Why We Tell Our Kids the Hard Parts of Our Story & Building a Family Legacy | Korie & Beth

by | Sep 24, 2024 | LO Youtube Imports

Why is it important to be honest with your kids about your family’s darker history? Korie Robertson and Beth Redman share why they feel it’s important to let children hear about their family’s not-so-proud moments and what kids can learn from the mistakes of their parents and grandparents. But finding ways to speak life and hope into each other are just as important, so Korie and Beth give some ideas from their own lives to help your family establish a foundation of stability, comfort, and love. It’s something you all do together and it doesn’t matter how creative, how big, how small, how “basic,” or even how silly it is, it’s yours!

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LO Mama host Korie Robertson starred on A&E’s hit reality TV show Duck Dynasty and produced The Blind, a film about the true story of the Robertson family. She and her husband, Willie, have 6 kids. Together, they grew their family business, Duck Commander, from a living room operation into a destination for all things outdoors. They also built Tread Lively, a multimedia production company that creates films, television shows, and award-winning podcasts that lift up the culture.


Beth Redman is married to Matt and they have 5 children. An author, communicator and Dove-award winning songwriter, Beth carries a passion to speak into the lives of women and their walks with God.

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