received, or the fears that you have had piling up, there is a Savior with the power to heal all things, forgive all things, and give us hope beyond this life.

That is the BEST news.


Tis the season where everything looks different.

Friends, I thought by now we would be gathering everywhere, filled with the joy of Christmas, sharing all the hugs, peppermint hot chocolate, travels, and so much more. And yet, for most of us, everything is different about our Christmas season this year.

This idea that Christmas would be our saving joy, our saving grace, our something to look forward to.

Here’s the thing: Christmas is not our savior. Jesus is.

Christmas may look different, but Jesus remains the same. And with the daily changes, it can be challenging to rest in His peace and His presence.

How can we position ourselves to experience God’s peace this Christmas?

Psalm 27 encourages us to look upon the goodness of the Lord and Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage. The waiting is a beautiful space for us to trust in God.

He promises us his peace. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27

As we step into the final days of 2020, we encourage you to reclaim the peace that Jesus offers at Christmas and every day.

As God’s children, we can live with peace, hope and surety of what’s to come. God prepared a place for Jesus to come into this world. Surely He is preparing your place too.

No change of plans on earth can change the truth of His Word. Christmas may be chaos, Jesus is our peace. He is with us now and He has prepared a place for us. We pray that you rest in His peace today because that is unchanging.

“Born – that man may no more die” – Hark the Harold Angels Sing

I never thought the age old Christmas carol, ‘Hark, the Harold Angles Sing’  would be something God would use to shape my heart in a powerful way (after all, my greatest memories of that song are me singing it with a gold, pipe cleaner hallo on my head for the Christmas pageant in 2nd grade) – yet a few years ago that song truly changed how I see Christmas.

In 2014 my Grandfather passed away on Christmas. I still remember sitting on his bedside that night, saying goodbye — it wasn’t the merriest of Christmas’ to say the least. As we left the hospital that night there was person playing Christmas carols in hospital lobby. Something about the tune caught my ear and that night as I crawled in bed the melody was stuck in my head.

Playing the song through my mind, I was stuck that night on the lyrics “Born – that man may no more die”. To be honest, I didn’t even realize I KNEW that was in the song. So many of those classic Christmas carols are ingrained in my mind but rarely have I ever stopped to really ponder them.

The reality is, that Jesus came to us on Christmas — with a story that included death, so that we might have life. He conquered the sting of death because He came to us that night on Christmas with a plan that was greater than any heart could comprehend. Christmas is about Jesus’ birth but it is also about His plan to die.

2020 has been a year of loss and I know so many of us might not be feeling very merry today. You may have lost a loved one this year or have someone near and dear to you wrestling with illness. To my sister who is walking into this Christmas with a heavy heart or the burden of grief heavy on you – I pray you find comfort in Jesus’ birth this Christmas as He was “born – that man may no more die”.



I once asked a mentor of mine to describe Jesus in one word. I was expecting the standard, “loving”, “patient”,
“gracious”, or even “all-powerful”, in which all would have been accurate and true, and words I would have been completely satisfied with.

But the word she used I had never heard used to sum up Jesus and I haven’t really heard it since. A word I had forgotten through the years, until recently when I personally, and I’m guessing you, too, need Jesus to be this now more than ever.

It’s the word “With.”

Some synonyms for the word with include: among, beside, amidst, and near.

This is Jesus.

He is among us.

He is beside us.

He is in our midst.

He is oh, so near.

He is with us.

His “with-ness” is actually WHO He is.

“Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel. (Which means, God with us.)” Matthew 1:23 (ESV)

2,000+ years ago, Jesus, the “visible image of the invisible God” (Col. 1:15), came to earth, put on flesh, and made his dwelling among, ‘with’ us. (John 1:14)


To empathize with us. To feel our pain. And then, out of an abundance of the Father’s love, to nail it to the cross and cancel our debt once and for all through His power. To bring us back to “with-ness” in Him.

You see, I’m broken, and I need a Savior this Christmas. One that knows me, sees me, empathizes with me, and is with me.

Some of you might be “without” a lot this year.

Without a family member.

Without the ability to buy your loved ones the gifts you wish you could.

Without the peace that you thought 2020 would hold.

It’s okay to acknowledge what you’re without this year. But friend, please remember what you do have that no one can take away from you.

Immanuel – God with us. 


There you have it, friends! Praying that each and every one of you experience His presence this Christmas ❤️??

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2020 Ambassador Retreat Recap

2020 Ambassador Retreat Recap

What a special weekend! As we prepared for our very first LO sister ambassador retreat, we kept coming back to the word “Influence”.  

What is it?  

How do we use it?  

How to we show people that every single person has it?  

We decided that it would be our theme for the weekend so that we can uncover some of these questions together. 

Friday was nothing short of unforgettable. Over 30 women from all over the country traveled in to be a part of this weekend together. We ate together, worshipped together, and dove into the word of God together.  

One of the most powerful encouragements that came out of Friday night was, “God will use you for his glory, but He will choose you for His love” – Pastor Shivon Woodard

As much as we wish every LO sister could have been there, we trust that God can take what happens in a small gathering and expand it to thousands, even millions, more. We are confident that what happened this weekend will bless and impact the LO sister community in eternal ways. 

It was our joy to host and pour back into the ambassadors that have been pouring out to our members in LO sis over the past 6 months.

Remember, friends, God will never ask you to pour out without the promise of keeping you filled as long as you abide in Him. 

Just like you, these women are world changers and we can’t wait to see the fruit that comes out of our time together. 

True fellowship. True sisterhood. 


“More than who is following you, we should be asking: “Who are we following?” – Sadie Rob Huff

Saturday morning was filled with fresh air, lotsss of coffee after a late night, and quality time with each other and Jesus. Then, we got to take the group to the LO office space which was such a sweet time. We got comfy, loaded up on snacks and settled in as Sadie taught us even more about the power of influence seen through the perfect life of Jesus. 

Sadie left us with three questions to consider and we encourage you all to process these as well: 

1. Where are you getting your content?

“Every year Jesus’ parents went to Jerusalem for the Festival of the Passover. When he was twelve years old, they went up to the festival, according to the custom. After the festival was over, while his parents were returning home, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem, but they were unaware of it. Thinking he was in their company, they traveled on for a day. Then they began looking for him among their relatives and friends. When they did not find him, they went back to Jerusalem to look for him. After three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. Everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers. When his parents saw him, they were astonished. His mother said to him, “Son, why have you treated us like this? Your father and I have been anxiously searching for you.”

 “Why were you searching for me?” he asked. “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” But they did not understand what he was saying to them.

Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart. And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” Luke 2:41-52

2. Where is the glory going?

“So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of his own accord, but only what he sees the Father doing. For whatever the Father does, that the Son does likewise.”  John 5:19 

3. Where are you leading your followers?

“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 

Friends, Jesus is the only one worth following. You don’t have to attend the retreat to know that. Our LO sister ambassadors left so encouraged and on fire to make Jesus the name above every other name as we all live our lives and as they continue to guide you inside the app.  

“Yes, Lord, walking in the way of your laws, we wait for you; your name and renown are the desire of our hearts.” Isaiah 26:8 


Saturday night. . . What. A. Night. 

We were led in the sweetest worship @kayleaholdthemayo of LO worship which set the tone for the BEST Q&A with Mrs Korie, Sadie, and Christian. SUCH Godly wisdom!

Christian brought an incredible word on modesty from a guy’s perspective. He mentioned how women have a false perception of what men are attracted to and how a godly man will pursue a woman for who she is, not how much she reveals.

In the words of Christian Huff, “modest is hottest.”

Korie addressed one of the most destructive vices in our world today: gossip.

“Don’t believe the best and don’t believe the worst.” She said that we actually have the choice of whether or not to listen to the negativity people dole out. Let’s do our best to filter out what man believes about us and focus on what God says is true! 

Sadie offered advice on how to use social media as a source of influence without letting it control you. We’ve been given a platform to declare His name. But if at any point that platform turns into a hindrance in your walk with Christ, take a step back to rekindle that fire with Jesus, then return to the influence you’ve been given to lead others toward Him??

To finish out the night, we had DJ @jaydaiye bring down the HOUSE. Everyone dressed in their favorite Christmas pajamas and we busted out some moves on the dance floor?? 

The thing about Jesus is that He can speak through anyone and anything. And we certainly heard Him speak through His people this weekend! Thank you, Jesus, for community fixed on you and the wisdom you pour out through others.



And that about sums up our weekend! We continue to be blown away by our ambassadors and the way they faithfully pour into our members on LO sister! If you are interested in joining LO sister OR want to give LO sister this Christmas, check out our limited time Christmas Bundle! The bundle comes with a one year LO sister membership + access to Sadie’s LIVE Book Club starting January 2021! Click HERE for all the details!