
A LO Sister Conference Story You Need to Hear

by | Jul 29, 2024 | LO Youtube Imports

Meet Kaylan — a sister and friend with a testimony you must hear! Watch as she shares her journey to LO Sister Conference, how the LO Sister App taught her the power of community and how a hurricane couldn’t stop what God wanted to do in her life.

Her baptism story was so inspiring that when she shared it with Sadie Robertson Huff, she invited her on stage at conference to share it. Hear Kaylan’s heartfelt story of friendship, faith and the amazing ways God works in our lives.

Sisters and friends, we encourage you to join us at LO Sister Conference 2024 September 6th -7th in Monroe, Louisiana! Don’t miss this 2-day conference with some of our favorite speakers & leaders and surround yourself with women that will encourage and uplift you in your faith.

Register at LoSisterConference.com

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