by Juli Wilson | Jan 26, 2018 | Life Advice, Testimonies |
God’s plans for you are good.
“Why are you doing this, Lord? Where are you leading me? What if it doesn’t work out? What if I’m not good enough?”
What if. What if. What if.
This has tune has been played on repeat in my heart in different seasons of my life. It’s not that I don’t trust God, it’s just that I put too much trust in myself sometimes. I try to figure everything out alone. I try to make things happen. I live life based on what I know, which is NOTHING in light of God. He knows it all. When we lay down and when we rise. The amount of hairs on our head. The plans that will give us a future and a hope, the ones that will prosper. I know this is all true. I know He is good.
Yet, here I am. Sitting on my bed, questioning what He is up to. Wondering if He really sees my pain. If he actually hears my cries. If He could ever truly care about someone like me. I ask Him for clarity. For a little glimpse of hope. Sometimes, He gives it in the form of a whisper, that still, small voice that reminds me everything will be okay. Other times, he uses scripture to SHOUT the words we need to hear. Words that are bold and powerful and so divinely written. But then, at times, he uses silence to pierce our hearts. To see if we’re willing to trust, even when the path we’re called down is foggy.
That’s where I’m at tonight. Sitting in that thick silence, trying to peek through the cloudy path. I can’t see where He is leading me. He hasn’t said a word. So, what do I do? I’m going to keep looking up and reaching out. He takes hold of my hand as my knees shake, as I wobble from step to unseen step. And when I’m too weak to walk, weighed down by life’s demands, I will posture my heart towards Him. He will carry me in the way I should go. This is love. This is the way I want to go.
The way of love. HIS way.
You don’t have to have it all figured out. None of us do. All you have to do is fall at the feet of the One who knows what you need. God will never lead you astray, even if the path seems rough. He knows where He’s leading you. Trust His heart—it is always good. So very good.
Thank you for who you are. For how you love us. We beg you to lead us, God. We are holding on tight in anticipation of what you have planned for us. We know it is going to be so much bigger and better than anything we could ever hope for or imagine. You are such a kind, gracious Father. Help us to keep our eyes on you. We love you, Lord. Amen.
by Juli Wilson | Jan 15, 2018 | Testimonies |

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?” -Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Today, the world celebrates and remembers the incredible, tireless work Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. dedicated his life to. He was a fighter, but not in a harmful way—no, not even close. He fought for human rights. For dignity. For equality. For Justice. And because of him, the world we live in today is full of possibilities for ALL people.
Not only did he stand up to those pouring out hate and filth into the world, he also stood up for those who were oppressed, cast out and ripped of their humanity. He didn’t buy the lie of “this is just how it is.”, he worked for a better world, for a better tomorrow. Where did he find this strength? How did he muster up so much courage? In God alone. His passion for God fueled him, and it was that same passion that gave him a love for people—all people, regardless of their race or social status. He didn’t sit by on the sidelines, waiting for someone else to change things, someday, somehow. He stepped up. He decided it was time to do something for others, even if that meant throwing himself into the front line of battle.
When I look back on his life, I’m reminded of the tremendous opportunity and ability we all have to change the world, for the better. If we’re willing, there is no limit to what God can do through us, to help others who are struggling and need a helping hand to pull them back up. As Dr. King said, the most important question is, “What are you doing for others?” Think on that today. How are you personally lifting others up—supporting them, praying for them, loving them? Love doesn’t have to be outrageous, it just has to be intentional. Make that phone call. Stand up to injustices. Use your voice. For God, and for those who went before us who were brave enough to fight for us to HAVE a voice in this world.
We celebrate you today, Dr. King, and we march on behind you in the fight for good. The fight for God. The fight for a better world, a brighter tomorrow.
by Juli Wilson | Dec 27, 2017 | Testimonies |
For most of my life, I spent my days playing a little game called people pleasing. Here’s the crazy thing about that game—no one ever wins!! There is no pleasing in people pleasing, because it’s not possible. I was never created to make people happy, and neither were you. Did you just breathe a sigh of relief? I know I sure did! I was constantly trying to say and do the right thing, and I certainly never said no to an invitation—out of obligation, and a deep-rooted fear that someone would be upset with me. I couldn’t handle that thought. It crippled me. I so badly wanted to make everyone else happy, that I compromised my own desires and was left unfulfilled when the other person still wasn’t satisfied with what I could give.
Does this sound like you? Don’t beat yourself up over it. Admitting you’re a people pleaser isn’t a slam on your character, it’s just a realization that you care a whole lot about other people, and that’s never a bad thing. We’ve just got to get back to a place of healthy boundaries, a place where real, authentic relationships are free to grow. There is no room for conditional love at the feet of Jesus, and there shouldn’t be room in your life, either.
So, how do we do this? Here are a few things I do to keep my life and my relationships with others rooted in Christ.
1/ Pray.
Ask the Lord give you His heart for people, but also His discernment. He will help you know who you should be closest to—who you should primarily “do life” with. I’m talking about your best friends. If they aren’t seeking after God, they probably shouldn’t be the 1st person you call for advice when you have something going on in your life. Keep in close communication with God. He will never lead you astray. He’ll bring the right people to your path.
2/ Say No.
If you are already in over your head at work, with homework, family and other obligations, it’s OKAY to say no to an invitation. It’s actually vital that you do. We can’t say yes to everything, and for recovering people-pleasers like me, that’s a punch in the gut! But, it’s also a necessary step towards finding balance and peace in your life. You’ll never reach what is best for you in life if you say yes to every opportunity. Turn down some things so you can commit to better opportunities for the path you are on.
3/ Remember Who You Belong To
It can be a little intimidating to go against someone else’s wishes, primarily because we all have an inner desire to belong. We were created for it, and that’s the beautiful thing—you don’t even have to try. God already has your seat saved, and it’s right next to His! How beautiful is that? Shift your focus to serving people, instead of trying to impress/please them, and watch how beautifully your relationships will begin to flourish.
YOU CAN DO THIS. Seek after God. Say no to a few things. Stay focused on your calling. Quit trying so hard to fit in, and allow yourself to fall into the Fathers arms—that’s where you belong, after all. Good bye, people pleasing. Hello, meaningful, fulfilling relationships.
Join me in praying this prayer today:
Help me to remember that my worth is found in you alone, not in my ability to make other people happy. Only you can do that, Father. Thank you for not putting that burden on me, and please, take it off when I unknowingly put it back on myself. You are such a good Father, and I am so grateful for you. In Your name. Amen
by Juli Wilson | Dec 8, 2017 | Life Advice |
“For unto us, a child is born. His name shall be called wonderful, counselor, the mighty God. The everlasting father, the prince of peace.” Isaiah 9:6
There he was, the long-awaited savior. He didn’t look like you’d expect, no, not even close. He was a baby, as human as any babe to ever let out a first cry. But oh, we know he wasn’t just a human. He was the embodiment of God and man in one. He took on flesh and became man, so we may find a relationship with God. What love is this? It’s unlike none the world had ever known before. Immanuel. God with us.
In a moment, everything changed. At the mention of his name, Jesus, the earth shook with hope. Satan trembled. God rejoiced. Finally, a bridge between God and man. Deserving glory and honor, Jesus took on shame and sin. He lived his life for the Father–pointing everyone towards him with every word, action and deed. And then, He gave it all…for us. His life. It was the most brutal of sacrifices. He would be forever scarred for you and me, but oh, the joy he found in doing God’s will. Even as it hurt, even as it cost him all. He surrendered. He did it for God’s glory, He did it for us.
He knew it all along, the path God had for him. He still accepted it. He still chose you and I. His presence, the most priceless present. His love, our undeserved gift. Deserving all, He gave all. For you. For me. For us. Oh, come, let us adore Him. Christ, OUR KING. Hallelujah.
by Juli Wilson | Nov 22, 2017 | Life Advice |
Tis’ the season for thanks and giving! I just love the holidays. There’s something about this time of year that brings in a wave of sweet nostalgia, and it feels like the world seems to slow down a bit. Everyone seems to hit pause, and takes the time to focus on what’s really important – their faith, family and friends. It’s such a breath of fresh air in a culture that is so fast paced and “me” centered. Today, I want us to do just that – to slow down, take the focus off of ourselves and give thanks to our Heavenly Father for who He is, and for all that He has done in our lives. What better way to showcase our gratitude than to offer up words that are God breathed? Here are five verses we can meditate on this week as we lift up praises to the Lord!
Come, let’s shout praises to God, raise the roof for the Rock who saved us! Let’s march into his presence singing praises, lifting the rafters with our hymns!
Psalm 95:1-2
On your feet now—applaud God! Bring a gift of laughter, sing yourselves into his presence.
Psalm 100:1-2
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.
1 Chronicles 16:34
And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:17
Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
1 Thessalonians 5:18
Thank you for all of the blessings you pour out on us every single day. You continuously pour out grace and compassion, and that’s unlike any other love we’ve ever known. Thank you for the gift of your son, Jesus, and the unbelievable opportunity to spend eternity with him. You are a good, good Father, and we are so grateful for who you are. All thanks be to you, God. We love you. Amen.