How To: Chase Your Dreams

by | Jul 8, 2019 | Relationships, Sisterhood | 2 comments

We had SUCH a blast with our very first LO Vlog! And getting to share it all with you is the icing on the cake 🙂

Don’t we all have questions about our purpose in life? And even if we find our purpose, how do we chase it? With all the voices telling us why it won’t succeed, or why we just shouldn’t do it, we wanted to bring some truth today through these dream-chasing sisters.

We sat down with Liz and Olivia, owners of a home goods/lifestyle brand shop in the heart of Franklin, TN. Their homey decor and warm store vibes (and believe us, the vibes are on point) are only the half of it. Let us tell you, these sister have heart. Their desire to bring warmth to peoples homes as well as impacting their customers lives is what gives Living Franklin its magic. The best part of it is, they’re just like us! They’ve seen highs, lows, and everything in between (watch the video below for full details on their journey!) Yet in the end, they hold fast to this gift that God has given them. Even on their hardest days, they recall all that God did to get them to today and it provides hope for the present and future.

Friend, whatever is in your heart to do, we hope this inspires you to take that first, second, third, or final step today in pursuit of the dreams you have been given!

Watch our interview here!

Want the highlights of the story? You know we’ve got you!

After a while of living in the wonderful city of Franklin, Liz and Olivia both starting to grow a mutual love for the city and all of its charming features. Sitting at Frothy Monkey one day (a Franklin staple), they had an idea for creating an Instagram page to feature all the different shops and restaurants in Franklin.

For one of their first round of features, Liz and Olivia decided to interview the owner of a deli right in the heart of downtown. During the conversation, the sisters happen to mention that they would be interested in if the connecting space to the restaurant ever came available. A short two days later, the owner said that the space had indeed become vacant and that they are in the running for it.

Shocked but excited over the idea, they gave their dream of being store owners over to God in that moment.

Low and behold, they got the space. The time in between was a short month and a half but they trusted that anything could be possible with God behind it. Picking out their lovely home decor merchandise, their very own candle scent along with their store name, Living Franklin (named after their Instagram Page), they were on track for opening day, trusting every step of the way that God would allow it to all come together.

Opening day was a success! From a photo booth, to a flower cart, to clear weather (despite the forecast for the day being rain), the store was filled with local friends, family, and new customers! Their hearts were full as their dreams were being turned into reality right before their eyes.

Liz and Olivia admit that owning a store has its highs and lows. For example, they go through seasons when the business slows down or they deal with people making comments regarding the size of the space (it is the smallest store in Franklin– by size, not impact), but in those moments they always go back to the beginning and God’s faithfulness to bring them to a city they love, open up a space for them, and allow them to live out their dreams together. This is what keeps them going when the doubts creep in.

What else keeps them going is getting to witness the impact that this space makes on its customers. One customer in particular, Melinda, has been greatly impacted by the warm spirit of the store and the sisters.

Olivia recalls when Melinda starting coming in the store. Through each visit, they would share more of their hearts and over time got to know each other of a personal level. During the holiday season, Melinda brought the sisters an ornament that she had made out of twigs symbolizing how “God really uses brokenness and turns it into something beautiful”. Through continuing the conversation, Melinda opened up through tears about her season of loneliness and how God has used them as a reminder that she is never alone. “THIS is really what is it all about”, says Olivia.

All in all, Olivia and Liz’s hopes for the future would be that they continue to just take one step at a time in hopes that God would use the store in ways they can never imagine. “God gave us this store, and we pray he can use it in ways that go past our wildest dreams”, says Liz.

Friends, be encouraged by this! Just like these sisters, God has called YOU to a dream and will equip you with every possible thing you need to chase it. Even if your dream seems small, take this encouragement to know that even the smallest of spaces/dreams/ideas/prayers can turn into a huge kingdom impact, one Melinda at a time.

If you are ever in Franklin, be sure to visit Living Franklin and tell these sisters how this has impacted you! And check them out on Instagram to follow along with their dream!

We hope you love this vlog and will take your first step to chase your dream today. What is your dream? We would love to hear it below 🙂


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  1. Kelsey Daughtery

    My dream is to be a country music artist. I have always loved making music and during a time in my life I felt like God put it on my heart to commit to it. That time was lonely for me, but country music gave me friends, a hope, a dream, and a passion. It has brought me closer to Jesus and makes me feel like I can make a difference. Every day I work to write a new song and improve my voice to starting sharing something important. Dreams can come true with God in your heart because He is the one that lit the fire in your heart for that passion!

  2. Imyraly Corral

    I have been praying to God about a job opportunity that I have wanted for years. I finally got an interview and was ecstatic! I kept praying and telling God that I trusted His guidance and that if this job was for me, then that would be amazing but if not, I would take it as a way of Him showing me that I should pursue my passion even though it’s terrifying. Today, I got my rejection email for the job I wanted and I was heart broken and just wanted to cry but I just felt God telling me that this no, is a yes in another area of my life and that is to chase my dream of becoming a proposal planner. I was praying to Him and almost in tears when I got the notification for this vlog post and I knew that God was with definitely with me in that moment. This vlog came at a perfect time and I am forever grateful! God Bless?