
by | Sep 15, 2020 | Life Advice | 5 comments

“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.” 1 Peter 2:9-10

Lately when I have been praying, I have noticed images of princesses. And yes, I’m talking about full-on Disney princesses! How many of us have seen the live-action films of the Disney movies? Each time I see a trailer for a live-action film, my childhood memory races back in time and sparks the childlike joy in my heart again. I can hardly wait for the movie to hit the theaters and when it does you better believe I’ll be there with a coke and popcorn in hand!

Recently, there have been multiple releases of princess movies and the remaking of the movies in “human” form such as Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, and Beauty and the Beast. Every time I watch one of these princess movies, it never fails y’all, I end up in a PUDDLE of tears from beginning to end. Also end up in embarrassment because people look at me like I am crazy. BUT, after the first time I found myself in tears from one of these princess movies, I truly asked myself, “Gabby, why are you this emotional about a Disney film that you have watched COUNTLESS times growing up? The question stuck in my mind for days.

In these movies, we see the young, beautiful girl that usually faces A LOT of challenges and then ends up meeting the love of her life, dancing away into happily ever after. We see the beauty she posses, the ability to love, and her heart that wants to be noticed and rescued by the prince.

That is when it hit me. These movies reminded me of the deepest longing in my heart – to be fully loved, known, and seen. The longing in my heart that no human flesh could ever fill. Have you ever heard of “God-sized holes” in our hearts? There is a place in your heart, sweet sister, a place in your soul, that nothing can fill except for the God. At our inner-most being, we long for Him and for His affection.

Psalm 23:1-6, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.”

Have you ever searched for something before that when you found what you were looking for you say to yourself, “Oh!! It was there the whole time!” I cannot tell you how many times I have had my phone in my hand, walking around my house and searching left and right to find it! It is only until I come to my senses and realize that my phone was in my hand the whole time. I believe that we can do that with God as well, sister.

I used to search for acceptance in all the wrong places. I would look to flesh to tell me my worth. I would look to the “popular” group of girls to validate my status in school. I would restrict and binge on food in order to see a number on a scale that told me I looked good. I was looking for my Happily Ever After everywhere. What I failed to realize however was that God was with me that entire time. He never left my side. I was seeking in the wrong places trying to find the answer, but the answer was not there. I already HAD the answer in the palm of my hand, I just had to realize that it was there and that THAT was what I was searching for the entire time. My Happily Ever After is not in the far-off distance over the untouchable horizon. My Happily Ever After is here and now because Christ rescued me.

“You will also be a crown of beauty in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of your God.” Isaiah 62:3

How beautiful. How assuring. How sweet is it to know that we are crowned by the One True King? Take a moment to take that in, sister.

You are chosen.

You are enough.

You are clothed in righteousness.

You are crowned in beauty.

You are royalty.

Let’s think about it though- Jesus is King. We are daughters of THE King. Therefore, that makes us royalty, or in other words, a princess. You see sister, that longing in our heart for acceptance and to be loved is not placed there by coincidence. The desires of our heart are not to be taken lightly because Christ has carefully positioned them there. He created us with the desire for us to long after him. To seek His face. To lean not on our own understanding, but in all things, trust Him.

He is the answer to our Happily Ever After. We do not need to search in areas that bring temporary fixes anymore. We do not need to hope that someone will notice us one day. We do not need to seek to be rescued from the tower. We do not need to perform so that we will be accepted and liked.

Christ is already with you.

 Sister, you do not need to fight anymore. The battle is won; the Lord has crowned you. 

 “I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.” Galatians 2:20

Gabby Rousse Gregory is a lover of Jesus, people, her hubby, and coffee! Gabby’s prayer is to help others grow into the woman that God has uniquely created them to be through fashion & faith?

You can also find Gabby on LO sister as an ambassador where she encourages, uplifts, and mentors thousands of members. Find out more at

Follow Gabby on Instagram @gabbyrousse

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  1. annika

    can you please make tons of wallpapers for this post ????? i want to be reminded of this!

  2. celina ruscica

    I loved this new message on royalty I’ve had a friend/mentor remind me many times on how I’m royalty and I believe it and I still have to remind myself that I still am that when I face hard times . But I Feel like this is funny and interesting that I was just taking time to thank God for giving me more favour and blessings, also for giving me things I deserve . Cause I kept praying for more favour and blessings to come to me and now I’m suddenly seeing some blessings just drop in my hands just as I prayed it would for maybe a couple weeks now and Ive had great things drop so easily into my life before and I knew God could do those things again . I just remember telling my self today out loud thank you Lord for these random blessings of opportunity that I’m suddenly getting and I know it’s because I’m God’s daughter and princess and royalty and that he loves me , and then that last part hit me more, because it’s true he gives me the best and is there for me cause he loves me and he’s showing his loyalty and care towards me. I just thought it was interesting how I was thinking and saying similar things to my self and God today . And now I was reading similar things today on this message and as soon as it showed up on my phone I read the title and I thought oh this should be good and I should probably read it . Thanks again! Blessings!

  3. Saundra Davis

    Oh my goodness. I’m in tears! What a beautiful & true reminder! Thank you so much for this wonderful blog post!

  4. Abby

    Tears welled up in my eyes as I read this. The Lord positioned this post at such the perfect time. Thank you for writing such an encouraging and beautiful message.

  5. Cheasa Coon

    Wow. What a sweet reminder! The homegroup I meet with through our church is currently studying and walking through Psalm 23. I have been constantly reminded lately of how we are seen. Jesus meets us right where we are no matter how chaotic or messy we are. Even when we endure dark days and walk through valleys, it does not compare to the suffering Jesus went through. I think He allows us and wants us to experience suffering so we can be joined alongside him in it.