A Note for the Holiday Season

by | Nov 28, 2024 | Featured, Grief, Hope, LO Library, Perspective

For some of us, this holiday season marks a joyful “first”: baby’s first Christmas, first year married, first year being all together.

For others, this year may mark a “first” that feels anything but joyful: first year without “them”, first year with the diagnosis, first year alone. And for others, it may not be a “first”, but this holiday season carries a heaviness that can’t quite be put into words, even if you tried.

Did you know that the word “holiday” comes from an Old English words meaning “holy day?” I believe this is so important because when we first think of the holiday season, it’s so easy to measure it on the scale of whether it’s going to be a “good” “bad” or “hard” holiday season. But what if the origin of this word opens up so much more meaning of the holidays for each of us, no matter what season we find ourselves in?

What if we asked Jesus, the author of our stories, the following questions as we kick off the seasons festivites:

Lord, what does clinging to your holiness in the brokenness look like this holiday season?
Jesus, how can I bring your sacred presence into my home, even if my family can’t get along?
God, what areas of my life am I not leaning on your holy presence?

My prayer for you, is that you would see these holy moments found in God’s presence all around you this holiday season. Not in spite of what you are carrying this year, but through it.

I pray that the “God of all comfort who comforts us in all our affliction” (2 Cor. 1:3-4) will draw near to you this year, nearer than you ever knew possible.

I pray that if you’re in the valley, Jesus would wrap his arms around you through His presence, His word, and His people. And if you are the friend walking alongside someone in the valley, that you would comfort them just as you have been comforted through the power of prayer and presence.

If I’ve learned anything, it’s that we as humans need two fundamental things in life: We need God and we need each other 🤍

Let’s be people who seek help when we needed this year and also be those who keep our eyes open for those who may need a smile, a hug, and prayer.

Happy Holy Days, friends 🫶🏼

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