King of My Heart

King of My Heart

you are good.

Let the King of my heart
Be the mountain where I run
The fountain I drink from
Oh, He is my song

Let the King of my heart
Be the shadow where I hide
The ransom for my life
Oh, He is my song

You are good, good

Let the King of my heart
Be the wind inside my sails
The anchor in the waves
Oh, He is my song

Let the King of my heart
Be the fire inside my veins
The echo of my days

Oh, He is my song

You’re never gonna let
Never gonna let me down

This song has been on repeat for a year – a full year to (begin to) understand the depth of God’s faithfulness.

The first time I really “listened” to the lyrics of this song was a year ago, standing in a church in LA. I felt the overwhelming sadness and desire to be in a relationship with a Christian guy, while also feeling the joy of moving to a new city with a new role in ministry. It was a confusing time of emotions and stretched boundaries of trusting God. So, I listened to this song for countless hours – both in quiet places of solitude and grand worship.

Every time this song played, I shouted my prayers…


You’re never gonna let me down… in relationships

You’re never gonna let me down…. in a job

You’re never gonna let me down…. fill in the blank

And over this year… He did answer those prayers. Repeatedly.

I spent this last week celebrating my birthday and reflecting back on the year. I’m overwhelmed by God’s faithfulness in my life – and his constant provision. Praises for sure! There’s something more important that I learned.

There is no  situation, relationship or location that can change the goodness and joy of the Lord. He is everything we need – always. 

John 16:33 – He has already overcome and laid the path before us. Take heart!

Friends, God is never gonna let us down. Period. This hopefulness in his provision is not in one area, relationship, situation, or location. His provision for LIFE. And life to the fullest is a promise.

Stepping into another year, I am trusting him now more than ever.  His abundant faithfulness has moved me into a posture of rooted confidence in His provision, for EVERY aspect of my life. He will never let us down in good situations. In bad situations. In all situations. These words are filled with a hopefulness, as well as a comfort.

Psalms 91 sums up this promise and comfort so well. The Word says His faithfulness will be your shield – that’s a promise!

I love resting in that His faithfulness, no matter the season – He will be our shield to experience constant joy, peace and His love. It’s the kind of armor that nothing this world can shake – if we trust.

Friends, He will not let you down if you let Him be your everything.


Father I pray that your goodness will always be evident in our lives – that situations, locations, and relationships will not define your love for us. For greater trust and deeper faith in your provision. And for those who are weary – may you deliver rest to their hearts. 



It was an unexpected gift.

It was a Thursday afternoon at 3pm, and there I sat on my back porch –  locked out of my house, with no shoes or car keys, and a to-do list full of unchecked boxes. I kept thinking to myself, I can’t believe this is happening the day before I’m leaving town.

Let’s back up though…

Two hours earlier, I received a phone call from a friend back home. This person was on my heart for a week, and when he called, I knew I should answer. So, I picked up the phone and walked outside. What I thought would be a quick phone catch-up, turned into a two hour conversation about faith and ministry. Those ninety minutes brought me encouragement, confidence and a new passion for my calling.

It was worth every minute.

After our call, I was completely filled with the joy and affirmation of Jesus. I walked towards the door ready to get work done but to my surprise, it was locked. I stood on my back porch, without shoes or a key. My roommate would not be home until the evening, and that meant I’d be spending a few hours outside. So, I decided to call my friend Carley. She brought me to her home, offered me food, water and a drawing pad.

Three hours of interruption shifted my day and my heart.

God interrupted me in my tracks, without enough time to consider what is important. My days success didn’t come in the form of crossing off my to do list. Instead, it was a purposeful reminder of why I do what I do, and an added bonus time to rest with a friend.

It was simple as a phone conversation, a friend, and a drawing pad.

And a whole lot of time. Thank you, Jesus.

Do you ever consider how you spend your TIME?

One of my favorite things about Jesus is time management, and by that I mean this – Jesus ALWAYS had time for the one. People pulled, asked and begged for his time. Crowds were waiting on him and yet, he had time for the right person/people at the right time. Jesus had TIME for the things that important for his role in the kingdom.

There are very few people who walk earth and are intentionally not worried about time. I mean, genuinely stop to make time for any human in their tracks. I can think of two, and no, that’s not including myself. These people are beautiful representations of Jesus. Why? They walk through their days with His view of time – always stopping for the things that pull on their hearts, and opportunities to show the love of God. They allow themselves to be interrupted. They create space and room in their lives for God to move. They trust their time is spent well serving Him.

When I think back to that afternoon on the porch, I see how I desperately I need God to interrupt my daily plan. Looking closer at my own life, I often catch myself saying “I don’t have time for that.” Sound familiar?

There have been seasons in my life when TIME, that word alone, ruled my whole world and how I treated people. To be honest, I still struggle with this and will continue to ask for grace. As I’ve matured, and believe me, I have a long way to go, God has softened my heart for the people around me. He started to interrupt my daily plans with people and conversations. And you know what, I had to ASK him to do that. The moment I began to look, my eyes were opened slowly to the amount of moments he gives us to encourage people, listen to people, love people well.

I believe we can love people well when we honor them with our time. The number of minutes doesn’t necessarily matter, but a present heart and encouraging spirit can change people. For those of you who are sitting in a stressful or demanding season, my encouragement is to first breathe and go easy on yourself. Then ask God to shape your view of time.

In Mark 1:16-34, Jesus calls out the disciples to follow Him. wonder what our days would look like if we . say – “Jesus, I’m trusting you with my time today. I want to follow you.”

My hope is that you are encouraged to surrender your schedules, plans, expectations and commitments surrounding time, and allow God to transform your view of what you have time for. That afternoon on my back porch was a gift.

Here’s what I learned from that afternoon on the back porch:

  1. Our time is not our own. It’s God’s time. We are his disciples, so are you going to make the most of His time during your day?
  1. Our time is not about the minutes. Time is most impactful when our minds are present – whether that’s five minutes or five months. Don’t focus on the minutes. Be present.
  2. Our lives should allow for interruptions.  Ask God to interrupt you every day and He will surprise you.

Comfortable with Uncomfortable

Comfortable with Uncomfortable

learning to lean into discomfort.

Imagine this scenario. A girl walks into a local coffee shop. Looking around all she sees is unfamiliar faces – yet everyone around her moving with purpose and passion.  Out of fear and discomfort, she pulls her phone; to text friends back home and scroll through Instagram – in hopes to feel known. She feels a pit in her stomach – then a wave of discomfort. However, she has a decision to make, to continue to feel unknown, or to push past the discomfort. So, she puts her phone back in her bag. And although uncomfortable and unknown, she stands there, confidently looking forward to her new surroundings. By pressing past discomfort – she was able to lean on her greatest friend, Jesus.

Maybe you’ve experienced a similar scenario in the past. Or perhaps you are currently in a season of discomfort – beginning college, new jobs, moving to new cities, marriage. We all go through seasons of newness and change, where our identity truly tested.

Learning to lean into discomfort and embrace my identity through the grace of Jesus.

That girl, in the coffee shop, was me.

A few months ago, I left my career and moved across the country for a unique ministry opportunity with Live Original. I felt fearful and unknown. Today I share this message – still trying to seek comfort in my new surroundings and responsibilities.  I’m just a girl who is learning to rest in the reality that we will not grow, create, or be free until we experience discomfort.

This has been a new challenge for me because for most of my life I thrived in comfortable situations. I was conditioned to seek, strive and achieve comfort. I’m a person who loves the feeling of success and competence. I am not hardwired for need – I am wired to work to a place of comfort. But that’s where I had it all wrong. God wants us to see him.  To need Him. He designed us to need him so we are able to do his work.  God wants us to know him as the ultimate comfort and provider that He is. And that’s exactly where God wants you. It took me 27 years to learn that comfort often distracts our hearts from following Jesus. Up until a few months ago, I wasn’t risking, creating, moving – at least in the direction of the kingdom. Instead, I was so focused on building a comfortable life.

Paul speaks of season of contentment and need in the book of Philippians. “I know what it is to have plenty and I know what it is to need.” 4:10-13.


I love this Word – and I’ve learned that “plenty” looks different to me in different settings. But it always means resting in what Jesus can do.

When you stop leaning into the comfort of this world and start craving discomfort, God will be able to use you in big ways. 2 Timothy 3:12-16 says we can live freely in our identity in God when we remember what we known. What is in your purse of comfort? Take a few minutes to consider the people, places and things that make you most comfortable. (praises that you have those gifts in your life). But, do any of those things on your list stop you from seeing God and serving him fully? It’s small (and big) moments, like in the coffee shop, where Jesus can capture your heart and use you. He wants you to have eyes open, and seek comfort only in his Heart.

Father I pray that we lean into discomfort – rather than strive for comfort. For your strength and glory is made perfect in our weakness. We are hungry and ready for you to use us for your will and your glory. Give us the confidence and courage to press pass discomfort. Also I pray against the pressures of this world to seek comfort For our home is with you in our hearts – and in heaven.