Be Brave and Wait

by | Jan 29, 2018 | Life Advice, Relationships | 15 comments

For our first married Christmas, Jeremy got me tickets to Disneyland. It was my first time going as an adult, and I don’t really remember going us a kid because I was so young. I quickly realized it was one of my favorite places on earth. I remember thinking, “What if God designed us to live our whole life like we do when we’re in Disneyland—full, wide eyed, fearless, joy-filled, exploring, conquering, patient, laughing, shameless, in community, and squeezing His hand tightly through the ups and downs.

As Jeremy and I raced around Disneyland with our fast passes, I sensed the Lord saying to me: “There’s no such thing as a fast pass for life, Audrey.” Woah.

Then I was reminded of the scripture that says, “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12

Experiencing God means that we are brimming with uncontainable joy, the mark of His presence in and around our lives. I’ve come to realize that sometimes that joy is MORE complete, when we’ve faithfully and patiently waited. (John 15:11) As we stood in line for “Thunder Mountain Railroad” and “Cars,” the thought never crossed my mind to get out of line because I was tired of waiting. But it got me thinking…how often have I missed a “ride” in my own life, because I wasn’t willing to patiently wait, or because I was looking for a fast pass to no avail?

Waiting takes faith, and faith is putting our hope in something unseen. Think about how much MORE faith it would take to patiently wait in line for a ride that you have never seen? You wouldn’t know if it was safe or scary, if it would make your head spin or your stomach drop, how long it would last, and you wouldn’t be able to imagine your escape the ride broke down (I can’t be the only one who does this!) But faith in the unseen is a necessity to living a God-inspired life. A life to the full. So often in my life, I can’t see the ride ahead. I don’t know the wait time, and sometimes I feel like I don’t even meet the height requirement—but God relentlessly whispers to me: “Stay in line, the ride will be worth it if you patiently. Trust me in the waiting.”

I feel like every aspect of my life is marked by waiting to some degree. Waiting for direction, marriage, healing, provision, transformation, clarity, redemption, etc. Through many seasons, I’ve found myself waiting, wondering when I will finally get to enjoy the ride. But Psalm 27:14 has always been an encouragement to me, “Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.” I love how this verse describes waiting as brave and courageous.  I think waiting can get a bad rap sometimes. Waiting for that perfect job instead of just applying for another one, waiting for that promotion when it’s easier to just go somewhere else, waiting for Mr. right when you could just date more Mr. Wrong’s, waiting for healing when you could give up the fight, saving yourself for marriage with you could so easily give in, the list goes on… but I love that God describes waiting as BRAVE and COURAGEOUS.

Maybe God meant for us to embrace our whole lives like we embrace Railroad rollercoasters, firework shows and Adventureland—brave, courageous, bold, aware, expecting, curious, with other people, and…. PATIENTLY. Let’s be patience “riders,” trusting that He who goes before us is SO faithful, and He desires that our joy might be complete. May you always embrace patience, confidently knowing that it will produce more joy. Always more joy.

What are you patiently waiting for? Or maybe you just recently stepped out of line because you got tired of waiting. Ask the Lord to show you what he wants you to wait patiently for. His timing is perfect.

“But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.” – Romans 8:25

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9

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  1. Michaela Huddleston

    Just wrote about this same topic on my blog last night, that’s crazy. God must be trying to show our generation to be patient in this crazy world!

  2. DeLexis Barnabie

    God is something else! Today was a rough day for me and God directed me to your writing here, which spoke to every single struggle I was facing today. I had grown frustrated with the waiting game, and God spoke through you to me. Please keep writing. God’s going somewhere with your thoughts convictions and words!

  3. Desiree Hernandez

    The past 2 months have been a roller coaster; looking for an apartment, a job and deciding to continue my relationship or not. I have been praying for direction in my relationship. It’s hard. Today, we decided to meet with our pastor to discuss breaking the news to our little ones. I came across your post. I don’t know if it’s a sign to be patient, fight and just wait for His time. I don’t know.. But thank you!!

  4. Brooklyn Goins

    NEEDED THIS. I am in a process of waiting right now and it has been so frustrating. This is such an encouragement to keep waiting and to keep seeking Him in the waiting. And as well to be fearless in the waiting, and not to be ashamed that I don’t have the answers but excited for what is to come. Thank you thank you thank you for sharing!

  5. Jennifer Martin

    This is the third (yes, third) devotional I’ve read about waiting today. I guess God is really trying to tell me to wait for His perfect timing! ??

  6. Elizabeth Kirsch

    Thank you for this I really needed at this time in my life. So many people try to say you need to experience it before, why are you waiting, their is no need for it. But I truly believe it’s what God wants me to do. I’m getting older and I get lonely but I know their is someone out their for me.

  7. Kim Mercado

    Part of the message at my church this sunday! This message is so beautiful and eye opening in so many levels. Thank you so much for sharing this with the world. Waiting does have a bad rep, but many don’t realize how educational the waiting process is, and that suspense that is built during the waiting period makes it so much more rewarding.

  8. Kayleigh Kastelein

    Along with the Disney theme… I once went to Disney World. My friends convinced me to go on space mountain. To build some context… I HATE roller coasters. Space Mountain is a roller coaster built in a big dome, so you can not what the roller coaster actually looks like. I stood in line so nervous for what I convinced my friends to make me go on. Just like Audrey was saying that what if we had to stand in line for a ride we could not see, I was in that exact position. I was ready to turn around and head out of that line, but I had friends who were next to me and encouraging me to go on. I think that is sooo important in our walk with God. In time of waiting, we need to have those friends and mentors next to us encouraging to go on. To pursue to wait because they know it will be worth it. And guess what? Space mountain is now my favorite ride of all time!!

  9. Donna Gulyas

    I am waiting patiently to feel healthy for the first time in my life….all 63 years of it. I have had Fibromyalgia since I was a tot, ME/CFS (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) for the past 20 years, asthma for 34 years, and a couple of dozen other health challenges. When our children were young, I was able to volunteer as an EMT in our town for about ten years, until my ME/CFS caused my body to crash. I’ve been homebound for the past 3 1/2 years because of the post-exertional malaise, which is the toughest symptom of ME/CFS. There is no cure and, as of yet, they have not developed any medications nor treatments for it. We’re trying to get our insurance to at least pay part of the cost for a foldable electric wheelchair that will fit in our old, little car, but we will have to pay at least $500 our of our pockets. My hubby lost his job last year and is turning 65 in February. He has a tough time pushing me in a regular wheelchair because of me being so overweight. But, I am convinced that God will provide in his own time frame. He will provide the medical researches answers to find the causes of Fibromyalgia and ME/CFS, along with medications and treatments……and help us finally find a way to get the foldable electric wheelchair so that I can finally expand my horizons and get out of the house. I haven’t seen most of our kids and grandkids for 2 1/2 years because they live 1200+ miles away and I can no longer travel from Florida to Connecticut and back again (flying is terrible on my body, so it must be by car). But I am convinced that God continues to utilize me to reach out and help others through our online support group. I think that’s what all my health challenges are for. My hubby and I have always prayed for God to guide us to reach out to help others. Helping others feels so Heavenly good. That’s why I have continue to be patient with God and my faith in Him. We love God so dearly and have total faith in Him to help us and provide for us when the time is right for Him. God is so very patient with us. He is who I learned to be patient from……through His guidance. God is our grandest blessing! With prayers, positive thoughts, love and gentle hugs…..
    Donna Gulyas

  10. Kennedie Burston

    Ummm, wow. This blog post has truly blessed my life but most importantly my perspective on being patient. I realize that God will always provide even if it’s not on our time and it’s so easy to believe that it won’t happen because we get a little (or a lot) anxious. Thank you for sharing what God placed on your heart!

  11. Aimee Levy

    Needed to read this today. Thank you for unabashedly sharing your faith with your followers…your little family is a bright light and I hope you guys feel the difference you’re making by encouraging others to seek the Lord in all that they do. xx

  12. Robin Dwyer

    You are very wise for a lady that is so young. Your an inspiration for us at any age.

  13. Kylie Gillespie

    Wow. I’m actually going to Disney for my 16th birthday next month so this hit right at home. (I think I used that expression correctly). I actually read this for a second time and jotted several things in my notes. So thank you!!

  14. Elise Ferrier

    Thank you for that passage…My Dad just had a procedure at the hospital…waiting for him to get better, sometimes I get mad at God for all this….But when I am alone and I pray…I feel like God will take care of him and us all…thanks again. 🙂

  15. Jennifer Lynn Callahan

    This spoke to my heart so deeply — I am smack dab in the middle of a season of wait and this is a timely reminder to press on bravely, courageously, and full of faith in what I cannot see.