Finding Joy in the Journey

Finding Joy in the Journey

To tell you this story about finding joy, I must give you a little background.

I am a mother of two, and one of my children, my daughter, has a disability. We drive the 6 hours to Houston, Tx from where we live in Louisiana to go to Texas Children’s Hospital. This particular trip last week, was a last minute trip. Her doctor saw some x-rays of her hip she said we needed to urgently get in with an orthopedic doctor. As we started to plan this drive two weeks out, my son decided he wanted to come with us. After checking his grades, I decided he could skip a day of school and would make a fun trip out of it. We decided we would go to the zoo before her appointment, see the animals and enjoy the beautiful weather.

The day had come to head out, so after the kids had school and I had work, we started the drive down south. We were talking about what animals we would see at the zoo, and what we were most looking forward to. That next morning we got up and drove the rest of the way into Houston. While we were a couple of miles from the zoo, we noticed traffic stopped and cops everywhere. Apparently, it was spring break in Houston and everyone in the area had the same idea we did. Every parking lot was full. People were walking from miles away. After driving around for an hour we decided to pivot our plans and just find an outdoor restaurant, eat and play Uno at our table. I told my son that God has plans for us and this would be even better. Our plans changed but we decided to make the most of it.

When we left the restaurant we realized we still had time before her appointment and decided we would go to a bookstore and walk around. As we were literal yards away, an ambulance came speeding by and I had to get over where I promptly hit the curb and heard a loud bang. Thankfully we were right at the turn to the bookstore shopping center and I pulled in. I thought to myself “no big deal”, I will call roadside assist to help put my spare on and we would be on our way. I got out of the car to see that we had not only one flat tire……but two. TWO. Six hours from home, by myself with two children and a wheelchair. If we would’ve been at the zoo this wouldn’t have happened? If only our plans had worked out, right? Scared. Panicked. Unfair.

I called my husband and he immediately started looking up roadside assistance numbers in Houston area. The first one he sent me I called and not only did he answer, he was friendly and said he could be there in 18 minutes. As soon as he got there, I had to order an Uber to get myself, both kids and a wheelchair to her appointment.. the whole reason we were there. Would you believe me if I told you we made it with five minutes to spare? Look at God’s timing.

We were waiting for the appointment, thankful that we made it, and the orthopedic doctor came in. I thought this appointment would be full of options, opportunities and I was hopeful that the doctor would have other options to surgery on her hip. To my dismay, she said surgery was her only option. It would be a 6 plus hour surgery and 6 plus week recovery. I was so shocked that I barely took it all in. After the afternoon we had, plans changing, tires popping and now to hear that my child would need surgery and there was no other options. How was this fair?

We headed back via Uber to the bookstore where our tires were fixed and put back on my car and it was ready for us to make the long drive home. I had tears falling down my face thinking about the future. About how painful a surgery like that would be. About how my daughter, who has already suffered so much in life still shines her JOY for all to see. That despite her pain, despite things being so unfair for her, and despite seizures and disappointing news, she has a joy that is beyond words. Her joy is contagious to all who GET to be around her. Her joy is from the Lord.

“..the joy of the Lord is your strength”- Nehemiah 8:10

You see, there is so much JOY to be found, even in the midst of pain and hardships. God is there. He doesn’t leave us in our heartache and grief.

“Consider it pure JOY, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.”

The zoo didn’t work out for us, but we had special time together at the outdoor restaurant.

Both tires went flat, but God provided for us the first man we called to not only come help, but be there in less than 20 minutes so we could still make her appointment.

Her appointment didn’t go as planned and we didn’t get the news we wanted, but GOD. He will provide, He will sustain and HE will strengthen her, and our family, when the time comes.

“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore”- Psalm 16:11

You see, watching my daughter has taught me, your circumstances don’t define your joy. Joy is found through seeking God in all you do. Looking for him in all moments. Not only the moments when things are good and going your way. I pray that you seek out the joy of the Lord and that he finds you wherever you are in your journey of life.

Abbey Benjamin is a nurse, dance teacher, self published author, wife and mother. She lives in Mangham Louisiana her husband, Chris and children, Tommy and Avery Joy. Avery Joy was born with a genetic disorder that causes seizures and medical complexities. Through it all, they look for the JOY in the journey and enjoy advocating for inclusion for all.